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Neda Soltani: 'The media mix-up that ruined my life'

Neda Soltani and Neda Agha-Soltan (AP)

Neda Soltani (left) and Neda Agha-Soltan (right)

In June 2009, a woman was shot dead in a demonstration in Tehran. Neda Agha-Soltan became the face of the Iranian protest movement - except that it was not her face to begin with, but the face of university teacher Neda Soltani. Here, Neda Soltani tells her disturbing story.

The Lyrical Miracle Tour: November '12


Tickets only £5.00

5 Cities: Bradford, Huddersfield, Sheffield, Newcastle & Birmingham

(You might have seen the leaflet around, if not, here's a copy of the Birmingham one)

23 November - Birmingham

Bradford: Monday 19th November 2012, 6pm-9pm:

John Stanley Bell Lecture Theatre, D Floor, Richmond Building, University of Bradford, Richmond Road, Bradford, BD7 1DP.

Brothers 07769203336

Sisters 07714274469

Don't let Pudsy be alone with kids!


The BBC has banned Children in Need’s Pudsey Bear from being alone with kids over fears of “improper conduct” accusations.

Dozens of Beeb staff nationwide are expected to dress up as the mascot and his pal Blush for Friday’s TV charity spectacular, hosted by Terry Wogan. The BBC’s guidelines include not initiating hugs because “a handshake or a wave is better”. The bears should also keep hands visible in pictures and never be left alone with children.

The Muslim fashion magazine that outsells Vogue

The Muslim fashion magazine, Ala appeals to a conservative, chic female market in Turkey and in its debut year (2012outsold Vogue and many other established fashion magazines. Interviewer: So what are the guidelines for conservation chic? Editor: We should cover our body except our hands, feet and face. Interviewer: Do you want the clothes to make Muslim women look attractive? Editor: No, we don't want to look attractive. Interviewer: But this to me, does look attractive, attractive clothes and an attractive woman. LOL

Read more on:


As you may have gathered, Issue 19 is all out of the way and now its time to concentrate on the next issue. Yes, thats ISSUE 20! For this issue, we'll be having an interview section, so obviously we're interested in hearing your suggestions.

So, who do you want The Revival Team to interview? Whose opinions on certain topics would you like to know? What makes this person special? Which person have you met or heard of, who has impacted you and society in general? Is there somebody you look upto as an inspiration and are they one of your many role models? Who is this 'someone' you'd love to know more about?

So, all i'm asking you to do is to tell me who you'd like to hear from. Who do you think we should interview and if possible, what should we ask them?
