You guys must have heard your elders say stuff that make u go- :roll:
It’s not just suspicion it’s stupid stories as well.
I was told there was this woman who burnt the Koran and she turned into a donkey.
I heard there was this girl who turned into a beast when she kicked the Koran. Then this guy who was gonna do ‘dum’ on her to try and ‘cure’ her had a heart attack when he saw her face coz it was so ugly.
I was also told there was this Sunni who was arguing with a Wahabi about ‘who’s sect is right’ and they both challenged each other to walk into the fire with the belief that god will save the ‘right one’. The Wahabi died and the Sunni survived and the fire was safe and cool for the Sunni. Then the Wahabi guys family became Sunni.
I also heard of a story of a peer that lived under water.
….and another one that walked on water…
I find it hard to believe that people believe in that rubbish :shock:
Submitted by Medarris on 10 January, 2006 - 14:45 #66
Med I know people who claim every Tom, Dick and Harry can do stuff like that. The story of the Sunni and Wahabi does not even sound right since God condemned sects in the Noble Koran.
Submitted by Medarris on 10 January, 2006 - 14:54 #68
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by equanimity on 10 January, 2006 - 22:39 #69
everything to do with peers and dilbaars is baseless superstition
what about burning a string to get rid of nazir (evil eye) that always make me laugh
most superstitions are origionated by culture that stems from hinduism and there 100 different gods
everything to do with peers and dilbaars is baseless superstition
what is a dilbaar?
"E20" wrote:
"Seraphim" wrote:
i remember once when i was younger i asked one of my friends "how do you spell P.I.G"... :oops: didnt realise i was saying the letters out load but more so thought it was an actual word.
lol some of the people I knew wouldn’t even say P.I.G. They just said P.I. without the ‘G.’ but we knew what they were on about….
LOL..reminds me of my childhood, infact i remember it was my mosque teacher who told me off for saying the word pig once, and then you got the other kids saying your tongues pleet..
Submitted by Medarris on 11 January, 2006 - 00:49 #71
Raf786 means darbaar.
These are the centres of polytheism. The graves of the awliya are made into shrines and become centres of shirk with the Ahlul Bid'ah.
These are the centres of polytheism. The graves of the awliya are made into shrines and become centres of shirk with the Ahlul Bid'ah.
I call BS
(even doing sajdah without intention of worship is not shirk! it is haraam...)
How can saying soemone is dead be polytheism? I do not believe Allah (swt) will die.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
everything to do with peers and dilbaars is baseless superstition
I agree. Peers are only after your money. My family are crazy about them! They would hit the roof if they knew I reject them! and deep down I hate them ostentatious freaks. My family also believe that they are also our intercessors :roll:
"RAF786" wrote:
what about burning a string to get rid of nazir (evil eye) that always make me laugh
Most people try Dum/Chamba to get rid of it. I sometimes get the feeling that Dum is bidah. Its not mentioned in the Koran and I have not read it in any of the authentic ahadith. My dad can do Dum. We often get people coming round to our house asking him to do it.
"RAF786" wrote:
most superstitions are origionated by culture that stems from hinduism and there 100 different gods
"Med" wrote:
Raf786 means darbaar.
These are the centres of polytheism. The graves of the awliya are made into shrines and become centres of shirk with the Ahlul Bid'ah.
My family are crazy about them too! I can’t believe people think that that sort of stuff is Islamic.
"naj" wrote:
LOL..reminds me of my childhood, infact i remember it was my mosque teacher who told me off for saying the word pig once, and then you got the other kids saying your tongues pleet..
Almighty Allah wrote the word pig in the holy Koran, there is no logical reason to why we can’t say it.
I had a stupid mosque teacher too. She was such a fat, stupid, grave worshipping freak!
Submitted by Medarris on 11 January, 2006 - 16:15 #74
Submitted by Medarris on 11 January, 2006 - 18:52 #76
I have no proof. I advise consulting an alim.
Dam: According to what I am on about is when Quranic ayat are recited and blown upon the person or when they are recited and blown upon a glass of water and then is given to the patient to drink.
true brother does it to my mum when she gets a migrane.
