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Zina of the Eyes

It is amazing how we abuse our sight on a daily basis and don't even seem to realise it.

It is one of those sins that is so easy to commit that absolutely not effort is required especially in a non muslim country, not that it is difficult in a muslim country. Everywhere you look there is nudity, we have become so accustomed to it that it's just a part of life. You don't have to be young either, you can be in you 80's with one leg in the grave and the other on a banana peel but still you can commit this sin just as easily as an 18 year old.

May Allah Swt firstly open my eyes to this reality and grant me the taufiq to refrain from this evil as well as every believing muslim. Ameen.

Assalamu Alaikum

I am from South Africa, and love to hear about some of the challenges faced by the muslims in the UK and the world over. I am pretty sure many of you on this forum are far more knowledgeable than myself, so I am looking forward to learn a lot from you guys.

I hope to challenge as well as be challenged in a constructive way, insha allah we can all benefit from this. Please excuse my ignorance of Islam in certain aspects and feel free to guide me towards the right path.
