Submitted by *DUST* on 8 January, 2006 - 20:34 #31
"Don Karnage" wrote:
So basically it was there - sorta latent, but the Brits saw it and exploited it
indeedy. use a people's weakness to keep them subjugated right? :?
Submitted by Medarris on 8 January, 2006 - 20:38 #32
baseless superstitions - i think a group of really old aunties from the motherland is needed
i was told once that i couldnt sit with my hands folded behind my neck because that was inviting the devil's pleasure - what ever that means
i cant stand with my hands on my hips ever - cos only hussies stand that way
if you whistle you turn into a witch
you cant touch your neck without blowing on the fingers, cos Gods at your throat - that actually might be true
theres so much and in the end you dont know what to believe but one things for sure infront of elders you have to maintain their superstitions so as not to upset them
and oh as lilsis said cant leave shoes on floor upside down - cos its disrespectful to God i've always wondered about that
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by flower on 8 January, 2006 - 23:36 #41
it is very lame
Ok, when we were younger we were told that by saying the word pig would make us unclean for 40 days (or wos it years?) and we used to always pronounce it P.I.G, how true is this?
Ok, when we were younger we were told that by saying the word pig would make us unclean for 40 days (or wos it years?) and we used to always pronounce it P.I.G, how true is this?
I remember saying P.I.G too
but when I grew up and saw how baseless it was I stopped
Submitted by *DUST* on 9 January, 2006 - 01:23 #48
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"Admin" wrote:
Plastic surgery...
we dont live in the US Mr Admin
OR in Iran... u may b surprised to know that its the 'Nose-job Capital of the World'...
The most pathetic superstition I have ever heard was that if woman has a miscarriage she must never step on anyone’s shadow for 40 days other wise she will never be able to have children again.
I was also told that eating fish and milk together makes your skin blotchy. One idiot told me it was written in the Koran, I believed it and for years I used to avoid eating fish and dairy stuff within the same few hours.
All the T.P. shopkeepers round here believe that if your first customer buys nothing you will have less profit throughout the day and if your first customer buys something you will make more profit that day. So if you’re the first customer in the shop they scrutinise your every move hoping you’ll buy something and if you don’t they will either be very cross with you or they will offer you a discount.
If someone claims to be a syed you must give them what ever they want, even if they lied about being a syed. That is because they used the word ‘syed’ and it means you don’t love Muhammad if you don’t give them what they want and in the hereafter you will burn in hell.
"flower" wrote:
it is very lame
Ok, when we were younger we were told that by saying the word pig would make us unclean for 40 days (or wos it years?) and we used to always pronounce it P.I.G, how true is this?
Lol my family went really far with that one. They said you must never look at pigs, so if we ever saw them on T.V. they made us change the channel. We won’t allowed to have piggy banks. If we ever had a picture of them on a book they made us rip the page out. They said if you hear pig noises (like on T.V. or if someone makes them as a joke) you must cover your ears. If you touched a picture with a pig on it we were told to wash our hands. We were told NEVER to have the image of a pig in our mind. I wanted to have a pet guinea pig but was not allowed because it had the word ‘pig’ in its name, even though it had nothing to do with the pig (I think the Spanish call it an Indian Rabbit, I can’t remember the actual phrases in Spanish but that’s what it meant.) People used to be annoyed if I had pig tails in my hair simply because they were called ‘pig tails’. I couldn’t ask for a piggy back either. At my Junior school whenever someone said the word ‘pig’ all the Muslim kids in my class would blow down their tops (and I don’t know why) I can only recall doing it once, that was because they were doing it. One of the Muslim teachers told us to recite the Shahada if we hear someone say the word ‘pig’. In my Infant school when my teacher used to put coloured paper on the table for us to do our drawing on every Muslim kid in the class didn’t choose the pink paper to draw on because pigs are pink. The ironic thing is when we went on a school trip to the farm the farmer asked if anyone wanted to see the pigs and virtually everyone that avoided anything associated with the pig wanted to see the pigs!
"flower" wrote:
If you drop salt or sugar (even by accident) then when you die you will have to pick it up with your eyelashes (is that true?)
lol I read that in a ahadith. One of those weak, dodgy ones that nobody ever picks up or takes any notice of, it is obviously another fabrication. The same one also said if you have a bad dream and tell someone it will come true. Ahadith like that give you advice on what to do if you get a fly in your soup. They are so stupid, but also pretty funny, especially when you meet people that actually believe in that stuff!
