An American view of Islam

By Dave - An American member from The Revival Forums

A little while ago somebody on The Revival Forum asked me what I had learned about Islam since I had begun posting nearly a year ago.

I hadn’t really thought about it in a while, but the truth is I no longer come to the forums to learn about Islam. That may seem a little strange; why else would an American and a Christian be on an Islamic forum if not to learn about Islam?

Editorial - The Revival Reloaded

By Sajid Iqbal

Welcome to The Revival. A new and improved, bigger and brighter mag for the Muslim youth. Yes, The Revival is back after a few years of chilling and perfecting our suntan!

Now we are back again as the Voice of the Muslim youth - the biggest and brightest Muslim youth magazine, and it's absolutely free!

The Revival will be out every two months inshallah dealing with the everyday issues facing the Muslims today.

In every issue you will find some funky, weird and wonderful Regular Features including the likes of 'Back to Basics with Ali Wannabe and Jamal', 'Turkey of the month' and 'Media Review'.

Islamic method of slaughtering animals: Scientific Not Inhumane

The Islamic method of slaughtering animals has come under attack by an independent advisory group and has hit the news headlines.

'The Revival' has responded with solid arguments to prove that the Islamic method is scientific and not inhumane. Now updated with more scientific arguments quotes, and comparisons with slaughtering of animals using non Islamic methods.

The Islamic method of slaughtering animals has been the object of much criticism from a large number of people.

One may consider the following points, which prove that the Islamic method of slaughtering is not only humane but also scientifically the best:

The Prophet and the People who Opposed him

Abdul Malik Mujahid

Bleeding from head to toe, battered and exhausted, he was faced with a choice.

Should he or shouldn't he seek to destroy the people who had just humiliated him by having their children chase him out of town while throwing stones at him? And this was simply for sharing his message and seeking help for his people.

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was in Taif, a lush town of green palm trees, fruits and vegetables, about 50 miles southeast of his arid hometown Makkah. He was hoping that perhaps the people of this town would be receptive to his message, which had been rejected by most of the Makkans for over a decade.

September 11 And Conversions To Islam

Sajid Iqbal

A year and a half has passed since September 11th 2001. Now you would have thought that the events of 9/11 would have made non-Muslims hate Islam and the Muslims forever.

You would have thought that the September 11 attacks would have damaged the name of Islam forever but you know what…

It made many people study Islam to understand who exactly the Muslims are and what they’re all about. It made people go out and buy the Koran and as a result many British, Americans and non-Muslims across the world have accepted Islam! The huge interest in Islam since September 11 has brought a massive increase in conversions to Islam as never ever seen before. Now let’s check out the facts:


The Observer

Islam Saves The Day!

Sajid Iqbal

What are the problems being faced by the western world today?

Let's look at the problems that exist in our society and that government's as well as NGO's (you know- non-governmental organisations) are struggling to solve. Now can Islam provide a solution to these problems?

'Ha! That 1400 year old ancient out of date religion's gonna sort our problems out...yeah...and Saddam Hussein is the fairy God mother!'.

'So you don't think Islam is up to it. eh?' Now. what if the systems of Islam provide us with solutions to these problems at the individual, national and international level, then we have to say that mankind should accept and follow the teachings of Islam -true? So, let the party begin:

Most Influential Man In History

Sajid Iqbal

'Muhammad, that's that Muslim Prophet innit.' Now what it I told you that Prophet Muhammad (saw), upon him be peace- is the must influential man in history and a perfect role fur us all. You're probably thinking that I should give up the weed and see a specialist. But noooooo!!!! This is not the voice of a fanatic or a madman. It's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth - mate. Now let me present to you the facts that '11 knock you out.

Ali G Inda House!

Ali G Meets The Revival

Ali G: Boyakasha! Me Is ere with me main man from The Revival. Easy Now!

The Revival: Hello Ali. how are you man?

Ali G: Me is wantin to know about Islam, and me heard that you can elp me

The Revival: We will try to help you

Ali G: So is you a Muslim?

The Revival: Yes I am

Ali G: For real, so what is a Muslim, cos me eard you is all suicide bombers and can have 4 wives, me likes the 4 wives idea - Aiii.

Extremism: Causes and Cures

Sajid Iqbal

SO, what drives people to carry out acts of terrorism? Why do some people hate America and the West so much that they are prepared to take their own lives as well as others?

You see America, the UN in particular and the world community at large has double standards about Muslim countries such as Kashmir. Bosnia, Chechnya and Palestine.

This causes concern among the Muslims or should I say it pee's them off big time. The issues where the Western interest is involved get an immediate response in terms of concrete action. Whereas issues like Kashmir and Palestine remain unresolved even after the passage of a long time, the UN resolutions not withstanding. Check this out:

Jihad & Suicide Bombings

So, the 60 million dollar question is that if Islam teaches peace and is absolutely against violence and terrorism then why the heck do these individuals and organisations carry out these violent acts in the name of Islam? Is it in the name of Jihad?

You're probably thinking isn't fighting; violence and killing people all part of jihad.

Well, that's the trap that must people fall into. You see Jihad means 'struggle to the utmost' and one of the forms of jihad is to take up arms against oppressive and evil regimes that arc victimising innocent people.
