Issue 15: Ali & Jamal

Sajid Iqbal & Irfan Khan

Jamal comes out of the mosque after reading the Jummah prayer. A brother shoves an Islamic leaflet in his hand, as Jamal is about to thank the brother in the Jubbah (long thorbe) he almost dies of a heart attack...

Jamal: Sal... Sal… Salaam Bro. Is that… is that you Ali?!

Ali: You spotted me Jam. How are you bro?

Jamal: I’m fine brother. Are you... sure that’s you Ali…

Ali: The one and only. You look like you gonna pass out Jam… I think you better sit down.

Jamal: I’m just a bit shocked… You look so different… what happened?!

Ali: What can I say Jam... I found God.

Jamal: Where?! I didn’t realise God was lost?

Q & A. Making Wudu At Work

Shaykh Salim Ghisa

Q. I have a room to pray at work but no particular Wudhu (ablution) facilities. I don't feel comfortable washing my feet in the sink or in the toilets at work because I look silly and plus my non-Muslim colleagues look at me funny and say its unhygienic, so what should I do?

A. In the name of Allah the most Beneficent and Merciful.

Q & A. Missing The Jummah Khutba

Shaykh Salim Ghisa

Q. If someone misses the Khutba, but makes the Jama'ah, is the Jummah prayer still valid or should the person then pray Dhuhr to make up?

A. In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

The Khutba is an obligation for the Jummah prayer to be valid. However, it is not an obligation for the person attending Jummah to have taken part in the Khutba.

Q & A. Praying Jummah

Shaykh Salim Ghisa

Q. What is the ruling on reading Jummah when you're at work because depending on your job/employer it’s not always possible to read Jummah Salah in this country? So what should one do?

A. In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent and Merciful.

Jummah prayer is only an obligation if it fits the following six qualifiers:

  1. An Islamic State or ruler (sultan) has allowed the Jummah to be prayed.
  2. It has to be a city or town where the Jummah is to be prayed (i.e. not a village).
  3. It must be prayed during Dhuhr time on a Friday.
  4. It must be prayed in congregation with a minimum of 1 Imam and 3 followers. (According to the Shafi'i Madhab it must be 40 followers as a minimum.)


Articles in Issue 15 of The Revival:

What's He Chattin' About?

Editorial: Thank God I'm A British Muslim!
By Sajid Iqbal Competition: Win 2 Tickets to Tunisia!

Adam & Eve In The Qur'an
By Imaani Aslam

Life Of An Outlaw - Exclusive Interview With Former Rapper Napoleon
By Ya'qub Bell & Imaani Aslam

The Revival Sky Dive!

Q & A
By Shaykh Salim Ghisa

Ali & Jamal
By Irfan Khan & Sajid Iqbal

The Revival Guide To The World Cup 2010
By Shmoun Maqsood

World Cup 2010: Fantasy Football - Muslim Style!
By Shmoun Maqsood

Yusuf Al Qaradawi on Music

Yusuf Qaradawi

The whole issue of singing is controversial, whether it is with musical accompaniment or not. Some issues succeeded to gain the Muslim scholars’ agreement, while others failed.

All scholars have unanimous view on the prohibition of all forms of singing and music that incites debauchery, indecency, or sin.

As for musical instruments, given the weakness of the evidence indicating that they are forbidden, the rule to be applied here is the one states that all things are originally deemed permissible as long as there is no Shari`ah text that prohibits them.

Your body, YOU rule

Humaira Shabir

Desires... what comes to mind when you hear this word, would it go along the lines of “wow that girl/guy is fit”, “a wild night of clubbing with mates”, “smoking and getting high on drugs”, “driving a beamer to impress the ladies” or is it “being with my boyfriend/girlfriend” ... you get the point right?

When you do any of the above it is out of enjoyment, it’s great being “loved” by someone who says he/she will do anything for you (ever tried asking them to jump off a cliff for you?), it’s great dancing to the music in the club and at the same time checking out fit gals/guys and pulling and how wonderful is it when you’re joy riding, all this dangerous excitement, how cool does it feel?!

Egyptian Adventure

Ya'qub Bell

My journey to Egypt was the first time I had ever set foot in an Islamic country, and because I had recently become a Muslim, I went there with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

Would it live up to my expectations or was I in for a horrible let-down? Arabs are famous for their generosity and hospitality, but I’d also been told scare-stories of tourists who’d been duped into being parted with their money. I travelled with two brothers: one Malaysian and one Filipino.

Eid & Hajj Mubarak

Eid and Hajj Mubarak to all those receiving this message.

[Insert your own witty remark here and then laugh at how funny The Revival can be]

May Allah (swt) accept the Hajj and the dua of those who are currently performing hajj and give the rest of us the chance to do the same, while benefiting from the act of hajj and understanding its historical significance and history.

Misconceptions about Islam


A recording of The Revival's "Let's Talk Show" from 14 September 2008 where Shaykh Ibrahim Ossi Effa is bombarded with questions about Islam mainly on topics where there are misconceptions held either within the Muslim community or by Non Muslims.

Questions were asked and answered on many topics mainly focussing on:

  1. The Qur'an
  2. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him)
  3. Violence and terrorism
  4. Women's rights

A few other questions were sprinkled in for good measure.
