Forum Topics

Daughters providing personal care to their elderly father

I thought this deserved its own thread and its a good question as well.

love to live but living to die wrote:

Question: is it halal for a daughter to carry out personal care (u know what i mean) on her old and feeble father (who can't do it himself, and who doesn't want an outsider doing it and who doenst have a son or a wife)?

As far as im aware you not suppose to look at another persons private bits. That includes a women looking at another women, husband looking at his wife or vice versa a wife looking at the husband. I think its considered makroo but I could be wrong. Also when someone dies they put a sheet over that person and stick their hand under the sheet to wash the persons body (so I have been told).

Camp America

Salaam ppl

Has anyone ever participated in this? If you have what was the experience like?

Has anyone considered doing this?

Does anyone know someone who has done this?

Do you even know what im on about?

If not click camp America.

Was chatting to a woman at work about this and she were saying her son went and had an awesome time. Im think about doing it but there are two things that are putting me off:

No.1 its in America

No.2 you have to trek it all the way down to London to attend a 20 minute interview for a visa.


Islamic awareness week

MMU Islamic Society presents

***Islamic Awareness Week***

Monday 25th Feb
Talk: Islam Hijacked - Misconceptions of Islam
By: Dr Munir Ahmed
Starts 5:30pm | Geoffrey Manton Lecture theatre 1

Tuesday 26th Feb
Talk: Jesus: the Prophet of Islam
By: Asad Zaman
Starts: 5:30pm | Geoffrey Manton Lecture theatre 1

Wednesday 27th Feb
Talk: Modal Behaviour (SISTER'S ONLY)
By: Siste Aisha Fontaine (ex model)
Starts 4pm - late | Cavendish prayer hall
(followed by henna and beauty tips)

Thursday 28th Feb
Talk: Understanding Sharia Law - the 5 pillars of Islam
