Forum Topics

Say YES to Peace.

In the spirit of peace, reconciliation and forgiveness that Ramadan
brings, Adage translation is launching a campaign of global unity, a
call for peace voiced in the words of Prophet Muhammad peace and
blessings of God be upon him.
A universal message, a humanitarian message.
Say yes to peace
Please join us in this campaign, spread the word and reflect on how
you can make a difference on peace day on the 21st of September.!/...46530922026444

Visit to learn more about peace and
to learn more about us.

يعود إلينا شهر رمضان في كل عام ليجدد الدعوة إلى السلام والوئام والمغفرة
وهذه الرسالة الإنسانية الخالدة تنقلها لكم أداج للترجمة بكلمات رسولنا الكريم عليه صلاة الله وسلامه طيلة شهر رمضان.

Adage: Muhammd's teaching to mankind

Assalamu alaykum,

Adage Ltd. is a non-profit translation and education company registered in the United Kingdom. Adage is dedicated to produce a complete database of ahādīth translated into English and has the capacity to incorporate several additional languages in the future, if God wills. The translated ahādīth will be available online on a regular basis as well as published when work on the English phase is completed. For more information about this project, kindly visit our website: