Submitted by Sirus on 14 November, 2005 - 18:29 #31
"yashmaki" wrote:
I've heard a quite a few of Zakir Naiks lectures, but I can't say he draws me in. There's certain things he has said which strike me as strange and actually very insulting towards those who follow madhabs.
Debaters often forget they need to remain humble under pressure, and often resort to mocking or humiliating their opponents. I hate that, what good is that for dawah.
I avoid listening to him.
me too, me too
without causing any offence or sectarianism....his background makes me not pay much attention to him
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by star on 14 November, 2005 - 18:45 #32
what about his background...i dont know anything about dr zakir naik, heard some of his lectures on islam channel found him quite good to be honest, but dont really know much about him.
Submitted by fizzy1 on 14 November, 2005 - 19:11 #33
i dont know anything about his background, but i have found him interesting from what i have heard so far
Submitted by Angel on 15 November, 2005 - 01:11 #34
I just once heard his speech on hijab it was fine but i dont think the guy is appealing not really my kinda thing.
In regards to Madhab, i thot you HAD to follow one?
Submitted by Sirus on 15 November, 2005 - 07:39 #35
Salafi's dont seem to think so
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by RuBz on 15 November, 2005 - 09:28 #36
A medical doctor by professional training, Dr. Zakir Naik is renowed as a dynamic international orator on Islam and Comparative Religion. Dr. Zakir Naik clarifies Islamic viewpoints and clears misconceptions about Islam, using the Qur'an, authentic Hadith and other religious Scriptures as a basis, in conjunction with reason, logic and scientific facts. He is 37 years old.
Dr. Zakir is popular for his critical analysis and convincing answers to challenging questions posed by audiences after his public talks. In the last 6 years (by the year 2002), Dr. Zakir Naik has delivered more than 600 public talks in the U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, South Africa, Mauritius, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hongkong, Thailand, Guyana (South America) and many other countries, in addition to numerous public talks in India.
He has successfully participated in several symposia and dialogues with prominent personalities of other faiths. His public dialogue with Dr. William Campbell (of USA), on the topic, “The Qur’an and the Bible in the light of Science” held in city of Chicago, U.S.A., on April 1, 2000 was a resounding success.
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, the world famous orator on Islam and Comparative Religion, who had called Dr. Zakir, "Deedat plus" in 1994, presented a plaque in May 2000 awarded to Dr. Zakir Abdul-Karim Naik for his achievement in the field of Da’wah and the study of Comparative Religion with the engraving "Son what you have done in 4 years had taken me 40 years to accomplish, Alhamdullilah.”
Dr. Zakir Naik appears regularly on many international T.V. Channels in more than 100 countries of the world. He is regularly invited for T.V. and Radio interviews. More than a hundred of his talks, dialogues, debates and symposia are available on video cassettes, video CDs and audio cassettes. He has authored books on Islam and Comparative Religion.
56/58 Tandel Street (North), Dongri, Mumbai - 400 009 (India)
Tel : (0091-22) 23736875 (8 lines) Fax : (0091-22) 23730689
e-mail: website :
1. St. Peter's High School (I.C.S.E.), Mumbai
2. Kishinchand Chellaram College, Mumbai
3. Topiwala National Medical College, Nair Hospital, Mumbai
M.B.B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery), University of Mumbai
Hundreds of Public Lectures (usually followed by Open Question and Answer Sessions) given internationally, of which more than a 100 are available on audio and video cassettes
Conducted several Da'wah Training Programmes including International Da'wah Training Programme for training Muslims to effectively convey the message of Islam
* Studies in Comparative Religion * Medicine * Humanitarian, Social, Moral, Educational and Economic Welfare activities
U.S.A., Canada, Britain, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, U.A.E., South Africa, Botswana, Singapore, Guyana, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand and Other Countries
2. QUR'ÂN AND MODERN SCIENCE - Compatible Or Incompatible
5. WOMEN'S RIGHTS IN ISLAM - Protected Or Subjugated?
6. AL-QUR'ÂN - Should it be Read with Understanding?
Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..
Submitted by Medarris on 15 November, 2005 - 10:53 #37
"naj" wrote:
what about his background...i dont know anything about dr zakir naik, heard some of his lectures on islam channel found him quite good to be honest, but dont really know much about him.
I dont know much abt dr either, nor do i knw abt his background.
I dont listen to him at all, I stick with people I have confidence in alhamdulillah.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by *DUST* on 16 November, 2005 - 17:34 #38
um, Ruby, wot uv posted does not say anything about Dr. Naik's viewpoint on madhhabs, which is wot ppl were discussing...
i never knew he was against madhhabs or salafi, as yash and darth were saying. guys can u plz quote summat he said to clarify this? altho i have not been to any of his talks, i hear he is very much like Ahmed Deedat in his approach. but i know of the work he has done in Bombay and its results. He is establishing amazing Muslim Girls Schools across India, and i applaud him for that.
