In This Issue:

[i]by Adnan Adrees[/i]
Ever since the PACE Act 1984 (Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984) all officers of the law were given new special powers in the fight against crime. Each officer would don a bright coloured uniform and transform into large beasts called "Zords" to battle the evil minions of the uber-villian known as Crime Lord. In a desperate bid to reduce crime officers could "frisk" the people of Britain in order to weed out the evil minions.
We will all have moments in our life when we feel a bit down, miserable or in a bit of a mood.

[b]Sami Yusuf, largely unknown to the Western world, is dubbed ‘Islam’s Biggest Rock Star’ by Time magazine.[/b]
He was born in Tehran but grew up in London in a family of musicians and started composing music at a very young age. He later studied classical oriental music in London, alongside renowned composers and musicians including composers from the Royal Academy of Music in London, which is one of the world’s most prestigious music institutions. He has also studied Islam and Arabic from Al-Azhar University in
Egypt and is able to sing in Urdu, Arabic, English, Turkish and Persian.

[i]By Alveena Salim[/i]
[b]You pull up to a red light beside a car full of rude-boy wannabes blasting one of the latest RnB/hip-hop/rap tunes, and before the light turns green, you’ve heard of four different sex acts, someone’s mum cussed, you’re told to get high on drugs and encouraged to beat up the “ho that steps outta lineâ€. [/b]
OBL has gone into hiding. Your mission, should you choose to accept it is to find him. Can you best the CIA?
Arrange the numbers 1 to 9 so that every number only appears once in every row, column or 3x3 square.

What Am I?
I'm a 6 letter word.
Letter 6, 5 and 2 spell out a drink.
Letters 4, 5, 2 and 3 spell out a fruit.
Letters 1, 2 and 6 spell out a pet.

By Sajid Iqbal
I was co-presenting a late night discussion show on my local Radio in the month of Ramadan this year, which I have been doing for quite a few years now. The topic was marriage, which is one of the most popular shows every year… I dunno why! However, every year, a small section of the listeners remind me of one massive ignorance and fault our Muslims communities have across the UK.

Select messages received by the Editor
Assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah
I am writing to congratulate you on the Revival Magazine! It’s beautiful… mashallah!!!!!
According to your website, you started a while back but I only found out a few days ago, actually I found the magazine in my local masjid (Clonskeagh mosque, Dublin 14, Ireland) few days before Eid… alhamdulilahi! I was so excited I took it home without asking the owner or anything! May Allah Tala forgive me.
I would also like to get some more copies for the youth here! Ireland's young Muslim population is very little therefore most youth are straying, it will be very good to have a magazine like yours around! I, mashallah really enjoyed reading it. Wassallaam

The word "Nasheed" is just an Arabic term meaning Islamic songs. Nasheeds aren't just about Allah (swt) and the Prophet (saw), but they cover all sorts of issues concerning the Ummah today.
Nasheeds have been around ever since the time of the Holy Prophet (saw), yes that is 1400 years ago! In total there were 45 Munshideen (Nasheed artists) at the time of the Holy Prophet with Hassan ibn Thabit (ra) being the favourite.
By Sajid Iqbal & Irfan Khan
Jamal goes to visit Ali in prison…
Ali: Jamaaaal!!! Holy cow!!! Is that really you?
Jamal: Salaam Ali. Yep it's me bro… and I ain’t no cow.
Ali: I can’t believe you's come all the way from Egypt to see me! Raas man! You're not a dodgy Mullah after all!
Jamal: No, not as dodgy as you bro… hahahaha.
By Irfan Jalil
"The media" eh? God bless it. It's normally a popular subject at the sheesha joints. We can blame it for all the ills of the world.
We'd love to have a good old bash, but someone realised that we, "The Revival", are part of the media too. The magazine. The website. The interviews. It's all a part of the media. So we toned it all down and decided to concentrate on other media outlets.
The media has a strong influence on public opinion. It provides not only information but ways of looking at the world. It informs and influences. Issues about Muslims are very often shaped by the media.
Many Muslims who have been blessed to make Hajj often speak of how the journey is a life-changing experience. This is more the case for some than others.
Malcolm X is one Muslim who saw the light of true Islam through his Hajj in April 1964. As a former member and speaker for the Nation of Islam, a black spiritual and nationalist movement, he believed that the white man was the devil and the black man superior.
After leaving the Nation of Islam in March 1964, he made Hajj, which helped change his perspective on whites and racism completely.

