September 1st - Chapter 7: The Recommended Times for Du'a continued
If you want to recap : Part 10
9. Du'a Before the End of Salat
After a person has finished his tashahhud, and before he actually says salam, he should supplicate with any du'a that he likes, as this is one of the times of response.
Ibn Mas'ud narrates: "I was once praying, and the prophet(saw) Abu-Bakr and Umar (were all present). When I sat down (in the final tashahhud) I praised Allah, then sent salams on the prophet(saw) then started praying for myself. At this, the prophet(saw) said: 'Ask and you shall be given it! Ask, and you shall be given it!'"
10. Du'a After the Salat
Abu Umamah al-Bahili asked the prophet(saw) "O Messenger of Allah! Which du'a is the most likely to be responded to?" The prophet(saw) replied: "In the last part of the night, and after the obligatory prayers"
11. Du'a When the Armies meet
12. An Hour on Friday
The following hadith is mentioned: "Friday has twelve hours (or parts to it). There is one hour during which if a muslim asks Allah anything, Allah will give it to him, so find it during the last hour after Asr."
There are numerous opinions as to the exact hour but the above is the opinion of the vast majority of early scholars and also of the prophet's Companions - that this hour occurs after Asr prayer, right before sunset.
13. When Waking at Night
When a person wakes up in the middle of the night, only to go back to sleep again, if he remembers Allah at this time, his du'a will be accepted
The prophet(saw) stated: "Whoever wakes up at night and says 'La ilaha illa Allah Wahdahu la sharika lah, lahul-mulk wa lahul hamd wa huwa 'ala kulli shay in Qadir. Alhamdu lillah, wa Subhan Allah, wa la illaha illa Allah, wa Allahu akbar, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa bil Allah' and then says 'O Allah, forgive me! or makes a du'a then he will be responded to. And if he performs wudu and prays, then his prayer will be accepted."
14. After Performing Wudu
The prophet(saw) said: "There is no one amongst you that makes wudu, and does so perfectly, and then says 'I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah. He is alone, having no partners. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and messenger' except that all eight doors of Paradise are opened for him, and he can enter into it through whichever one he pleases."
15. Before Drinking Zam Zam
The prophet(saw) said: "The water of Zam Zam is for whatever it has been drunk for" meaning that whatever du'a you make before drinking Zam Zam, it will be given to you.
16. Du'a During Ramadan
17. Du'a on 'The Night of Decree'
18. Du'a Inside the Ka'bah
For those unable to get inside the Ka'bah know then that the hijr (the semi-circle attachement that is opposite the Yemeni-corner and Black stone wall) is actually a part of the Ka'bah and prayer inside the hijr is exactly the same as praying inside the physical structure of the Ka'bah. The original Ka'bah built by Ibrahim(as) was a rectangle, and its foundations included the area that is now the hijr. The only reason the hijr is not included in the present structure is because the Quraysh when re-building the Ka'bah, ran out of materials to complete its original structure
19. Du'a at Safa and Marwa
20. Du'a After Stoning the Jamarat
It is narrated that the prophet(saw) would stone the small Jamarah (one of the three pillars that is stones in the last three days of Hajj), then face the qiblah, raise his hands, and make du'a for a long time. He would then stone the midlle Jamarah and do the same. When he stoned the large Jamarah, he would depart without making any du'a
21. Du'a on the Day of 'Arafah
Although du'a during the entire Hajj is a great act of worship, du'a on this day is even of greater importance. The Day of 'Arafah is the essence and pinnacle of Hajj - during which Allah does not refuse the requests of his worshippers.
22. The First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
The prophet(saw) stated: "There are no days during which good deeds are more beloved to Allah than during these ten days."
23. While Visiting the Sick
Umm Salamah narrated that the prophet(saw) said: "When you visit the sick, or the dead (body before its burial) then say good because the Angels say Amin to whatever you say."
24. When the Soul of a Person is Taken
Same hadith as for above(23). Whenever a person is in the presence of one who is about to die, he should pray to Allah for all that is good, for the dying person, his family, and for himself
25. When Rain Falls
The prophet(saw) said: "Two are the du'as that are never returned: the du'a when the prayer is being called, and that at the time of rainfall."
26. Before Duhr
The prophet(saw) would pray four raka'ahs before Duhr and he said: "This is an hour during which the gates of the skies are opened, and I like that some of my good acts are raised up (at this time)
27. At the Crowing of a Rooster
Next Chapter up inshAllah: Chapter 8 - Conditions during which du'as are answered. Stay tuned
Jazakallah khair
always learning something new from these threads. Thanks 
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
part 12
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?