"E20" wrote:
I had a stupid mosque teacher too. She was such a fat, stupid, grave worshipping freak!
E20 calm you should always respect your teachers..
you can only succeed if you be humble with your teacher.
Submitted by Medarris on 11 January, 2006 - 19:18 #78
Mawlana Muhammad Saleem Dhorat:
agar aap ka ustaad shaytaan bhi ho, phir bhi wo aap ka ustaad hai.
If your teacher is the devil, even then he is your teacher.
Point being to respect you teachers in ALL cases.
Point is not to encourage people to be the devils students.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by *DUST* on 11 January, 2006 - 22:37 #79
"E20" wrote:
"RAF786" wrote:
most superstitions are origionated by culture that stems from hinduism and there 100 different gods
:? ppl can we plz refrain from belittling other faiths...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by *DUST* on 12 January, 2006 - 07:57 #82
Just don't tick off Xenu - he did, after all, kill 75 trillion thetons by throwing them into volcanos.
:roll: well i guess it IS a man-made 'religion'...
(i suspect u hate it JUST due to Tom Cruise bangin on about it all the time. :lol:)
E20 calm you should always respect your teachers..
you can only succeed if you be humble with your teacher.
If you knew what she was like you would hate her too. I still can’t get over the fact she hit me really hard with a stick over something petty. Thankfully hitting kids with sticks is now banned at our mosque, it’s a shame they didn’t put a stop to it when I was there. But when she used to hit us she used to use [i]all[/i] her strength and she made sure it [i]really[/i] hurt. I really hate her, she was so nasty, whenever she used to hit us she used pull a face like a constipated pig! She was too aggressive! :x
I am still angry that she misguided me all these years :x She was a VERY illogical person. All she ever did was commit shirk.
"Med" wrote:
Point being to respect you teachers in ALL cases.
I have read some of your past posts and you don’t respect people that commit shirk.
"*DUST*" wrote:
"E20" wrote:
"RAF786" wrote:
most superstitions are origionated by culture that stems from hinduism and there 100 different gods
:? ppl can we plz refrain from belittling other faiths...
[i]"Muhammad is a Messenger of ALLAH, and [b]those who are with him are hard against the unbelievers and merciful with those who believe in Allah[/b], you see them bowing, prostrating, seeking bounty and pleasure of ALLAH, their mark is on their faces, being the trace of prostration. That is their likeness in the Torah and their likeness in the Gospel, as a seed that puts forth its shoot, then strengthens it, then it becomes stout, then it rises straight on its stalk, pleasing the sowers that [b]through them He may be stern with the unbelievers of Allah[/b], ALLAH promises those, who believe and who, out of them, do righteous deeds, forgiveness and a big wage".[/i] [29:48]-Koran
Of course it is wrong to deliberately cause trouble with them but when you have people copying their polytheist ideas you have to let them know.
"*DUST*" wrote:
well i guess it IS a man-made 'religion'...
So is Hinduism. But just coz Hinduism has been around for a lot longer it doesn’t make it any better. I wouldn’t deliberately cause trouble with them or intentionally piss them off but it does make me laugh when monotheists copy polytheists rituals.
Submitted by *DUST* on 12 January, 2006 - 09:31 #84
"E20" wrote:
"Med" wrote:
Point being to respect you teachers in ALL cases.
I have read some of your past posts and you don’t respect people that commit shirk.
yes but those ppl aren't his teachers... Med shocked me one time by saying he had a lot of respect for this barelwi shaykh - turns out its coz he was Med's teacher. so even tho he no longer agrees with what that Shaykh teaches, he respects him for once being his teacher. well done Med.
"E20" wrote:
"*DUST*" wrote:
"E20" wrote:
"RAF786" wrote:
most superstitions are origionated by culture that stems from hinduism and there 100 different gods
:? ppl can we plz refrain from belittling other faiths...
