Isn't that your goal? Ego stroking, feeling smug and superior, even if it means rejecting the qur'an and sunnah and smiting the Sahabah, as long as you get your fix?
You think I have this goal, Joie thinks I have a different mutually exclusive goal - you both can't be right! Either you are wrong, or he is wrong, or both of you are wrong.
The goal I ascribed to you was educating people about Islam. Since that is what your posts seem to be trying to achieve it did not seem like a mischievous suggestion but I do apologise for assuming that you are not misdirecting or on an ego trip. By all means, in fact please, tell us what you are here for if it is not for personal pleasure or to educate others.
This business about intentions - I made a clear point to you and you claimed what I really want is for all Muslims and/or blacks (for some reason) to "go back home". So what is this about intentions when you're throwing out that kind of rot?
It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens
The goal I ascribed to you was educating people about Islam. Since that is what your posts seem to be trying to achieve it did not seem like a mischievous suggestion but I do apologise for assuming that you are not misdirecting or on an ego trip. By all means, in fact please, tell us what you are here for if it is not for personal pleasure or to educate others.
This business about intentions - I made a clear point to you and you claimed what I really want is for all Muslims and/or blacks (for some reason) to "go back home". So what is this about intentions when you're throwing out that kind of rot?