Damn! She got there before me! ...Guess I will have to turn it into a competition =D. Joke.Hhhmm....How did you find out?Is there something I can type on youtube or something to check her out?
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.
Submitted by The Lamp on 21 April, 2009 - 15:20 #3
No, it's just that on Islam Channel ages ago there was an ad for that website (I can't remember) and her video was one of the examples.
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
I don't think people should set out to be a 'female version' or a 'male version' or a 'Muslim version' of anything.
Do something original. Be yourself. Etcetera.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by BijouX (not verified) on 21 April, 2009 - 16:32 #5
Hmmm...the idea of originality is good...however coming up with an idea of what to do is not easy.
Something simple, easy, not time consuming, interesting for people to listen to. I thought of Baba Ali because he is appealing to a wide ethnic group and people of all ages listen to him.
If a female did that...and talked about various issues that women (young, old,disabled,white,black,brown, yellow, green) were challenged with, the good and bad points...it would be slightly different?
I dont know, I'm just looking for something which is all the above mentioned!
Hmmm...the idea of originality is good...however coming up with an idea of what to do is not easy.
Something simple, easy, not time consuming, interesting for people to listen to. I thought of Baba Ali because he is appealing to a wide ethnic group and people of all ages listen to him.
If a female did that...and talked about various issues that women (young, old,disabled,white,black,brown, yellow, green) were challenged with, the good and bad points...it would be slightly different?
I dont know, I'm just looking for something which is all the above mentioned!
In that case... boring!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by BijouX (not verified) on 21 April, 2009 - 16:36 #7
Baba Ali may not be original either - From what I can see, he copied "TheShow by ZeFrank".
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by The Lamp on 22 April, 2009 - 09:25 #9
Well everyone is influenced by someone else, so in that case no one is really original, but he really brought that style to life.
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
I voted nobody cares, but only because I don't care.
I'm not speaking for everyone. Obviously some people do.
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
Submitted by Indy (not verified) on 24 April, 2009 - 09:46 #13
I think the people who voted 'females shouldnt do that'...think women should stay at home and cook and clean right? So pathetic!
Submitted by Indy (not verified) on 24 April, 2009 - 09:51 #14
Baba Ali is an original. He has brought up issues that nobody will talk about, and confronted the globe about them. I think people should follow his ways, learn from him. He is a convert, yet he seems to have more knowledge than the adolescents that just care about the way they look and what people think of them. It is quit sad how people dont understand that this world is just a test to see how we perform to the tests we are put through.
Baba Ali makes these videos to teach, and remind us all...that Islam is not just a religion, BUT INFACT IT IS A WAY OF LIFE. And for those who have voted Baba Ali sucks...need to go to a doctor.
I'm not saying hes the greatest man on Earth, I am simply saying that he is trying doing a favour on us, The Ummah of Prophet Muhammed pbuh, and we are so unappreciative to what people do. Most people KNOW hes speaking the truth, hence they 'dont like him'. Instead of realizing the mistake and correcting themselves, they start hating, ya Haters!!
Indy..I think you're going over the top. People have different tastes. Nobody said they hate Baba Ali; they probably just don't like the way he delivers his ideas/facts/advise.
Another question would be if the comedians that copy him (male or female) would be funny. If they had their own funny jokes etc, they would not need to imitate and would stand tall on their own two feet.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by BijouX (not verified) on 24 April, 2009 - 15:01 #17
My focus of this poll was not about the comedy. It was merely about what Baba Ali does, talking about important issues which people hide from and just generally teaching people. The comic side of him is just his own personality. If it was just a guy talking, no-one will watch him, but hes bought his fun, exciting personally into it just to make things more relaxed.
If its about helping other people and the advice is sound and applicable and actually helps, I can't see too much harm from it. Maybe even some benefit.
Saying that, these days I struggle to accept that telling others to do good actually results in good. I can see where it leads to bad. But advising people who want the advice is probably a good thing.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by BijouX (not verified) on 24 April, 2009 - 15:13 #19
One point to make here is, if someone is knowledgeable then its always best to shed light on other people, just like Allah swt says in the Quran, whoever knows the Quran teach it, you will be among the best of people. Anyway, back to my point...its just about helping each other out mainly. Of course, not everyone will agree, and not everyone will listen and follow, but even if it can make a difference to one person, it should be enough right?
Having a female do something similar to Ali is a interesting because obviously the female will have more issues concerning women...just like Ali had a few more issues concerning men.
Theres quit a few issues I would like to bring to light to females, such as praying in the Masjid, having boyfriends, getting married to non- muslims, understanding where women stand in Islam, the hijab/niqab/veil/burka whatever you would like to call it, a Muslim womans behaviour,marriage ..etc etc... you see theres so many things I have experienced with myself and friends...I would like to share with the rest of the Muslim community (and also non Muslims of course).
Has anyone seen a woman do a talk as Baba Ali does?
I saw one once and she was just making me cringe. I couldn't get past the first few seconds. I would post it on here, but at the beginning it said it was just for female viewers.
Submitted by BijouX (not verified) on 24 April, 2009 - 15:25 #21
s.b.f wrote:
Has anyone seen a woman do a talk as Baba Ali does?