[i]"Muhammad is a Messenger of ALLAH, and [b]those who are with him are hard against the unbelievers and merciful with those who believe in Allah[/b], you see them bowing, prostrating, seeking bounty and pleasure of ALLAH, their mark is on their faces, being the trace of prostration. That is their likeness in the Torah and their likeness in the Gospel, as a seed that puts forth its shoot, then strengthens it, then it becomes stout, then it rises straight on its stalk, pleasing the sowers that [b]through them He may be stern with the unbelievers of Allah[/b], ALLAH promises those, who believe and who, out of them, do righteous deeds, forgiveness and a big wage".[/i] [29:48]-Koran
Of course it is wrong to deliberately cause trouble with them but when you have people copying their polytheist ideas you have to let them know.
ofcourse u should 'let them know', but that is not the same as laughing at them. :?
"E20" wrote:
"*DUST*" wrote:
well i guess it IS a man-made 'religion'...
So is Hinduism. But just coz Hinduism has been around for a lot longer it doesn’t make it any better. I wouldn’t deliberately cause trouble with them or intentionally piss them off but it does make me laugh when monotheists copy polytheists rituals.
no, scientology literally IS a man-made religion. it was 'founded' by an American man named L Ron. Hubbard in 1953.
i am not saying Hinduism is in any way 'better' than Scientology, but whilst the former believes in God, the latter is vague on the role of God. i.e. Hindu's do not believe their religion was man-made, whereas Scientologists KNOW theirs is.
we cannot say the same for Christianity, Judaism, and probably Hinduism, because we believe these people were all sent a Prophet of Allah, but over time corrupted the truth. so their religions did not start on a false premise.
bottom line: i didnt say there is anything wrong with pointing out the mistake of Muslims who adopt Hindu rituals, but there is a lot wrong with laughing at them. instead of changing their ways they'd just become more indignant, dont u think?
Submitted by Beast on 12 January, 2006 - 09:43 #85
"E20" wrote:
[i]"Muhammad is a Messenger of ALLAH, and [b]those who are with him are hard against the unbelievers and merciful with those who believe in Allah[/b], you see them bowing, prostrating, seeking bounty and pleasure of ALLAH, their mark is on their faces, being the trace of prostration. That is their likeness in the Torah and their likeness in the Gospel, as a seed that puts forth its shoot, then strengthens it, then it becomes stout, then it rises straight on its stalk, pleasing the sowers that [b]through them He may be stern with the unbelievers of Allah[/b], ALLAH promises those, who believe and who, out of them, do righteous deeds, forgiveness and a big wage".[/i] [29:48]-Koran
yes but those ppl aren't his teachers... Med shocked me one time by saying he had a lot of respect for this barelwi shaykh - turns out its coz he was Med's teacher. so even tho he no longer agrees with what that Shaykh teaches, he respects him for once being his teacher. well done Med.
It’s not just what she used to say, it was what she used to do. She was obsessed with hitting everyone IMO she looked for every excuse possible to hit someone. It REALLY hurt. She had no right to do that, hitting kids with a stick is SO mean. I’m not a tolerant person. She moved to Luton a few years ago. If I ever see her again I would give her a good slap to make up for all the crap she put me through.
"*DUST*" wrote:
ofcourse u should 'let them know', but that is not the same as laughing at them. :?
I don’t laugh at [i]them[/i]. The people I am amused at are the ones when you tell them a bajillion times shoving a bajillion quotes from the Koran what they do is wrong and they still find it perfectly acceptable even though they cannot even come up with a lame excuse to justify what they do. I don’t mean to be arrogant but narrow minded people always amuse me, their stupidity is something I find hard not to laugh at especially when they tell me off for not joining in these polytheist rituals. There are so many Hindu sects it is [i]impossible[/i] to keep track them all, they crop up all the time, they constantly event new rituals all the times, even the Hindus them selves say that. IMO Hinduism is just as ‘man-made’ as Scientology . So basically I aint mocking any religion, I am mocking man-made rituals. Zakir Naik did an excellent speech about Monotheism in the Global peace and Unity event, he used peoples religious scriptures [u]against them[/u] to promote the belief that God is one. My mum thought that was wrong, but the Koran justifies it.
