
Issue 20: FEEDBACK

AsalaamuAlaikum fellow Revivalers.

I hope you're all okay, having a great day and enjoying Ramadhan.

Issue 20 is now out and I'm hoping that all of you have your copy at home. If you haven't received a personal copy yet or you'd like to distribute, then please let myself or TheRevivalEditor ( know your address and we can post them out to you inshaAllah. 

You can also view and download the full magazine in PDF format.

Issue 14: Emails to the Editor

Select messages received by the Editor

Salaam Alaykum

I hope that you are well, Inshallah. I just wanted to congratulate you on your magazine. I love your mag. I cannot put it down. Alhamdullilah, I have benefited a lot from it. I have managed to get hold of the Sep/Oct edition and I love it. I love the previous issue too when you interviewed 786, they are my favourite nasheed artists so I loved the interview.

Hope you make more magazines. My dua's are with you.

Saima Arshad

Hi there,

Issue 13: Emails to the Editor

Select messages received by the Editor


I read the article you wrote on sexual abuse... I was abused and... reading the article really helped me, knowing that I was not the only one to go through it and there where others, who are Muslim just like myself, who have been through it.

I hope you will keep mentioning abuse... as most Muslims, especially the older generation, are not really aware of this.
It can happen anywhere... and to anyone.

Thank you



Issue 12: Emails to the Editor

Selected messages received by the Editor

The website is great and I think The Revival is doing a great job because it has certainly changed me. I started to pay more attention to Islam after I read my first revival magazine. So carry on with the great work, you are doing a great job in making today's generation realise what Islam really is.

Hi, I recently got hold of "The Revival" in Birmingham. I live in Sheffield and really would like this magazine to be available down here. It has absolutely opened my eyes and I'm sure many other young people would appreciate it as well.
Muna Omar

Assallamu Allaikum

Issue 11: Emails to the Editor

Select messages received by the Editor


I would just like to congratulate you on the beautiful magazine you have put together. I have only recently come across it in east London, so therefore it would be good to distribute as much as we can. I am a secondary teacher in education and think it would be beneficial for many of our students, for literature as well as getting involved in any projects you run or planning to run in London. Please keep me posted.

Yassar Sadiq, London


Issue 10: Emails to the Editor

Select messages received by the Editor

Assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah

I am writing to congratulate you on the Revival Magazine! It’s beautiful… mashallah!!!!!

According to your website, you started a while back but I only found out a few days ago, actually I found the magazine in my local masjid (Clonskeagh mosque, Dublin 14, Ireland) few days before Eid… alhamdulilahi! I was so excited I took it home without asking the owner or anything! May Allah Tala forgive me.

I would also like to get some more copies for the youth here! Ireland's young Muslim population is very little therefore most youth are straying, it will be very good to have a magazine like yours around! I, mashallah really enjoyed reading it. Wassallaam

Emails to the Editor

Select messages received by the Editor

Assamualaikum Brother,

I would just like to start by saying we all know you are trying to do a good job in the way of Allah by writing a magazine for the Muslim youth but have you ever really thought about the topics you are writing about?!? Banging on about the youth of this time and pointing out how misguided they are and writing about what you think people get up to these days in not going to want to make youngsters embrace our religion.

Online Exclusive: From the Forums

This is a bonus article that is not in the print version of the magazine.



Is anyone sick of saying it?

Do people not SEE the hijaab or beard?

Mr Honey's Day Out:

It is better than ignoring you. If I was your friend and inviting people down the pub I'd feel terrible just specifically inviting everyone except you.

If you can't go and order a Coke, maybe it is your opportunity to suggest something specific another time.


Issue 8: Emails to the Editor

Salamun alaik,

What do I think of the mag... great stuff masha'Allah. It's very hard hitting covering topical issues in a manner which will engage your target audience- spot on Masha'Allah.

The niqab article was in particular a very good read and in fact I'm going to leave a few issues in our staff room at school coz the way the sister countered J. Straws comments was very effective and I think my colleagues will finally understand the wisdom behind it.

Rayhana, Oxford
