
Traveler with the Quran


My love for Arabic is kicking back in. It's kicking me so hard and all i want to do is listen to Arabic. Just want to listen to Arabic all day long and listen to the Quran all day long. I want to write this blog in Arabic but that would be pointless because i'd have to accompany it with English translation. 

The video above is just mind blowing. SubhanAllah, i can't even describe it in words. A child who has lost their eye sight yet at the age of seven has memorised the entire Quran by heart and is so precise in his recall and even has Ijaazah. I just don't even know what to say!

Facts About The Origin Of Taraweeh Salah

Assalam-o-alaikum , Muslims brother and sisters:    

In this holy month of Ramadan we must pray more and more with Quran learning and Recitation to please Allah in any possible way.

Here is a common issue of Taraweeh Salah, regarding the fasting. Peoples have different views and perception about this and the way it can be clarify is below:



Quran reading source

Is Allah Rehman and Raheem?

Is Allah rehman and raheem?


Allah does not guide the disbelieving people (Quran 2: 264)

Allah has set a seal upon their hearts so the continue to be misguided (Quran 2:7)

In their hearts is disease so Allah has increased their disease (Quran 2:10)

Allah will not guide wrongdoers to the right path, except the path of hell (Quran 4:168-169)

Verdict of Islam on Men Shaking Hands With Non-Mehram Women

One of the major questions asked by most of the Muslims residing in West is that, shaking hands with a non-mehram woman is permissible or not?

The ‘woman’ in the question includes both Muslim and Non-Muslim women. Though the Eastern countries provide far less places and chances, where non-mehram men and woman can shake hands with each other, on contrary survival is not possible without doing so in the western world. Moreover, shaking hands with a non-mehram woman is regarded as a sin in Islam.

For more details please visit the site below:


How Can You Make Your Life Worthier With The Help Of Quran Education?

Life is one of the most precious gifts one can ever demand from the Mighty Lord of the universe, i.e. Allah Almighty; Who not only created human beings, but every single particle constituting the whole wide universe we can see and think of.Especially blessed are the ones who have been honored with the chance of living life as a Muslim, following the principles of life laid by Allah (SWT) Himself, communicated to us through a scripture as exalted as Quran.

For more details please visit the site below:


Al-Burāq, the mythological steed

Al-Burāq (Arabic: البُراق‎ al-Burāq "lightning") is a mythological steed, described as a creature from the heavens which transported the prophets. The most commonly told story is how in the 7th century, Al-Buraq carried the Islamic prophet Muhammad (SAW) from Mecca to Jerusalem and back during the Isra and Mi'raj or "Night Journey", which is the title of one of the chapters (sura), Al-Isra, of the Qur'an.

Is Islam in Favor of Female Education Or Against It?

World has gotten to know so much about “Taliban”, especially after the horrific tragedy referred as 9/11 that served to perish the lives of more than 3000 innocent human beings in the United States of America. Ever since then, world media highlights any news about “Taliban”, a regime that operated in war-torn country of Afghanistan at the time United States of America in particular and the world in general was awestruck with the tragedy of 9/11.

For more details please visit the site below:


***The Quran admits that Mohammad (PBHU) could not be a prophet***

The Quran at Surah 29, Aya 27, admits that prophet Mohammad (PBHU) could not be a prophet since it stipulates that prophets will come in the line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Mohammad (PBUH), according to Muslims, came in the line of Ishmael, which means he could not be a prophet and Mohammad was not related to Ishmael.

Also, Genesis 17:21-22, says God made a covenant with Isaac, NOT Ishmael. Deuteronomy 18:18 states that only a "brethren" of the Israelites, as in a fellow Israelite, could be the prophet.