Submitted by Dave on 16 November, 2005 - 17:38 #39
Okay this is really bothering me - Ruby could you add the word "ever" or "EVER" at the end of your topic so it says "The BIGGEST Islamic Event EVER!!!!!!"
It just seems like it has to be there, with all the exclamation points and "BIGGEST" in such large letters.
It's offending my sense of composition!
Yes I realize it's a peculiar thing to ask but i'm a peculiar individual and i'd owe you a favor
Submitted by fizzy1 on 16 November, 2005 - 18:07 #40
Submitted by Dave on 16 November, 2005 - 18:20 #41
Submitted by *DUST* on 16 November, 2005 - 18:24 #42
lol, dave the eccentric detective? nah.
but actually uv managed to drive me mad bout this title too now - it does look strange without 'EVER' at the end! :?
Submitted by Dave on 16 November, 2005 - 18:25 #43
hahahhah being weird is only enjoyable when you have company
Submitted by fizzy1 on 16 November, 2005 - 21:07 #44
In the manchester unity conference he stated madhabs for ebing the reason for a lack of unity.
Ignoring the fact that the followers of madhabs actually respect the differing viewpoints available.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Dave on 16 November, 2005 - 21:41 #46
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Dave on 16 November, 2005 - 21:55 #48
Submitted by RuBz on 17 November, 2005 - 09:48 #49
Which School of Thought Should A Muslim Follow?
Topic: Articles to promote Muslim unity
1. Muslims should be united
Muslims today, are divided amongst themselves. Such divisions are not endorsed by Islam. Islam believes in fostering unity amongst its followers.
The Glorious Qur’an says:
“And hold fast, altogether, by the rope Which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves.” [Al-Qur’an 3:103]
Which is the rope of Allah that is being referred to in this verse? It is the Glorious Qur’an. The Glorious Qur’an is the rope of Allah which all Muslims should hold fast together. There is double emphasis in this verse. Beside saying ‘hold fast all together’ it also says, ‘be not divided’.
The Qur’an further says,
“Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger” [Al-Qur’an 4:59]
All the Muslims should follow the Qur’an and authentic Ahadith and ensure that they are not divided among themselves.
2. It is prohibited to make divisions in Islam.
The Glorious Qur’an says:
“As for those who divide Their religion and break up Into sects, you have no part in them in the least: Their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did.” [Al-Qur’an 6:159]
In this verse Allah (swt) says that one should disassociate oneself from those who divide their religion and break it up into sects.
But when one asks a Muslim, “who are you?” the common answer is either ‘I am a Hanafi or Shafi or Maliki or Hanbali. Some call themselves ‘Ahle-Hadith’.
3. Four Schools of Thoughts
The Islamic world has produced several learned Islamic scholars (Imams), but out of these, four became more famous and their teachings spread in different parts of the world.
It is a misconception that a Muslim should follow any one of these four schools of thoughts i.e. Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali or Maliki. There is no proof whatsoever in the Qur’an or any authentic Hadith that a Muslim should only follow one of these four Imams.
4. Respect all the Great Scholars of Islam.
We must respect all the great scholars of Islam, including the four Imaams, Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi, Imam Hanbal and Imam Malik (may Allah be pleased with them all). They were great scholars and may Allah reward them for their research and hard work. One can have no objection if someone agrees with the view and research of any one or more from these four great scholars of Islam.
5. All Four Imam said follow the Qur’an and Sunnah.
All the four great Imams said that if any of their Fatwas or teachings contradict Allah’s word, i.e. the Qur’an, or the sayings of the Prophet (pbuh) i.e. authentic Hadith, then that particulars Fatwa of theirs should be rejected, and the Sunnah of the Prophet should be followed.
a. Eeqaadh al-Himam, Al Fulaanee (Imam Abu Hanifa)
b. Al-Majmoo’ of an-Nawawee (1/63) (Imam Shafi)
c. Jaami ‘Bayan al-Ilm, Ibn Abdul-Barr (Imam Malik)
d. Eeqaadh al-Himam (Imam Hanbal)
To give you an example in this context – Imam shafi said that when a women touches a man who is in a state of wudhu, the wudhu of the man breaks. However, this ruling of Imam Shafi contradicts the authentic saying of the Prophet.
Narrated Aisha
The Prophet (may peace be upon him) kissed one of his wives and went out for saying prayer. He did not perform ablution. (Sunan Abu Dawood Vol. 1 Chapter No. 70 Hadith No. 179)
Thus this particular teaching of Imam Shafi contradicts the authentic saying of the Prophet. So I reject this specific ruling of Imam Shafi who himself said , “ If I say something, then compare it to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His messenger and if it agrees to them, then accept it and that which goes against them, then reject it and throw my saying against the wall” – This is a saying of ash-Shafi’ee-rahimaullah. See Al-Majmoo’ of an-Nawawee (1/63).