Submitted by *DUST* on 12 January, 2006 - 11:00 #87
"E20" wrote:
It’s not just what she used to say, it was what she used to do. She was obsessed with hitting everyone IMO she looked for every excuse possible to hit someone. It REALLY hurt. She had no right to do that, hitting kids with a stick is SO mean. I’m not a tolerant person. She moved to Luton a few years ago. If I ever see her again I would give her a good slap to make up for all the crap she put me through.
lol aww. i see where ur coming from coz i was hit at madrasah too. but there was a set curriculum they had to teach and with all their hate they still managed to teach me something. so alhamdulillah 'alaa kulli haal.
if u forgive that teacher ul be the better person. and in the Hereafter the compensation will be immense, worth waiting for i'd say.
"E20" wrote:
I don’t laugh at [i]them[/i]. The people I am amused at are the ones when you tell them a bajillion times shoving a bajillion quotes from the Koran what they do is wrong and they still find it perfectly acceptable even though they cannot even come up with a lame excuse to justify what they do. I don’t mean to be arrogant but narrow minded people always amuse me, their stupidity is something I find hard not to laugh at especially when they tell me off for not joining in these polytheist rituals.
"I" wrote:
bottom line: i didnt say there is anything wrong with pointing out the mistake of Muslims who adopt Hindu rituals, but there is a lot wrong with laughing at them. instead of changing their ways they'd just become more indignant, dont u think?
bottom line: i didnt say there is anything wrong with pointing out the mistake of Muslims who adopt Hindu rituals, but there is a lot wrong with laughing at them. instead of changing their ways they'd just become more indignant, dont u think?
Lol true. But when I’m expected to join in I can’t help but laugh.
Submitted by Medarris on 12 January, 2006 - 12:42 #89
You are right I dont respect shirk or any1 who does shirk. I tolerate it.
Regarding your teacher you should respect her regardless of how she beat you. If she is committing dodgy acts then no1 says follow her or agree with her in that aspect but she deserves respect by virtue of being your teacher. There is no way to escape from this debt you owe to her.
calm down. I respect my Teachers because they are my teachers, nothing impressive about that.
Respect for other religions:
I have no respect for any religion other than islaam because respecting those religions entails respecting kufr/shirk.
I tolerate other religions, and can understand that they differ from islaam as this has always been from the beginning days. But respecting is out of the question.
Tolerate - abusing without reason, or being unjust to other religions is not right. But similarly to respect that is unnaccepable.
It is not possible for one heart to respect imaan and kufr and the same time. The two are enemies unto one another.
Regarding your teacher you should respect her regardless of how she beat you. [b]If she is committing dodgy acts then no1 says follow her or agree with her in that aspect but she deserves respect by virtue of being your teacher[/b]. There is no way to escape from this debt you owe to her.
She doesn’t deserve any respect. I can just about forgive her for hitting me with a stick but NOT for misguiding me. She was a total hypocrite and she tricked me into shirk. My family are also to blame. My parents blindly follow all the Imams we ever had at our Mosque, even if they don’t make any sense they still followed them. Blindly following your parents is a ignorent human trait. God said in the Koran he has given us the eyes, the ears and the brain and we are [u]responsible[/u] for using them and we MUST verify all information for our selves.
This thread has gone off the topic…sorry Muslimsislilsis…
Hey Med they’re in injections too! :?
Med do you eat a lot of apples :?:
[size=9]An apple a day keeps the doctor away[/size]
IMO pig phobia is so backwards. My granddad would go mad if I he found out how much my cousins loved Lion King.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Med you remind me of my granddad
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
It’s not just suspicion it’s stupid stories as well.
I was told there was this woman who burnt the Koran and she turned into a donkey.
I heard there was this girl who turned into a beast when she kicked the Koran. Then this guy who was gonna do ‘dum’ on her to try and ‘cure’ her had a heart attack when he saw her face coz it was so ugly.
I was also told there was this Sunni who was arguing with a Wahabi about ‘who’s sect is right’ and they both challenged each other to walk into the fire with the belief that god will save the ‘right one’. The Wahabi died and the Sunni survived and the fire was safe and cool for the Sunni. Then the Wahabi guys family became Sunni.
I also heard of a story of a peer that lived under water.
