

I don't understand why some muslim men treat their women with little respect, when in the Quran it states that men and women should both be treated equally. In theory I think that the Muslim religion itself is good, but maybe the Muslim people are interpreting their own religion wrong?
This muslim man on tv said; 'Our men are like gold, if you drop gold in mud, you can easily clean it, our women on the otherhand are like silk, if you drop silk in mud then you can clean it but the stains will still show'.
- This doesnt sound like the men think of their women as equal people.

Please give me your feedback and opinions on this Smile

Verdict of Islam on Men Shaking Hands With Non-Mehram Women

One of the major questions asked by most of the Muslims residing in West is that, shaking hands with a non-mehram woman is permissible or not?

The ‘woman’ in the question includes both Muslim and Non-Muslim women. Though the Eastern countries provide far less places and chances, where non-mehram men and woman can shake hands with each other, on contrary survival is not possible without doing so in the western world. Moreover, shaking hands with a non-mehram woman is regarded as a sin in Islam.

For more details please visit the site below:

The Legacy of Islam

The Legacy of Islam...

Legacy: leg-a-cy; Anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor ie. the legacy of...

In the name of Allah the most beneficent, the most merciful.

Assalamu alaikum Biggrin

The legacy of Islam starts from Allah (SWT), the first of mankind though to carry on this legacy was Aadam (as). Aadam (as) was the first messenger of Allah (SWT) and his message was Islam. His duty was to spread Islam as it was passed down to him through revelation from Allah (SWT).

This way the message of Islam was spread to the rest of mankind, anyone who accepted the message in turn would also take on the responsibility of spreading Islam and is known as a muslim (one who submits his will to Allah).

Rulings on photos and videos explained

By my little sister:

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,

My dear brothers and sisters i am sorry i have taken so long to deliver hadeeth of the week to you but i have a been a bit busy..

So i know how disappointed you must be because like WHERES MY HADEETH OF THE WEEK EMAIL ITS THE ONLY THING WORTHWHILE

 IN MY LIFE Biggrin lolz i am only joking not all of you have very sad lifes lol (joking again). Sorry for my terrible jokes


So this topic is a suggestion from my one of my very good friends and as you read along try to guess but eventually i

will tell you.

In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the merciful.

The modern world is a very dangerous place for the Muslim as the rapid and expansive increase in knowledge and

Home schooling, a good idea?

So my 13 year old sister asked me to speak to my parents about home schooling her. She tells me she just doesn't like the environment at school. It's not that everybody's a bad influence at school but the majority are bound by almost no rules.

My older sister thinks it's a bad idea for her to be away from other girls her age and that it may have a bad affect on her in the future and i think my dad pretty much agrees.

I haven't yet discussed this with my dad as i don't know what's best atm. I do need to talk to him soon or my lil sis is gonna kill me.

IMO home schooling has it's positives and negatives...unlike some i don't agree that it cuts her off from society completely.

Nearly 3,000 'Honour Attacks' in the UK Last Year

Figures obtained by the Iranian and Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation (Ikwro) showed at least 2,823 incidents of "honour-based" violence, with the highest number recorded in London.

The charity said the statistics do not give the full picture of the levels of "honour" violence in the UK , but are the best national estimate so far.

"'Honour' attacks are punishments usually carried out on women who have been accused of bringing shame on their family and in the past have included abductions, mutilations, beatings and murder," the report said.

"The number of incidents is significant, particularly when we consider the high levels of abuse that victims suffer before they seek help."

Baroness Flather: Polygamy, welfare benefits and an insidious silence

In this disturbing and brave exposé, a Pakistan-born baroness reveals how some of her countrymen have as many children as possible by several wives so as to milk our welfare system...

Behind the creation of the modern welfare state lay a noble ideal. The post-war generation of politicians and civil servants were motivated by the desire to protect the vulnerable, the sick and those in genuine poverty.

Tragically, over recent decades, the system has become corrupted. It might have once been a safety net for those in real difficulties but, today, parts of the benefits structure have become a lucrative racket for claimants who lack any sense of social responsibility.