Submitted by Seraphim on 10 January, 2006 - 11:14 #51
"flower" wrote:
it is very lame
Ok, when we were younger we were told that by saying the word pig would make us unclean for 40 days (or wos it years?) and we used to always pronounce it P.I.G, how true is this?
lol we had to do that too...
i remember once when i was younger i asked one of my friends "how do you spell P.I.G"... :oops: didnt realise i was saying the letters out load but more so thought it was an actual word.
But yes i did grow up and realise how silly this was.
i remember once when i was younger i asked one of my friends "how do you spell P.I.G"... :oops: didnt realise i was saying the letters out load but more so thought it was an actual word.
lol some of the people I knew wouldn’t even say P.I.G. They just said P.I. without the ‘G.’ but we knew what they were on about….
Submitted by flower on 10 January, 2006 - 12:04 #53
LOL so it wasnt just me ^^^
It is very lame but maybe because it has been drummed in to us since we were small that i hate the image of a pig (or should i say P.I.G, lol)
I remember back in the school days we used to take this very far like E20 mentioned!
Another superstition is when you buy something new you throw water on it, or sumthing along those lines! I know in pakistan when a person buys an animal then the lady of the house will throw or sprinkle water on it, but ive seen people in UK do that if they buy cars etc
I got so used to not saying the word pig I still find it hard to say it now, even though there’s nothing wrong with saying it. Even when they show pigs on T.V. I unconsciously turn the channel over, even though I still want to watch the show. It’s just a ridiculous habit I can’t seem to break :?
I often hear people say having 2 eggs a day in the summer will give you high blood pressure. I can remember as a kid my mum used to tell me off if I had 2 eggs in one day because she believed I'd get ill.
Submitted by flower on 10 January, 2006 - 12:24 #55
"E20" wrote:
I was also told that eating fish and milk together makes your skin blotchy.
Ive heard this too, apparently eating milk and meat together will give you blotchy skin, i though this was advice that some doctors give to people?
indeedy. use a people's weakness to keep them subjugated right? :?
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
baseless superstitions - i think a group of really old aunties from the motherland is needed
i was told once that i couldnt sit with my hands folded behind my neck because that was inviting the devil's pleasure - what ever that means
i cant stand with my hands on my hips ever - cos only hussies stand that way
if you whistle you turn into a witch
you cant touch your neck without blowing on the fingers, cos Gods at your throat - that actually might be true
theres so much and in the end you dont know what to believe but one things for sure infront of elders you have to maintain their superstitions so as not to upset them
and oh as lilsis said cant leave shoes on floor upside down - cos its disrespectful to God i've always wondered about that
and they also say you shouldnt walk around with 1 shoe as its the like of shaitaan..
i think that one might be true..
but as for whistling they say you calling shaitaan or somat.
anyone heard of somat like you shouldnt look at the mirror at night for some what reason ..
lol that reminds me
you cant look in the mirror dead on midnight....dont know why
and if you look in the mirror close enough you will see your future spouse looking back at you
worth checking out
but I heard its cos "bloody Mary" comes out and grabs u :?
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
What if your future spouse is extremely ugly?
u smash the mirror
but what a LAME superstion-
it must be the lamest one out of them all :roll:
Plastic surgery...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
it is very lame
Ok, when we were younger we were told that by saying the word pig would make us unclean for 40 days (or wos it years?) and we used to always pronounce it P.I.G, how true is this?
I remember saying P.I.G too
but when I grew up and saw how baseless it was I stopped
Step on a crack and break your mothers back.
This is a lie - i've tried it several times to no avail.
Although i'm pretty sure my mother is protected by that gigantic cloud of darkness that hangs about her at all times - a sort of "evil shield"
we dont live in the US Mr Admin
Hey we don't ALL get plastic surgery!!!
Some people get botox injections.
Yes. Dave
And I expect you know all about it :twisted: :roll:
Nope, I was born this good looking.
All genetics really.
OR in Iran... u may b surprised to know that its the 'Nose-job Capital of the World'...
lol interesting - never heard that before!
