Most Influential Man In History

Sajid Iqbal

'Muhammad, that's that Muslim Prophet innit.' Now what it I told you that Prophet Muhammad (saw), upon him be peace- is the must influential man in history and a perfect role fur us all. You're probably thinking that I should give up the weed and see a specialist. But noooooo!!!! This is not the voice of a fanatic or a madman. It's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth - mate. Now let me present to you the facts that '11 knock you out.

Ali G Inda House!

Ali G Meets The Revival

Ali G: Boyakasha! Me Is ere with me main man from The Revival. Easy Now!

The Revival: Hello Ali. how are you man?

Ali G: Me is wantin to know about Islam, and me heard that you can elp me

The Revival: We will try to help you

Ali G: So is you a Muslim?

The Revival: Yes I am

Ali G: For real, so what is a Muslim, cos me eard you is all suicide bombers and can have 4 wives, me likes the 4 wives idea - Aiii.

Extremism: Causes and Cures

Sajid Iqbal

SO, what drives people to carry out acts of terrorism? Why do some people hate America and the West so much that they are prepared to take their own lives as well as others?

You see America, the UN in particular and the world community at large has double standards about Muslim countries such as Kashmir. Bosnia, Chechnya and Palestine.

This causes concern among the Muslims or should I say it pee's them off big time. The issues where the Western interest is involved get an immediate response in terms of concrete action. Whereas issues like Kashmir and Palestine remain unresolved even after the passage of a long time, the UN resolutions not withstanding. Check this out:

Jihad & Suicide Bombings

So, the 60 million dollar question is that if Islam teaches peace and is absolutely against violence and terrorism then why the heck do these individuals and organisations carry out these violent acts in the name of Islam? Is it in the name of Jihad?

You're probably thinking isn't fighting; violence and killing people all part of jihad.

Well, that's the trap that must people fall into. You see Jihad means 'struggle to the utmost' and one of the forms of jihad is to take up arms against oppressive and evil regimes that arc victimising innocent people.

Islam: Religion of Peace or Violence?

Sajid Iqbal

So, is Islam a faith of peace or does it in fact promote violence and hatred? I mean, we read in textbooks and hear on Friday sermons that Islam is a religion of peace but then we see Muslim individuals and groups who promote violence, terrorism and carry out suicide bombing all in the name of Islam.

You're probably confused innit... thinking what the heck is goin on? You see we have Mr. Ladin who wants to kill all Americans, has declared a holy war against the West and was thrilled about the attacks on the twin towers.

Editorial - April 2002

Sajid Iqbal

Peace to you all...

Yes you're reading another bombastic telly-fontastic issue of The Revival.

I know its a wee bit late, but i have a wicked excuse... believe me. check it out... your beloved editor was struck down with Tuber-Culosis (TB). So I was totally knocked out for a few months... and if that wasn't bad enough a few of our staff came down with a nasty bug. Altogether now, say aaah!

But still, just for you chaps, the boyz and I have worked our goolies off to get this issue out ASAP. So tell us what you think, and now coz we're big time (he says!) ... we need your support.

Distributors, articles, feedback and some dosh would do nicely... so become a subscriber today!

The Story of Palestine

Nizar Sakhnini, 31 March 2002

A Struggle for Survival Against Colonial Settlement Project


In yet another act of deceit, Sharon is trying to justify his war crimes against a virtually defenceless Palestinian population as a legitimate situation of self-defence against "Palestinian Terror".He ignores the whole history of the conflict by focusing on the latest acts of desperation that pushed the Palestinian people into the corner without any hope for a decent life as equal human beings with equal human rights.

Unity Through Diversity (Ar Rihla Course - July 2001)

Br. Saqib Ilyas

p>The Sub-editor of The Revival - Br. Saqib Ilyas- attended the Rihla Deen intensive course that was held in July at the Zaytuna Institute in California (USA), founded by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf. Here's his personal account, check it out:

The 3-week course was based on the theme of "Unity through Diversity" where talks concentrated on matters of Fiqh (Jurispudence), unity through our diverse ways and simply on the importance of understanding and learning Traditional Islam.

The course attracted several hundred dedicated brothers and sisters from all corners of the world bringing together people of all colours, races and cultures under the banner of Islam.