Yeah there was someone, The Light mentioned something in the begining of this thread...
I saw one once and she was just making me cringe. I couldn't get past the first few seconds. I would post it on here, but at the beginning it said it was just for female viewers.
Post it up...lets see what shes gotta sayy (if she made you cringe, then she wasnt doing 'a talk as Baba Ali does'.
I can't find it now. This was ages ago. At the beginning she kept going on about whether the viewer was a boy or a girl. 'Are you sure you're not a guy?' . She had a pink hijab on. That's all I remember. Maybe her talk wasn't the same. But what I meant was she talking conversationally to the camera. That's all.
Submitted by BijouX (not verified) on 24 April, 2009 - 15:35 #23
Lol sounds like she was testing the intelligence of the viewer. Anywayz, if you ever find it, please post it up I would like to check it out.
@ Bijou - go for it. You can even embed the videos in forum topics/blog posts.
The best way to know if it works or not is to try it.
Cringiness could be due to many reasons - the viewer not being comfortable, the person being too preachy (which Baba Ali can suffer from too), focussing on minor things that others are not too concerned with etc.
Some of the issues you highlighted though are not "all about women" and are3 for everyone, so you might need to take some care to not alienate viewers.
Go for it and don't forget to give this place a shout out too.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by BijouX (not verified) on 24 April, 2009 - 15:49 #25
You wrote:
@ Bijou - go for it. You can even embed the videos in forum topics/blog posts.
The best way to know if it works or not is to try it.
Cringiness could be due to many reasons - the viewer not being comfortable, the person being too preachy (which Baba Ali can suffer from too), focussing on minor things that others are not too concerned with etc.
Some of the issues you highlighted though are not "all about women" and are3 for everyone, so you might need to take some care to not alienate viewers.
Go for it and don't forget to give this place a shout out too.
I think I will inshAllah, just let the next few weeks of uni finish, then inshAllah I will put something together!
Yeah one issue is the audience, because although it might be for women, men are also interested in knowing. So inshAllah, anything I do will be for mixed genders..( noo..im not talking literally mixed ).
Inshallah you'll have fun while doing Da'wah it too.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
You're making your own show? (I'm a bit slow) Sounds like a really good project!
I think everyone got confused for a bit and there were many suppositions at the start over the questions. No harm, no foul as long as we get to the well trodden path.
Bijou can also use this place for ideas etc, have a place to get asked questions etc. Should be good inshallah.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by BijouX (not verified) on 24 April, 2009 - 15:59 #29
s.b.f wrote:
You're making your own show? (I'm a bit slow) Sounds like a really good project!
Just make sure not to test the viewers about their gender at the beginning
No, I still can't find it for some reason :S Last time I found it after watching Baba Ali shows on youtube and there was a link on the side...hmmm..
Yep...InshAllah. Well, its not actually a project, just a tester really. See if I get any responses...
Is alright, I will try to find a girl wearing pink Hijab on youtube
Submitted by BijouX (not verified) on 24 April, 2009 - 16:03 #30
You wrote:
s.b.f wrote:
You're making your own show? (I'm a bit slow) Sounds like a really good project!
I think everyone got confused for a bit and there were many suppositions at the start over the questions. No harm, no foul as long as we get to the well trodden path.
Bijou can also use this place for ideas etc, have a place to get asked questions etc. Should be good inshallah.
Its really exciting to see you guys have a positive view about this also. All the help I can get is good, and also ideas! Even from the guys!! Thats really important, because I dont want to limit my viewers, at the moment I'm thinking it should be for everyone. So we all learn from eachother.
So...inshAllah I will get into more detail when I get things set up... but I would really appreciate ideas from people.
I think there already is, if I'm not mistaken. Don't know her name though, I think she wears a red hijab.
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
Damn! She got there before me!
...Guess I will have to turn it into a competition =D. Joke.Hhhmm....How did you find out?Is there something I can type on youtube or something to check her out?
Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.
No, it's just that on Islam Channel ages ago there was an ad for that website (I can't remember) and her video was one of the examples.
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
I don't think people should set out to be a 'female version' or a 'male version' or a 'Muslim version' of anything.
Do something original. Be yourself. Etcetera.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Hmmm...the idea of originality is good...however coming up with an idea of what to do is not easy.
Something simple, easy, not time consuming, interesting for people to listen to. I thought of Baba Ali because he is appealing to a wide ethnic group and people of all ages listen to him.
If a female did that...and talked about various issues that women (young, old,disabled,white,black,brown, yellow, green) were challenged with, the good and bad points...it would be slightly different?
I dont know, I'm just looking for something which is all the above mentioned!
In that case... boring!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
In that case... boring! :p[/quote]
Baba Ali may not be original either - From what I can see, he copied "TheShow by ZeFrank".
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Well everyone is influenced by someone else, so in that case no one is really original, but he really brought that style to life.
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
But did he 'set out' to become a 'Muslim-version' of ZeFrank?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Do we care?
Back in BLACK
For people who voted 'females shouldn't do that'
What makes you say that?
I voted nobody cares, but only because I don't care.
I'm not speaking for everyone. Obviously some people do.
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
I think the people who voted 'females shouldnt do that'...think women should stay at home and cook and clean right? So pathetic!
Baba Ali is an original. He has brought up issues that nobody will talk about, and confronted the globe about them. I think people should follow his ways, learn from him. He is a convert, yet he seems to have more knowledge than the adolescents that just care about the way they look and what people think of them. It is quit sad how people dont understand that this world is just a test to see how we perform to the tests we are put through.
Baba Ali makes these videos to teach, and remind us all...that Islam is not just a religion, BUT INFACT IT IS A WAY OF LIFE. And for those who have voted Baba Ali sucks...need to go to a doctor.
I'm not saying hes the greatest man on Earth, I am simply saying that he is trying doing a favour on us, The Ummah of Prophet Muhammed pbuh, and we are so unappreciative to what people do. Most people KNOW hes speaking the truth, hence they 'dont like him'. Instead of realizing the mistake and correcting themselves, they start hating, ya Haters!!
Indy..I think you're going over the top. People have different tastes. Nobody said they hate Baba Ali; they probably just don't like the way he delivers his ideas/facts/advise.
which can be the same as hate.
Another question would be if the comedians that copy him (male or female) would be funny. If they had their own funny jokes etc, they would not need to imitate and would stand tall on their own two feet.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
My focus of this poll was not about the comedy. It was merely about what Baba Ali does, talking about important issues which people hide from and just generally teaching people. The comic side of him is just his own personality. If it was just a guy talking, no-one will watch him, but hes bought his fun, exciting personally into it just to make things more relaxed.
If its about helping other people and the advice is sound and applicable and actually helps, I can't see too much harm from it. Maybe even some benefit.
Saying that, these days I struggle to accept that telling others to do good actually results in good. I can see where it leads to bad. But advising people who want the advice is probably a good thing.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
One point to make here is, if someone is knowledgeable then its always best to shed light on other people, just like Allah swt says in the Quran, whoever knows the Quran teach it, you will be among the best of people. Anyway, back to my point...its just about helping each other out mainly. Of course, not everyone will agree, and not everyone will listen and follow, but even if it can make a difference to one person, it should be enough right?
Having a female do something similar to Ali is a interesting because obviously the female will have more issues concerning women...just like Ali had a few more issues concerning men.
Theres quit a few issues I would like to bring to light to females, such as praying in the Masjid, having boyfriends, getting married to non- muslims, understanding where women stand in Islam, the hijab/niqab/veil/burka whatever you would like to call it, a Muslim womans behaviour,marriage ..etc etc... you see theres so many things I have experienced with myself and friends...I would like to share with the rest of the Muslim community (and also non Muslims of course).
Has anyone seen a woman do a talk as Baba Ali does?
I saw one once and she was just making me cringe. I couldn't get past the first few seconds. I would post it on here, but at the beginning it said it was just for female viewers.
Post it up...lets see what shes gotta sayy (if she made you cringe, then she wasnt doing 'a talk as Baba Ali does'.
I can't find it now. This was ages ago. At the beginning she kept going on about whether the viewer was a boy or a girl. 'Are you sure you're not a guy?' . She had a pink hijab on. That's all I remember. Maybe her talk wasn't the same. But what I meant was she talking conversationally to the camera. That's all.
Lol sounds like she was testing the intelligence of the viewer. Anywayz, if you ever find it, please post it up I would like to check it out.
@ Bijou - go for it. You can even embed the videos in forum topics/blog posts.
The best way to know if it works or not is to try it.
Cringiness could be due to many reasons - the viewer not being comfortable, the person being too preachy (which Baba Ali can suffer from too), focussing on minor things that others are not too concerned with etc.
Some of the issues you highlighted though are not "all about women" and are3 for everyone, so you might need to take some care to not alienate viewers.
Go for it and don't forget to give this place a shout out too.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I think I will inshAllah, just let the next few weeks of uni finish, then inshAllah I will put something together!
Yeah one issue is the audience, because although it might be for women, men are also interested in knowing. So inshAllah, anything I do will be for mixed genders..( noo..im not talking literally mixed
Sounds like a plan.
Inshallah you'll have fun while doing Da'wah it too.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
You're making your own show? (I'm a bit slow) Sounds like a really good project!
Just make sure not to test the viewers about their gender at the beginning
No, I still can't find it for some reason :S Last time I found it after watching Baba Ali shows on youtube and there was a link on the side...hmmm..
I think everyone got confused for a bit and there were many suppositions at the start over the questions. No harm, no foul as long as we get to the well trodden path.
Bijou can also use this place for ideas etc, have a place to get asked questions etc. Should be good inshallah.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Yep...InshAllah. Well, its not actually a project, just a tester really. See if I get any responses...
Is alright, I will try to find a girl wearing pink Hijab on youtube
Its really exciting to see you guys have a positive view about this also. All the help I can get is good, and also ideas! Even from the guys!! Thats really important, because I dont want to limit my viewers, at the moment I'm thinking it should be for everyone. So we all learn from eachother.
So...inshAllah I will get into more detail when I get things set up... but I would really appreciate ideas from people.