
Acid blinding sentence postponed by Iran after international outcry

Eye-for-an-eye punishment of Majid Movahedi put on hold despite calls by his disfigured victim, Ameneh Bahrami, for retribution

[size=10]Ameneh Bahrami holds a photo showing herself before she was blinded with acid by Majid Movahedi. Photograph: Lluis Gene/AFP/Getty Images[/size]

Iran has postponed blinding a man with acid following an international outcry over the retributive punishment imposed after he was found guilty of doing the same to a woman who refused to marry him.

Freedom is cheap

Currently the middle east is going through a set of disturbances, something which is undoing a part of what was done there a century ago when the countries were carved up and eventually lead to a multitude of despicable regimes.

What they are fighting for is also a multitude of things, but a major theme is one of dignity and freedom. and jobs and prosperity, but the latter can be eased by the former.

So far Tunisia and Egypt caved and the regimes fell - the end result may be for the good, or it may be the same or worse, as instability always has a price.

Yemen is brinking on the edge of total chaos where the ruling President has promised to stand down but not many believe him. Some prominent figures, including in the army have asked him to go, others have asked him to stay.

'Al Qaeda Bomber Worked For UK Intelligence'

I forgot to post this on the forums when it arose like a week or two ago, but its still recent enough and a topic that is bound to excite conspiracy theorists and deniers that say that the suicide bombings in Pakistan and elsewhere are actually a western led conspiracy:

An al Qaeda "assassin" accused of bombing Christian churches and a luxury hotel in Pakistan was working for British intelligence at the same time, according to leaked files.

Racist France wanted to limit number of coloured players in national team?

First they banned the veil.

Then they evicted Roma people from France going counter to the EU enlargement agreement and process.

Next they almost tore up the over border controls when Migrants from Tunisia went into Italy and wanted to move up into France. They still want to tear it up actually.

Leprosy: India's hidden disease

Leprosy has officially been eliminated in India, yet 130,000 new cases are diagnosed every year. Richard Cookson and Seyi Rhodes report on the plight of the patients shunned by society

Narsappa was just 10 years old when he was told he had leprosy, but the news changed the course of his life forever. People in his Indian village immediately began to shun him and told his parents that he had to leave. He says his mother started grieving for him "as if I was already dead". Shortly afterwards, his father took him to a hospital two hours away from home and left him there. No one ever came to visit him and Narsappa never went home again.

The UN declares war on Gaddafi

The UN has backed all necessary measuers short of a full on occupation force to help defend the civilians in Libya and air strikes could start against government targets within hours.

Good news or bad?

Gaddafi needs to go but I dont think there should be outside meddling. I may be wrong on this though, and maybe the world will unite under genuine grounds and not turn this into another Iraq from 20 years ago.

Then again I wouldn't be too angry about a single missile strike that takes out Gaddafi. I doubt that will happen though.

Libya unrest: Scores killed in Benghazi 'massacre'

Details have emerged of huge casualty figures in the Libyan city of Benghazi, where troops have launched a brutal crackdown on protesters.

More than 200 people are known to have died, doctors say, with 900 injured.

The most bloody attacks were reported over the weekend, when a funeral procession is said to have come under machine-gun and heavy weapons fire.

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