By Alveena Salim
Rapidly months pass before our eyes and Ramadan is upon us once again. Our pious predecessors used to spend six months before the month of Ramadan begging Allah (swt) to make then witness this month and used to spend six months after the month of Ramadan begging Allah (swt) to accept the worship that they had performed. They also used to weep at its departure. The Holy Prophet
said; As soon as Ramadan comes around, the gates of the Garden of Paradise are flung open, the gates of the fire of Hell are shut and locked, and the devils [shaytan] are shackled and tied up tight" Sawm literally means to stop/refrain in Arabic; it means to stop doing all the things that keep us away from Allah (swt) and His Rasool.
Ramadan is derived from the root word AR-RAMAD which means rain which arrives in autumn, so this blessed month is called Ramadan because it washes away sins from the heart like rainwater washes away filth from the streets.
The prescribed institution of fasting is a unique moral and spiritual characteristic of Islam. The fast in the month of Ramadan which requires Muslims to refrain from food, drink and sexual relations from first light until sundown is firstly an act of worship which brings reward from Allah (swt).
Fasting is a means of self-purification. The Prophet once said; "You must be sure to practice fasting, for your hearts will then be purified". The month of Ramadan is the month to purify oneself and better our ways. Scholars recommend that in order to get the most from Ramadan one should not engage in excessive speech or overeat. It is mentioned in a Hadith Qudsi that Allah (swt) multiplies the rewards of His pious servants by ten times up to 700 times except for the reward of fasting. In other words, there is no limit for the reward of fasting. As regards to fasting, Allah (swt) states; ˜It is for Me alone and I will give the reward.
Allah (swt) has made fasting, distinct from all other deeds because it is more difficult to fast then to perform the prayer and we are told that pain, hardship and inconvenience suffered for the sake of Allah (swt) will bring us immeasurable rewards and a multitude of spiritual benefits.
Imam Ghazzali has said "How many people are not fasting, but with God they are fasting And how many people are fasting, but with God they are not fasting?"
In other words, there are people who, throughout the year, guard their eyes, ears, tongues, feet and hands from corruption, those are the ones who truly fulfil the purpose of fasting yet there are others who despite fasting derive nothing from their fast other then hunger.
In this blessed month we should not just renounce food and drink but should also save our eyes, ears, tongues, feet and hands from corruption, and seek refuge from falling into the category of those who derive nothing out of their fast other then hunger. Fasting means to give up all wrong doings- not just food and drink. One would notice that in Ramadan one does not have the inclination (or strength) to commit bad deeds, one does not fight, talk, or argue etc as much as usual.
The Holy Prophet said The worst vessel the son of Adam can fill is his stomach, scholars have pointed out that there is a relationship between character and consumption. When the stomach is empty one feels closer to Allah (swt) and is less inclined to do those things that will bring about His wrath.
Al-Hasan relates that Hadrat Aisha (ra) said "I once heard the Emissary of God say; "Knock persistently on heaven door, and it shall be opened unto you" "How should we do" that? I asked, and he replied, "With hunger and thirst" The Holy Prophet
own eating habits were such that he would never eat his full for three days in a row.
All sins originate in one desire and strength, the fuel of which is food in every case: when one eats less, the desires and strengths will be weakened. Another recognised benefit of fasting is that it results in the softness and purity of the heart, by which it is then ready to obtain the delight of intimate discourse with Allah (swt) and be affected by His remembrance.
If we think of the many acts of remembrance we do which are done with the tongue and with an attentive heart, while the heart still nonetheless fails to find any delight in it and is not affected. When however, it is softened (due to certain circumstances) you will see that it affected most powerfully by the remembrance of Allah, and will take great delights in communing with Him.
The month of Ramadan is a special time for purifying oneself. Many diseases of the heart can be easily eliminated during this blessed month. Love of the world is a disease that we wean ourselves of during Ramadan, for we voluntarily deprive ourselves of the pleasures of food and drink. Riya (show) is also more easily eliminated during this month because fasting is an inconspicuous act, one can stare at someone at the face and not know whether he/she is fasting or not.
In addition, because many people attend the mosque during Ramadan to perform extra devotional prayers, a person prone to ostentation no longer feels significant (a person is one face amongst thousands). Hate/strong dislike for someone which is called bughd in Arabic is also something that is easily eliminated in Ramadan. Hating others is an anathema to the ethic and spirit of this great month. Ramadan is about gaining position and status with Allah (swt).
Shaykh Abd al Qadir al Jilani said that the month of Ramadan is the month of serenity and purity, the month of fulfilment and faithfulness, and it is the month of those who practice the remembrance of Allah (swt). The month of those who endure with patience, and the month of those who are honest and truthful.So if it doesn't have the effect of improving our heart, if it doesn't induce us to desist from rebellious acts against Allah (swt), and doesn't make us avoid bad company, then what else can exert a positive influence on our hearts? What goodness can be hoped in a case like ours? What redeeming quality can survive in someone like us? What successful outcome can be expected from individuals like us?
Ramadan is the time to break habits that is providing we WANT to change for the better.Without effort and sincere trust, Ramadan can easily be just another 30 days in a year. One cannot help but notice a tragedy in this; Allah (swt) generously opens portals in time, truly special opportunities for us to grow, learn, better ourselves, build something for the hereafter and gain proximity to Allah (swt), yet some people turn away from it and unfortunately derive nothing out of their fasts other then hunger.A wise man once said that the way we behave this month determines how the rest of the year will go. This is why it makes sense to take advantage of every single blessed moment. If we take advantage of this month properly we can reap its benefits for the rest of the year and maybe even for the rest of our life.
May Allah (swt) give us the ability to take advantage of every single blessed moment; May He help us to improve and transforms ourselves into individual whom He will be pleased with. Ameen.