
The Significance Of The Month Of Rajab

The entire world is the creation of Allah, however, some places are considered more sacred and divine than others. For instance, prayers offered at Mecca and Madina carry more value and significance than those offered at an ordinary place. This is because some places are more close and sacred because of their origins or their history.For more details please visit the site below:


The Burning of Quran – A Modern Act of Barbarism

The burning of religious books has been documented in history many times before. Such heinous acts are a proof of the hatred of people towards a certain concept or teaching. However, contrary to the popular belief, the burning of religious books in not only limited to Quran. Many other religions have been a victim of such atrocious activities to subdue the person or religion behind a teaching or concept.For more details please visit the site below:


Make the World Peaceful After Osama's Death

World has been facing terrorism in its worst forms whether it’s World Trade Centre or killing innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Death of Osama Bin Laden who was thought to be the face of global terrorism is either a hope of peace or an ignition to a new wave of terrorism. Would the world become a peaceful heaven after him or more threats of furious terrorist attacks are there? Past is always lost, but lessons learned from past guide for a better future. This is the need of the hour.For more details please visit the site below:


New 8 week Tajweed Term Starting in May 2011!

New 8 week Tajweed Term Starting in May 2011!

Tajweed is an obligation for all Muslims. The importance of this knowledge cannot be emphasized as any departure from the correct way of reciting the Qur’an invalidates it as the Qur’an.

Teacher: Shaykh Marwan Ghalayini

Students are required to attend a brief assessment with Shaykh Marwan, prior to entry to ensure they proceed to the correct Stage. Details of assessment dates for the April 2011 intake will be available shortly.

Class size limited to 10 - 12


  • Improve your relationship with Allah swt and the Qur’an as follows:
  • Learn to fulfil the obligation due upon every Muslim: to recite the Qur’an to an acceptable standard.

Doomsday (Translation of Chapter 81 - [at-Takweer/folded up])

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

81.1: When the sun is folded up,

81.2: And when the stars fall,

81.3: And when the mountains are made to pass away,

81.4: And when the camels are left untended,

81.5: And when the wild animals are made to go forth,

81.6: And when the seas are set on fire,

81.7: And when souls are united,

81.8: And when the female infant buried alive is asked

81.9: For what sin she was killed,

81.10: And when the books are spread,

81.11: And when the heaven has its covering removed,

81.12: And when the hell is kindled up,

81.13: And when the garden is brought nigh,

81.14: Every soul shall [then] know what it has prepared.