The most pathetic superstition I have ever heard was that if woman has a miscarriage she must never step on anyone’s shadow for 40 days other wise she will never be able to have children again.
I was also told that eating fish and milk together makes your skin blotchy. One idiot told me it was written in the Koran, I believed it and for years I used to avoid eating fish and dairy stuff within the same few hours.
All the T.P. shopkeepers round here believe that if your first customer buys nothing you will have less profit throughout the day and if your first customer buys something you will make more profit that day. So if you’re the first customer in the shop they scrutinise your every move hoping you’ll buy something and if you don’t they will either be very cross with you or they will offer you a discount.
If someone claims to be a syed you must give them what ever they want, even if they lied about being a syed. That is because they used the word ‘syed’ and it means you don’t love Muhammad if you don’t give them what they want and in the hereafter you will burn in hell.
Lol my family went really far with that one. They said you must never look at pigs, so if we ever saw them on T.V. they made us change the channel. We won’t allowed to have piggy banks. If we ever had a picture of them on a book they made us rip the page out. They said if you hear pig noises (like on T.V. or if someone makes them as a joke) you must cover your ears. If you touched a picture with a pig on it we were told to wash our hands. We were told NEVER to have the image of a pig in our mind. I wanted to have a pet guinea pig but was not allowed because it had the word ‘pig’ in its name, even though it had nothing to do with the pig (I think the Spanish call it an Indian Rabbit, I can’t remember the actual phrases in Spanish but that’s what it meant.) People used to be annoyed if I had pig tails in my hair simply because they were called ‘pig tails’. I couldn’t ask for a piggy back either. At my Junior school whenever someone said the word ‘pig’ all the Muslim kids in my class would blow down their tops (and I don’t know why) I can only recall doing it once, that was because they were doing it. One of the Muslim teachers told us to recite the Shahada if we hear someone say the word ‘pig’. In my Infant school when my teacher used to put coloured paper on the table for us to do our drawing on every Muslim kid in the class didn’t choose the pink paper to draw on because pigs are pink. The ironic thing is when we went on a school trip to the farm the farmer asked if anyone wanted to see the pigs and virtually everyone that avoided anything associated with the pig wanted to see the pigs!
lol I read that in a ahadith. One of those weak, dodgy ones that nobody ever picks up or takes any notice of, it is obviously another fabrication. The same one also said if you have a bad dream and tell someone it will come true. Ahadith like that give you advice on what to do if you get a fly in your soup. They are so stupid, but also pretty funny, especially when you meet people that actually believe in that stuff!
lol we had to do that too...
i remember once when i was younger i asked one of my friends "how do you spell P.I.G"... :oops: didnt realise i was saying the letters out load but more so thought it was an actual word.
But yes i did grow up and realise how silly this was.
Back in BLACK
lol some of the people I knew wouldn’t even say P.I.G. They just said P.I. without the ‘G.’ but we knew what they were on about….
LOL so it wasnt just me ^^^
It is very lame but maybe because it has been drummed in to us since we were small that i hate the image of a pig (or should i say P.I.G, lol)
I remember back in the school days we used to take this very far like E20 mentioned!
Another superstition is when you buy something new you throw water on it, or sumthing along those lines! I know in pakistan when a person buys an animal then the lady of the house will throw or sprinkle water on it, but ive seen people in UK do that if they buy cars etc
I got so used to not saying the word pig I still find it hard to say it now, even though there’s nothing wrong with saying it. Even when they show pigs on T.V. I unconsciously turn the channel over, even though I still want to watch the show. It’s just a ridiculous habit I can’t seem to break :?
I often hear people say having 2 eggs a day in the summer will give you high blood pressure. I can remember as a kid my mum used to tell me off if I had 2 eggs in one day because she believed I'd get ill.
Ive heard this too, apparently eating milk and meat together will give you blotchy skin, i though this was advice that some doctors give to people?
I can’t understand why :?
I always have meat and milk together and it’s never affected me.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
same here
I don’t have pig phobia, I’m just stuck in an absurd habit I cant break :roll:
Hey Med do you take prescribed medicine from the Doc?
Did you know that loads of them drugs contain chemicals that are from pigs? :shock: A pharmacist told me that. :?
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar