Islam For The 21ST Century Dude!

Sajid Iqbal


"…Islam is out of date. It's 1400 years old, man…. And it's out of touch for today's society…" That's right… and I'm the Queens mum (…really…), Posh Spice can sing and Michael Barrymore is straight!

Listen mate, Islam is for all times and is the only faith, ideology and system, which deals with each and every aspect of life. Islam gives us a clear viewpoint on modern issues in the 21st century from abortion to homosexuality, organ transplantation to human cloning, and euthanasia to contraception. In this issue we will deal with abortion, homosexuality and promiscuity.


So, what does Islam say about promiscuity? …prom what! - errr… that's sleeping around to me and you mate, you know one night stands, the dating scene and so on .

Wanna C A Miracle?

Sajid Iqbal

Quran: The Living Miracle

The Quran is the literal word of God and not the work of any human being. It is the living miracle revealed to Muhammad-messenger of God (peace be upon him).

It was revealed 14 centuries ago but mentions facts only recently discovered or proven by scientists.

'Yeah, yeah…whatever. You're bound to say that, you're Muslim… innit!' OK lad, here's the deal: if I can't convince you in the slightest that the Quran is the word of God then I'll pay for the tickets for united's next match…and I'll even chuck a donner in there for you.

'Wa-heyyyyy….this should be fun.' Lets check it out:


What They Say about The Prophet Of Islam

Sajid Iqbal

Whether you are a Muslim or not you have to admire and appreciate what Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has given to mankind. Let's see what the non-Muslims have to say about him:

Michael H Hart.

'The 100: A Ranking of the most influential Persons in History'. New York: Hart Publishing Company, Inc. 1978:

'My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level.'

Encyclopaedia Britannica.

11th Edition: 'Muhammad was the most successful of all religious personalities.'

Muslims: Public Enemy No.1?

Sajid Iqbal

Since Tuesday 11th September the blame for the Terrorist attacks in America has been placed on Islam and the Muslims. Muslims have been accused of being terrorist, violent and fanatics.

Islam has been portrayed as a religion that supports and promotes terrorism. As a result Muslim individuals, Mosques and Islamic centres have been attacked, abused and humiliated throughout the World.

So, have America and its allies, the media and the ordinary folk of the western world declared a war against terrorism or is it against the Muslims of the world and the faith of 1.2 billion followers worldwide?

One should ponder seriously over the following crucial points:

TRUE LIES - Misconception About Islam

Sajid Iqbal

There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. Yep…that means 1 in every 5 person in the world is a Muslim. Did you know that??

And guess what…. Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world (1) but why is it that Islam is the most misunderstood faith today?

Now, when you mention the word Islam today…after the chap has recovered from a nervous breakdown, the first thing that pops in his head is that '…oh yeah…that's that "paki-religion" innit… those dodgy looking blokes with long beards hijacking planes, blowing up buildings and chopping peoples hands….'.

Before you know it the word 'terrorist' and 'backward' will come to mind, women chained to the kitchen sink, guys with many wives and 'they hate Jesus' will be their idea of Islam.

Turkey Of The Month! (May 2001)

Sajid Iqbal

Well, over the last couple of months the Russians have been continuing the torture of the Chechens, 7 Serbian soldiers have been charged for war crimes and genocide and the shameful Hindus have been burning the Quran.

But no, the proud winners of this month's award must go to:

Sharon and Bush - True partners in crime.

Both of them have been newly appointed and the first thing on their agenda was to crush the Muslims. The first thing Bush did was bomb Iraq and Sharon couldn't wait to kill more Palestinian Muslims by ordering the blockade. The Qur'an clearly states that the whole non-Muslim world is one and united against the Muslims.

© The Revival 2001

Goodness Gracious Me!

Sajid Iqbal

Yep, that's exactly what you'll be saying when we tell you about teh amazing facts about Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) in Hindu scriptures. One thing we can tell you is that he's definitely not "INDIAN".... if you know what I mean. Check it out:

Famous 5


Here are 5 sayings of the Prophet (saw), which are directed to each and every one of us.

1. The Prophet said: 'The world is a prison for a believer and Paradise for the disbeliever.'

2. Narrated Abu Musa (RA): Some people asked Allah's messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) 'Who is a very good Muslim'? He replied: 'One who avoids harming the Muslims with his tongue and hands.'

3. Narrated Abu Hurraira (RA) Allah's Messenger said: 'By Him in whose Hands my life is, none of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father and his children.'
