
Freedom is cheap

Currently the middle east is going through a set of disturbances, something which is undoing a part of what was done there a century ago when the countries were carved up and eventually lead to a multitude of despicable regimes.

What they are fighting for is also a multitude of things, but a major theme is one of dignity and freedom. and jobs and prosperity, but the latter can be eased by the former.

So far Tunisia and Egypt caved and the regimes fell - the end result may be for the good, or it may be the same or worse, as instability always has a price.

Yemen is brinking on the edge of total chaos where the ruling President has promised to stand down but not many believe him. Some prominent figures, including in the army have asked him to go, others have asked him to stay.

Sunnah of Allah by Shaykh Muhammad Yusri

Sunnah of Allah

- FREE PUBLIC EVENT - Saturday 30th April


BY Shaykh Muhammad Yusri – Egypt

What are these Sunnah of Allaah and how do we relate to them
The Intent, Planning and Actions of Allaah
Allaah is in Control and involved in the Affairs of the Creation

This is a FREE EVENT for Brothers & Sisters
Refreshments will be provided

Venue: London Muslim Center (LMC), 1st Floo, 46-92 Whitechapel Road, London E1 1JX

Nearest Tube: Whitechapel & Algate East Station
Nearest Bus: 205,25,254 & D3

Suleiman: The CIA's man in Cairo

On January 29, Omar Suleiman, Egypt’s top spy chief, was anointed vice president by tottering dictator, Hosni Mubarak. By appointing Suleiman, part of a shake-up of the cabinet in an attempt to appease the masses of protesters and retain his own grip on the presidency, Mubarak has once again shown his knack for devilish shrewdness. Suleiman has long been favoured by the US government for his ardent anti-Islamism, his willingness to talk and act tough on Iran - and he has long been the CIA’s main man in Cairo.

Read more @

Mubarak Falls

Well, not yet, but it is only a matter of time.

EDIT - You read it here first! - END EDIT

The army has been called into quell the protests and he was supposed to make a speech on Egyptian TV - a speech that has been postponed.

It seems that Mubarak's primary backer has pulled out - from The Guardian describes his view of the US position, which if true more or less means they no longer think Mubarak will be in power for long:

Egypt Protests On The Road To Revolution?

Assalamu alaikum

Protests in Egypt, people want to oust Hosni Mubarak. On Youtube google egypt protests 2011. I saw one clip where the crowds made the riot police retreat in fear.

I just wonder what are they protesting for fair democratic rule, or a fair islamic state? Anyone know?

Keep up with it, and insha'Allah pray for the muslim brothers and sisters over there.

P.S Lebanon are also protesting against their new leader hezbullah's najib miqati, youtube it. Also see presstv. But here there is possible sectarian violence, sunnis view it as a religious war against them.

Egypt Rises

Today was a in Egypt (and other places most notably Lebanon) - something sparked off by the success of the protests in Tunisia.

From the pictures and videos I have seen they seem pretty crappy, but they are still the largest disturbance against the regime in like a generation. Some things start small I guess - let's see where this goes.

Back in the day people used to use words like "may you live in interesting times" as a curse but its good to see despotic dictators and leaders in the arab world quake in their boots.