….and another one that walked on water…
I find it hard to believe that people believe in that rubbish :shock:
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Med I know people who claim every Tom, Dick and Harry can do stuff like that. The story of the Sunni and Wahabi does not even sound right since God condemned sects in the Noble Koran.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
everything to do with peers and dilbaars is baseless superstition
what about burning a string to get rid of nazir (evil eye) that always make me laugh
most superstitions are origionated by culture that stems from hinduism and there 100 different gods
what is a dilbaar?
LOL..reminds me of my childhood, infact i remember it was my mosque teacher who told me off for saying the word pig once, and then you got the other kids saying your tongues pleet..
Raf786 means darbaar.
These are the centres of polytheism. The graves of the awliya are made into shrines and become centres of shirk with the Ahlul Bid'ah.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
I call BS
(even doing sajdah without intention of worship is not shirk! it is haraam...)
How can saying soemone is dead be polytheism? I do not believe Allah (swt) will die.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I agree. Peers are only after your money. My family are crazy about them! They would hit the roof if they knew I reject them! and deep down I hate them ostentatious freaks. My family also believe that they are also our intercessors :roll:
Most people try Dum/Chamba to get rid of it. I sometimes get the feeling that Dum is bidah. Its not mentioned in the Koran and I have not read it in any of the authentic ahadith. My dad can do Dum. We often get people coming round to our house asking him to do it.
My family are crazy about them too! I can’t believe people think that that sort of stuff is Islamic.
Almighty Allah wrote the word pig in the holy Koran, there is no logical reason to why we can’t say it.
I had a stupid mosque teacher too. She was such a fat, stupid, grave worshipping freak!
Dam is permitted and effective if done correctly.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
…and the proof?
I have no proof. I advise consulting an alim.
Dam: According to what I am on about is when Quranic ayat are recited and blown upon the person or when they are recited and blown upon a glass of water and then is given to the patient to drink.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
true brother does it to my mum when she gets a migrane.
E20 calm you should always respect your teachers..
you can only succeed if you be humble with your teacher.
Mawlana Muhammad Saleem Dhorat:
agar aap ka ustaad shaytaan bhi ho, phir bhi wo aap ka ustaad hai.
If your teacher is the devil, even then he is your teacher.
Point being to respect you teachers in ALL cases.
Point is not to encourage people to be the devils students.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
:? ppl can we plz refrain from belittling other faiths...
Except []Scientology[/url] - belittle Scientology to your hearts content
Just don't tick off Xenu - he did, after all, kill 75 trillion thetons by throwing them into volcanos.
No evidence in the other topic, but follow it up there if you wish... ask for proof, and read the posts already there.
(keep it separate from here...)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
(i suspect u hate it JUST due to Tom Cruise bangin on about it all the time. :lol:)
If you knew what she was like you would hate her too. I still can’t get over the fact she hit me really hard with a stick over something petty. Thankfully hitting kids with sticks is now banned at our mosque, it’s a shame they didn’t put a stop to it when I was there. But when she used to hit us she used to use [i]all[/i] her strength and she made sure it [i]really[/i] hurt. I really hate her, she was so nasty, whenever she used to hit us she used pull a face like a constipated pig! She was too aggressive! :x
I am still angry that she misguided me all these years :x She was a VERY illogical person. All she ever did was commit shirk.
I have read some of your past posts and you don’t respect people that commit shirk.
[i]"Muhammad is a Messenger of ALLAH, and [b]those who are with him are hard against the unbelievers and merciful with those who believe in Allah[/b], you see them bowing, prostrating, seeking bounty and pleasure of ALLAH, their mark is on their faces, being the trace of prostration. That is their likeness in the Torah and their likeness in the Gospel, as a seed that puts forth its shoot, then strengthens it, then it becomes stout, then it rises straight on its stalk, pleasing the sowers that [b]through them He may be stern with the unbelievers of Allah[/b], ALLAH promises those, who believe and who, out of them, do righteous deeds, forgiveness and a big wage".[/i] [29:48]-Koran
Of course it is wrong to deliberately cause trouble with them but when you have people copying their polytheist ideas you have to let them know.
