
Twins of Faith Event


Date: Saturday November 19th
Time: 10am - 9pm
Location: Excel London
Host: Al Kauthar courses

Don't miss the BIGGEST event of the year at the Excel in London. Amazing speakers from around the world, Nasheeds, Poetry, Bazaar, Exhibitions, workshops, Kids zones & More!!!

Dr Tawfique Choudhury
Sheikh Nooman Ali Khan
Sheikh Abu Abdissalam
Sheikh Zahir Mahmood
Sheikh Navaid Aziz
Sheikh Ala El Sayed
Junaid Jamshed
Boona Mohammed
& much much more!

Marriage workshop with Sheikh Ala El Sayed
Dawah worshop with iERA
Careers workshop with Rolls Royce, Accenture, Gatehouse Bank, Sisters Creative Writing Workshop, Productive Muslim Workshop

Little Explorer Land:

Is a 'lecture' needed?

i was just wondering...

If you find out/ someone tells you they are doing something haraam and you kind of expect it from them and because it's like almost "normal" ur not really surprised either so u dont say anything to them, is that ok?

Or should u be telling them off for it even though they know its wrong? cuz i dont really see the point in that if soemone knows they're doing something wrong and do it anyway what u say won't really matter will it? and a person just telling them off is just going to annoy them or something anyway.

But then theres the whole thing where you're supposed to tell people off and tell them what's right and wrong as someone who know's better...


Watch 'Dars-e-Tassawuf' Lectures by Shaykh-ul-Islam LIVE daily (1st-7th Sept) 11pm !!!

LIVE Broadcast Urdu Lectures with English Translation
Lectures by Shaykh-Ul-Islam Dr.Muhammad Tahir-Ul-Qadri
'Dars-E-Tassawuf' Daily from 1st-7th Sept
Approx. 11pm daily
from MQI London on MYLTV Watch lectures'Here,