
Can Muslims Go To The Pub? Even If They Do Not Drink?

Shaykh Salim Ghisa


Are Muslims allowed to go to the pub even if they do not drink, especially if it is work related?


By Shaykh Salim Ghisa

No. In Islam places which are allocated for the use of Haram activities are forbidden to enter even if it is not for consuming the Haram. The reason for this is that these are places which gain the wrath and the curse of Allah and also as a Muslim one must ensure that their outwardly actions do not lead others to doubt them, therefore going in to Pubs, Clubs, Casinos, dance bars etc could make a person who sees this individual think that they are going in for the wrong reasons.

Allah's Messenger (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) cursed ten people in connection with alcohol:

Editorial - Who Am I?

Sajid Iqbal

I am a father, a mother, a husband, a wife, a brother, a sister, a son and a daughter. I am a child, a teenager and an adult. I am a neighbour, team mate, work colleague and soul mate. I am a student, a graduate and a teacher. I am soap mad, a football fan, a food fanatic and a shopaholic. I am normal, special, ambitious, creative and fun.

So what am I? I am a Muslim.

Online Exclusive: From the Forums

This is a bonus article that is not in the print version of the magazine.



Is anyone sick of saying it?

Do people not SEE the hijaab or beard?

Mr Honey's Day Out:

It is better than ignoring you. If I was your friend and inviting people down the pub I'd feel terrible just specifically inviting everyone except you.

If you can't go and order a Coke, maybe it is your opportunity to suggest something specific another time.


Emails to the Editor

Select messages received by the Editor

Assamualaikum Brother,

I would just like to start by saying we all know you are trying to do a good job in the way of Allah by writing a magazine for the Muslim youth but have you ever really thought about the topics you are writing about?!? Banging on about the youth of this time and pointing out how misguided they are and writing about what you think people get up to these days in not going to want to make youngsters embrace our religion.

Idiots Guide to the Qur'an

By Sajid Iqbal

1. What is the Quran?

The Quran is the Muslim holy book, ya’ know like the Bible is to Christianity and the Torah is to Judaism. It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) through the Angel Gabriel. The Quran is the record of the exact words revealed by God to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Did you know that the Quran is a 'first-person' revelation, and is the authentic expression of the divine voice of the Almighty? The Quran offers a revelation from the point of view of God Himself.

2. Why was it revealed?

The Quran was sent to the whole of mankind for all times and not just for Muslims. The Quran is an instruction manual for life. If you follow it you will never go wrong. God says in the Quran:

Animal Rennet - Is it Halaal?


Animal Rennet. When is it acceptable to consume and for whom. Is the rennet of an animal killed with a bolt to the head Halal? Is this the same ruling as for slaughter?


By Shaykh Salim Ghisa

First of all one must understand the definition of Animal rennet. Also this ruling is according to the Hanafi school of thought and is as follows;

The lawfulness of rennet does not depend on the slaughterer being a Muslim or non-Muslim, in fact it depends upon whether there is life in it or not. The circulation of blood in an organ is the cause of life. No blood flows through rennet; therefore rennet is not a living thing. Therefore, it cannot 'die' and it is thus permissible to consume rennet like dairy products.

Issue 9 Fun Page: Not Just A Pretty Face?

Let’s find out shall we! Answer these simple Brain teasers:

Brain Teaser the First

Three women each have two daughters. They are having lunch at a restaurant. There are only seven chairs in the restaurant. All the women are seated.

Question: How is this possible?

Brain Teaser the Second

Suppose 6 monkeys take 6 minutes to eat 6 bananas.

  1. How many minutes would it take 3 monkeys to eat 3 bananas?
  2. How many monkeys would it take to eat 54 bananas in 54 minutes?

Brain Teaser the Third

Purpose of Fasting

Shaykh Salim Ghisa


The purpose of fasting in Ramadan is to achieve Taqwa, i.e. to become God-fearing and pious etc. But I fast year in, year out and see no change… especially when Ramadan is over! So what can I do to help become and remain a God-fearing and pious person?


By Shaykh Salim Ghisa

In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala says:

"O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become pious." (Al-Baqarah, 2:183)

Fasting has many benefits and grades. People believe that just by staying hungry and thirsty from dawn ‘til dusk it will make them a pious person.
