3 Amazing Courses- Imam Tahir Anwa'rs Message
published by bhevents on 6 October, 2010 - 16:47
3 Amazing Courses by Baitul Hikmah
1) Hajj: Seminar for Sisters
Sunday 10th October
Berner Centre , Ponler St,
off Cannon St Rd, London E1 1QN
Journey of a Lifetime (A Guide to Hajj)
It is described as a journey that cannot be described with the limited words in a dictionary. A compulsory act which brings tranqulity to ones heart. How does one make this beautiful journey successful and beneficial to ones self? What are the lessons to learn from this wonderful journey? How does one prepare for this blessed journey?
FREE Entry
2) Tajweed The Perfect Melody Level 1 (12 Week Course)
Sisters: 16th October
Mulberry School, Richard St, Anthony St entrance,
off Commercial Rd, London E1 2JP