Adoption? What do you think?

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Bijou wrote:

BUT it forms complications.

And what about the Mahram issue? a boy will not be mahram to the adopting-mother and a girl would not be mahram to the adopting-father... Unless you adopt them at the same time as you as a mother was breastfeeding, only then the child is legally yours.

I know there are people who would care less about these restrictions in this matter but plod on if you must but be careful.

Also One more thing. Do you know how Zayd was brought up and stuff? How the whole family lived and stuff? and the reasons why he was adopted and under what conditions?

Yes, I know about the Mahram issue. And yes I also know about how Zayd was adopted. I have a Sheikh and Scholar as a father so I learn from him.
TBH I said what I wanted more comments from me. Smile

Yes, Thanks for your comments >Bijou.
You've been a great source of support for me. So Merci BEAUCOUP! Smile

Love is a serious mental disease.
