People should NOT be affraid of muslims
51% (193 votes)
Its good that people fear muslims
14% (52 votes)
Its bad that people fear muslims
18% (69 votes)
People are not affraid of muslims
10% (37 votes)
I dont know
7% (25 votes)
Total votes: 376
There is a new term being generated by the media to describe violence: "Going Muslim"
This phrase is very new.
A muslim army officer, Major Hasan, shot dead 13 fellow U.S. soldiers at Fort Hood in Texas.
This has shocked and terrified people across America.
People now say that when any person acts violently, he is "going muslim".
Read the article below. It is from the top U.S. business magazine FORBES..
Do you think we muslims should be concerened that society is affraid of us?
Even if you are not a muslim, still please give your views on this stereotyping and spreading of fear.
Please vote your feelings in the poll.
There is one thing which the author forgets - or refuses to mention. That is that going on a shooting rampage seems to be an almost uniquely American experience.
The gunman did not discard his American identity, he used it and if he had not been a muslim, the general consensus could (would) have been "those crazy Americans..."
So I do not see this shooting as a failure to integrate into American society. Perhaps the opposite?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Huh beg pardon?
i am a christian and so u will know my feelings on islam as i know yours on christianty
but i am not here for a religous argument. i do however disagree that acts of violence should be deemed "going muslim" as being muslim does not make you terrorist or a maniac and it is typical media hype trying to cause S**T where there doesnt need to be any. but there is also the fact that not only muslims are targeted in this way. sterotyping is continuelsy found throughout the globe. i am a white englishman big build and a "skin head" this in many peoples eyes would make me a racist???:S which i can i assure i am not it is almost going bald means going racist. God bless you all H.
I disagree. All acts of violence, including pub brawls and Italian jousting, should be called Going Muslim. (I'm kidding, I'm sure that's a very nice message.)
Sorry about that, but We can get something for the baldness I dunno.
or choose to not discriminate based on looks? I think longer term that may be a better goal.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
what about Israeli bombings of innocent women and children?
Is that "Jews are Going Muslim"?
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".