published by fiddycent on 29 November, 2005 - 11:50
Imlooking for a pakistani girl to be a pen pal, pm me if ur interested.
This is NOT the place or penpals. Or matremonials.
Imlooking for a pakistani girl to be a pen pal, pm me if ur interested.
This is NOT the place or penpals. Or matremonials.
what u mean hope they might? course they will have a little faith
come on man u
why is it that u read different in juma namaaz then in other namaaz?
e.g. 4 sunnat
4 sunnat
2 farz
2 nafl
What happens if u cant make it 2 mosque? what shud u read at home then?
what is the reasoning behind:
kissing ur thumbs and placing them on ur eyes when the prophetrs name is mentioned?
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