Forum Topics




In the next issue of The Revival our regular fetaure Voice Of The Muslim is asking ppl across the Uk the following questions:

Do young Muslims today like to mix and integrate with non Muslims at college/uni, work and especially in their everyday life? Do young Muslims actually have close friends who ar enon-muslims? Or do they prefer segregation? Or do they beleive non Muslims don't wanna mix with us? Or the old view most non Muslims are racist/Islamophobic?


Please take part and give your consent to use your comment in the magazine.


grooming and the muslim community- question time

The">]The recent conviction of muslim asian men from rochdale/oldham of grooming, sexually abusing white girls has become national/intrenational news

it was discussed tonite in Oldham on Question Time:

so do you think this case was a race issue, asiam muslim men attacking girls cos they were white eg easy meat?

or were these guys just perverts/peadophiles?

does muslim/asian community have deep -rooted issue sor is this a one off?

Writers required- The Revival mag online

The Revival Magazine print version is currently on hold and now we are hoping to launch an on-line magazine.

So we are in need of regular writers for the on-line mag.

If you are a writer or have strong views on issues facing Muslims today then why not get on board with the revival- we do aim to represent the voice of the Muslim youth.

Send me a PM or an email to: if interested.



Make Bradford British, Channel 4, preview
Channel 4's latest social experiment attempts to answer what it means to be British, says Andrew Marszal

‘When’s the last time you’ve come out in a miniskirt and a low-cut top?” asks a large, menacing man in a bomber jacket, sipping on his pint in a Bradford inner-city pub. It’s benefits day, and the Boy and Barrel is crowded with regulars. The girl he’s talking to says that she simply doesn’t want to. “That’s wrong that… Have you even tried a miniskirt?” Another patron chimes in: “I think you’d look bloody lovely in a miniskirt.” A woman at the bar says: “If you want to be here, dress like us.”

Do you celebrate the Mawlid/Milad?


So do you celebrate the mawlid/milad?

yes, no, why?

if you do how do you do it?

if not what's the main reasons...

How is it done in your town/city/local mosque?

Lets not get in to sectarian debates... and accuse each other of bidah, kufr etc...

If those who celebrate it and those who don't communicate properly hatred disappears and you start to understand and appreciate each other instead of seeing the other as 'wahabi', 'brelwi', 'deobandi', 'salfi', etc...


Great Manchester Run- raising funds for The Revival


I will inshallah take part in the Great Manchester Run on 20th May. Its 10km. I aim to get many donations/sponsors for The Revival magazine.

I will appreciate here if EVERYONE made some kind of a donation/contribution.

As we are not a registered charity as yet we dont have a just giving account so any donations would have to be through cheques. If you are interested please email/pm me and I will send you teh correspondence adress to send payments.

I will start my training this weekend...I have almost 4 enough time to get in shape and run the race well.

You can also take part in the Run if you live in the north. Just register on the Great Manchester website.




Im working on a project if succesful it will be published as a book inshallah.

I've always thought there isn't a book out there where young Muslims can turn to who are turning to Islam or beginning to understand stuff they are confused with etc.. and if it is its not widely acvailable.

Whether at school, college or uni. whether in prison or in your late 30's etc.... and even something that parents/elders can refer to when answering/guiding younger ppl/kids/relatives etc...

Everytime I chat with young ppl it always questions on arrivals, marriage, beard, sects, black magic, 2 eids, mosques, imams, madhabs, boy/girlfriends, etc etc....

Muslim Personalities of the Year 2011


Its time to think about all the positive contributions from Muslim personalities in the last 12 months....

Apart from Joie de Vivre who has impressed you? who has stood out? who has stood up for the Muslims? who deserves credit for their hard work etc.... Joie de Vivre is a cut above everyone, and it wouldn't be fair on everyone else to include him.

So we should have :
1. Muslim personality of the year
2. Non Muslim personality...
3. Revival Forum personality...

so let the nominations begin...