So is Hinduism. But just coz Hinduism has been around for a lot longer it doesn’t make it any better. I wouldn’t deliberately cause trouble with them or intentionally piss them off but it does make me laugh when monotheists copy polytheists rituals.
yes but those ppl aren't his teachers... Med shocked me one time by saying he had a lot of respect for this barelwi shaykh - turns out its coz he was Med's teacher. so even tho he no longer agrees with what that Shaykh teaches, he respects him for once being his teacher. well done Med.
ofcourse u should 'let them know', but that is not the same as laughing at them. :?
no, scientology literally IS a man-made religion. it was 'founded' by an American man named L Ron. Hubbard in 1953.
i am not saying Hinduism is in any way 'better' than Scientology, but whilst the former believes in God, the latter is vague on the role of God. i.e. Hindu's do not believe their religion was man-made, whereas Scientologists KNOW theirs is.
we cannot say the same for Christianity, Judaism, and probably Hinduism, because we believe these people were all sent a Prophet of Allah, but over time corrupted the truth. so their religions did not start on a false premise.
bottom line: i didnt say there is anything wrong with pointing out the mistake of Muslims who adopt Hindu rituals, but there is a lot wrong with laughing at them. instead of changing their ways they'd just become more indignant, dont u think?
You have your reference wrong.
It's 48:29
My bad, I was half asleep when writing that…
It’s not just what she used to say, it was what she used to do. She was obsessed with hitting everyone IMO she looked for every excuse possible to hit someone. It REALLY hurt. She had no right to do that, hitting kids with a stick is SO mean. I’m not a tolerant person. She moved to Luton a few years ago. If I ever see her again I would give her a good slap to make up for all the crap she put me through.
I don’t laugh at [i]them[/i]. The people I am amused at are the ones when you tell them a bajillion times shoving a bajillion quotes from the Koran what they do is wrong and they still find it perfectly acceptable even though they cannot even come up with a lame excuse to justify what they do. I don’t mean to be arrogant but narrow minded people always amuse me, their stupidity is something I find hard not to laugh at especially when they tell me off for not joining in these polytheist rituals. There are so many Hindu sects it is [i]impossible[/i] to keep track them all, they crop up all the time, they constantly event new rituals all the times, even the Hindus them selves say that. IMO Hinduism is just as ‘man-made’ as Scientology . So basically I aint mocking any religion, I am mocking man-made rituals. Zakir Naik did an excellent speech about Monotheism in the Global peace and Unity event, he used peoples religious scriptures [u]against them[/u] to promote the belief that God is one. My mum thought that was wrong, but the Koran justifies it.
lol aww. i see where ur coming from coz i was hit at madrasah too. but there was a set curriculum they had to teach and with all their hate they still managed to teach me something.
if u forgive that teacher ul be the better person. and in the Hereafter the compensation will be immense, worth waiting for i'd say.
Lol true. But when I’m expected to join in I can’t help but laugh.
You are right I dont respect shirk or any1 who does shirk. I tolerate it.
Regarding your teacher you should respect her regardless of how she beat you. If she is committing dodgy acts then no1 says follow her or agree with her in that aspect but she deserves respect by virtue of being your teacher. There is no way to escape from this debt you owe to her.
calm down. I respect my Teachers because they are my teachers, nothing impressive about that.
Respect for other religions:
I have no respect for any religion other than islaam because respecting those religions entails respecting kufr/shirk.
I tolerate other religions, and can understand that they differ from islaam as this has always been from the beginning days. But respecting is out of the question.
Tolerate - abusing without reason, or being unjust to other religions is not right. But similarly to respect that is unnaccepable.
It is not possible for one heart to respect imaan and kufr and the same time. The two are enemies unto one another.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
She doesn’t deserve any respect. I can just about forgive her for hitting me with a stick but NOT for misguiding me. She was a total hypocrite and she tricked me into shirk. My family are also to blame. My parents blindly follow all the Imams we ever had at our Mosque, even if they don’t make any sense they still followed them. Blindly following your parents is a ignorent human trait. God said in the Koran he has given us the eyes, the ears and the brain and we are [u]responsible[/u] for using them and we MUST verify all information for our selves.
This thread has gone off the topic…sorry Muslimsislilsis…