By Alveena Salim
Hey, check him out! He must be the fittest boy I’ve ever seen… let’s sit closer to get a better view. Gwaan check him out, but don’t be too obvious…"
"Phwoarrr! Did you see her walk by? I swear she was eyeing me up, innit! My mate reckons she's well easy!â€
Sound familiar? Rating the ‘fitness’ of others is one of the most common time-pass in most schools, colleges, uni's and work places. “We’re only looking - it’s minor†is the defensive response of most. So the question arises “Is it really not a big deal?â€

Jesus is a Christian though isn’t he?
Jesus (peace be upon him) isn’t just exclusive to Christianity. Muslims believe Jesus (called ‘Isa in Arabic) is a prophet - a messenger of Allah (swt) who was sent to mankind with a revelation from Allah (swt). In the Quran, stories about the life and teachings of Jesus (pbuh) are abundant. In fact, Jesus (pbuh) is mentioned more times in the Quran than Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Moses (Musa), Noah (Nuh), Adam, John (Yahya), David (Da’ud), and many other key figures in the Bible, (peace be upon them all) are also prophets in Islam.

By Naheem Zaffar
Have you ever wondered what happens after death? What happens to your soul? What happens in the grave? What you are about to read is not from any sci-fi movie or horror novel. This is nothing but the truth based on Islamic teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah. So sit back, fasten your seat belt as we're going on one heck of a ride!
There’s a saying that there are two certainties in life: death and taxes. Enterprising people have managed to find a way around the taxes, but death is a bigger problem.
So what’s the deal with Hajj? Why is it that millions of people all over the world make this journey every year?
Isn’t it something that only old people do? What if I get squashed by an Arab? Isn’t it hard? And why is it that Will Smith the infamous Fresh Prince of Bel Air, reportedly told USA Today that he’d love to go to Hajj!
I mean come on, the man isn’t even a Muslim and even he’s interested in performing the journey of a lifetime!
The Revival presents to you five things that Hajj can offer YOU!
So what’s the deal with Hajj? Why is it that millions of people all over the world make this journey every year?
Isn’t it something that only old people do? What if I get squashed by an Arab? Isn’t it hard? And why is it that Will Smith the infamous Fresh Prince of Bel Air, reportedly told USA Today that he’d love to go to Hajj!
I mean come on, the man isn’t even a Muslim and even he’s interested in performing the journey of a lifetime!
The Revival presents to you five things that Hajj can offer YOU!

(Serves 6)
What you’ll need: 225g/8oz of cod llet, skinned & boned
lemon juice
900g/2lb of potatoes, peeled and
cut into chunks
55g/2oz of butter
150ml/¼ pint of cream
salt and white pepper
a sprinkle of grated cheddar cheese

(Serves 6)
What you’ll need: 180g of dates, pitted and chopped
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 cup of boiling water
80g of butter, plus extra to grease
150g of brown sugar
2 eggs
180g of self raising our, sifted Toffee Sauce: 150g of brown sugar
200ml of cream
80g of butter What to do:

If you are unsure about a decision you have to make, there is a specific prayer that you can do to ask for Allah's help in making your decision. This prayer is called Salaat-ul- Istikhara (Prayer of guidance).
Istikhara is Sunnah and should be performed for all permissible acts which are not obligatory i.e. Salaah. Meaning one cannot perform Istikhara to see whether they should pray their Salaah five times a day or not, because Salaah is a direct obligation and an order from Allah. In the same way Istikhara cannot be done to see whether they should do something Haram or not.

Can we keep animals?
By Shaykh Salim Ghiza
It is permissible to keep animals for many different reasons.

If I wear a Hijab with Western clothing that is fashionable is that wrong?
by Shaykh Salim Ghiza

Can I have a girl/boyfriend if I am going to marry her/him later?
By Shaykh Salim Ghiza
When is the rest of the articles in this magazine will be readable online???
Inshallah they will be online very soon. I am working on a few things atm, and want to catch up by putting all the back issues online first.
EDIT - I am now in the process of putting the articles up. All past issues have been put up already.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
is this all?? or is there more articles 2 come???
More to come (ten more I think. Sorry for being slow)
If you want, the pdf version (33 megs) can be downloaded by clicking [url=]here[/url].
EDIT - they are all now online. Yipee!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Asslam walaykum,
i just wanted to know if you can post issue 10 at my house
thank you.
huda hafiz
We dont really post them individually to peoples houses unless you've subscribed. The only other way is to pick them up from a designated place where they're distributed in your town or city.
However since this is a past issue, it is unlikely there are any left at designated spots. And therefore subscription is the only way.
I hope that answers your question.
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