
Fate of Universe revealed by galactic lens

A "galactic lens" has revealed that the Universe will probably expand forever.

Astronomers used the way that light from distant stars was distorted by a huge galactic cluster known as Abell 1689 to work out the amount of dark energy in the cosmos.

Dark energy is a mysterious force that speeds up the expansion of the Universe.

Understanding the distribution of this force revealed that the likely fate of the Universe was to keep on expanding.

It will eventually become a cold, dead wasteland, researchers say.

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Why can't chimps speak?

If humans are genetically related to chimps, why did our brains develop the innate ability for language and speech while theirs did not? Scientists suspect that part of the answer to the mystery lies in a gene called FOXP2. When mutated, FOXP2 can disrupt speech and language in humans. Now, a UCLA/Emory study reveals major differences between how the human and chimp versions of FOXP2 work, perhaps explaining why language is unique to humans.

Published Nov. 11 in the online edition of the journal Nature, the findings provide insight into the evolution of the human brain and may point to possible drug targets for human disorders characterized by speech disruption, such as autism and schizophrenia.

Lamenting Muslim pioneers?

A popular question seems to be to ask followed by much lamenting about the glory days of muslim scientists and how Muslims are not progressing.

Well, I have news - there are still plenty of Muslim scientists, businessmen, pioneers in the world. You just don't hear of them as much because they are working.

There are many Muslim scientists. They just do not have the recognition as muslims because they do not work in the middle east. Instead, many work for multinational corporations such as GLaxoSmithKline, Shell, IBM, intel, AMD and many others, or even have prestigious research positions at universities.

Can a person wear perfume or aftershave that contains alcohol?

Can a person wear perfume/aftershave that contains alcohol? If so can they pray with that on?

Answer by Shaykh Salim Ghiza

In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

Alcohol as a form of intoxicant is not only Haram to drink but is also impure (Najis). This means that when it contacts something pure then the pure item will absorb the impurity and all will become impure. However, the question remains as to whether the alcohol that is used in perfumes is the same alcohol that is used in liquor.
