Our current reality about religious disagreements is that it is something bad. Is it possible to have one opinion?
Come and discover if the companions shared one opinion at the time of the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him).
Embark upon a journey with Utrujj Foundation to see how different understandings developed amongst the schools; going from the Prophetic time to the present day.
Together let us clarify the reasons behind the differences amongst the scholars and how do we deal with disagreement - does it enrich or weaken religion?
We will also answer the question who the Mujtahid is; if a scholar is qualified to do 'ijtihad' - to derive religious rulings from the Qur'an and Sunnah?
Date: Sat 24 May 2014. 4th Floor, MWL
Time: 10am-5pm
Fees: £29 Emp/ £19 Unemp/student