
"Police, STOP!"

Militarised Police

Imagine a scene from any police show. Police officer is outside home of a suspect of some random crime. Suspect sees officer, starts running. Officer give chase, pulls gun. Due to no clear line of sight or presence of others that can be injured, officer heroically decides not to shoot. Story moves along.

How many times have people seen the above without any quesiton of what is actually being displayed?

Granted, this is fictional and not the real police, but it has become normal to expect such behaviour is American copy shows. No one will think that there is something wrong with the actions of the police in the above scenario.

Army or Police?

why do we have army and police? why not just police?

well what i see physicaly is the army killing people overseas. no achievements. no change. just killing.

police is nessesary but why army? for example british troops killing people in the middle east. Ummah taking over britain.

who is winning if its a war? the british kill a few and then eventually leave. wile the Ummah is here to stay and spreading.

type "islam will take over the world in 50 years" on youtube.com

i think we should all scrap the army and focus on having a strong loyal but Conscientious police force.

what is the purpouse of the army? why do we really need them?

Qasas and Diyat fitna Lahore police hunt 'blood money' suspect

Pakistani police have launched a murder hunt after the widow and mother-in-law of a man shot dead by CIA contractor Raymond Davis last year were killed.

Police suspect Zohra Haider's father of killing her and her mother.

It is thought he was upset at her plans to re-marry, fearing either dishonour or that he might lose out financially.

The acquittal came when relatives of the dead men pardoned him in court in return for receiving compensation estimated to be about 200 million rupees ($2.34m, £1.1m), known as "blood money". Under Pakistani Sharia law, relatives of a murder victim can pardon the killer.

Police 'need riot tactic rules', watchdog says

Police should be given clear rules about when they can use water cannon and plastic bullets against rioters, a watchdog has said

But officers could lawfully have shot arsonists in some cases during the summer rioting in England, the Inspectorate of Constabulary said.

Water cannon and plastic bullets could have been used in a "number of real scenarios", its report suggested.


Police give out 10,000 sweets in bid to keep rowdy students quiet

Officers will hand out the rock sweets, which bear the messages ‘Quiet Please’ and ‘Shush’ to drinkers

Police have bought 10,000 sweets to hand out to students to remind them to be quiet when they come home from a night out.

Officers will hand the rock sweets, which bear the messages ‘Quiet Please’ and ‘Shush’, to drinkers in Durham.

These will be reserved for busy nights in the city and handed out when officers feel revellers need a reminder to keep the noise down as they make their way home.

The idea follows complaints about rowdy students in residential areas.

Late-night noise is a genuine issue for a number of our residents and we hope that this initiative will make a difference.

Riots report: Public lacked faith in police response

A lack of confidence in the police response to the initial riots in London in August led to further disturbances across England, a report has concluded.

The Riots, Communities and Victims Panel found it had "encouraged people to test reactions in other areas"


Stop and searches carried out: 100,000+, Terrorists caught: zero

Over 100,000 stops-and-searches: zero terrorists

When it comes to wasting police time, the biggest offenders appear to be...the police. That, at least, appears to be the conclusion of the Home Office. Its official statistics, published today, show that while police stopped over 100,000 individuals last year to "prevent acts of terrorism", there was not a single arrest for a terror offence as a result of these stops.

Read more @ The Register

The police get away with murder. Literally

Apparently a police officer filmed assaulting a man during the G20 protests - a man who subsequently died - last year has "nothing to answer for".

The CPS used evidence from a doctor who is facing other allegations of misconduct in order to drop any charges against the assaulting police office.

A paid for doctor?

Contrast this with Gaza protesters who were also assaulted by police, but were then charged and convicted for serious crimes and got like 18 month sentences for throwing a plastic bottle.

Check the level of crime on your street!

Yesterday an interactive map offering detailed crime statistics on every street in England and Wales was launched. It proved so popular yesterday that the site crashed.

The website aims to offer members of the public unprecedented access to information about crimes taking place in their neighbourhood.


Users should be able to access figures on levels of burglary, robbery, violence, vehicle crime and antisocial behaviour.

They can also compare one area against another and compare figures against the same period the previous year to see if crime is getting better or worse.

The website also offers messages from senior officers and links to local policing priorities and information about forthcoming crimefighting events.