Thus by rejecting this particular teaching of Imam Shafi which contradicts the authentic Hadith, I am practically a better follower of Imam Shafi than those who call themselves ‘Shafi’.
Similarly in practice, I claim to be a better follower of Imam Abu Hanifa than those who call themselves ‘Hanafi’. I claim to be a better follower of Imam Hanbal than those who call themselves ‘Hanbali’. I claim to be a better follower of Imam Malik than those who call themselves ‘Maliki”. If being a ‘Ahle-Hadith’ means following Qur’an and authentic Hadith then I claim to be a better follower of the Qur’an and authentic Hadith than those who call themselves ‘ Ahle-Hadith’. All these are mere labels (Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali, Maliki, Ahle-Hadith) that are not endorsed by the Qur’an or the Sahih Ahadith.
The only label or title given by the Qur’an and the Sahih Ahadith is MUSLIM.
6. All the Groups have sub divisions
I personally have no objection if someone calls himself Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali, Maliki or Ahle Hadith. People give different labels to themselves to identify which set of teachings they prefer to follow and to disassociate themselves from those people who follow wrong practices. From history we come to know that all the labels given to different groups, at a later stage the people from that group themselves did not follow their teachings and made new sub-groups. Therefore in all the groups you find a sub-division.
But as far as giving a label to identify what a person practices in Islam is concerned, there can not be better label than what Allah (swt) has given i.e. a Muslim.
7. Our Prophet was a Muslim
“Who was our beloved Prophet (pbuh)? Was he a Hanafi or a Shafi, or a Hanbali or a Maliki ?” No! He was a Muslim, like all the other Prophets and Messengers of Allah before him.
It is mentioned in chapter 3 verse 52 of Al-Qur’an that Jesus (pbuh) was a Muslim.
Further , in chapter 3 verse 67, Al-Qur’an says that Ibrahim (pbuh) was not a Jew or a Christian but was a Muslim.
8. Qur’an says call yourselves Muslims
There is no Qur’anic verse or any authentic Hadith that says you should call yourselves Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali, Maliki or Ahle Hadith.
If anyone poses a Muslim the question who are you, he should say “I am a Muslim, not a Hanafi or a Shafi or a Ahle-Hadith”.
In Surah Fussilat chapter 41 verse 33 Allah (swt) says: “Who is better in speech than one who calls (men) to Allah, works righteousness, and says, ‘I am of those Who bow in Islam (Muslim)?’ “[Al-Qur’an 41:33]
The Qur’an instructs, “Say: I am of those who bow in Islam”. In other words, say, “I am a Muslim”.
The Prophet (pbuh) dictated letters to non-Muslim kings and rulers inviting them to accept Islam. In these letters he mentioned the verse of the Qur’an from Surah Al Imran chapter 3 verse 64:
Say ye: “Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (submitting to Allah’s Will).”[Al-Qur’an 3:64]
9. Lip Service Muslims
Allah knew that even in the Muslim Ummah there will be many people who claim to be Muslims (i.e. claim to submit their will to Allah) but practically will not follow Allah’s commands.
Allah refers to such people in the Qur’an as lip service Believers (Al Qur’an 5:41). Thus we can conclude that those who claim to be Muslims but do not follow Qur’an and Sunnah are Lip-Service Muslims. Those who follow the Qur’an and authentic Hadith should not change their label, and stick to the best label given by Allah (swt) i.e. Muslim and which the Prophet also called himself.
10. The Prophet had said that there would be 73 sects.
Some may argue by quoting the Hadith of our beloved Prophet, from Sunan Abu Dawood Hadith No. 4579. In this Hadith the Prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said, “My community will split up into seventy-three sects.”
This hadith reports that the prophet predicted the emergence of seventy-three sects. He did not say that Muslims should be active in dividing themselves into sects. The Glorious Qur’an commands us not to create sects. Those who follow the teachings of the Qur’an and Sahih Hadith, and do not create sects are the people who are on the true path.
According to Tirmidhi Hadith No. 171, the prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said, “My Ummah will be fragmented into seventy three sects, and all of them will be in Hell fire except one sect.” The companions asked Allah’s messenger which group that would be. Where upon he replied, “It is the one to which I and my companions belong”.
The Glorious Qur’an mentions in several verses, “Obey Allah and obey His Messenger”. A true Muslim should only follow the Glorious Qur’an and the Sahih Hadith. He can agree with the views of any scholar as long as they conform to the teachings of the Qur’an and Sahih Hadith. If such views go against the Word of Allah, or the Sunnah of His Prophet, then they carry no weight, regardless of how learned the scholar might be. A true Muslim will not follow any ruling or teaching of any great scholar of Islam if that particular ruling or teaching contradicts the Qur’an and Saheeh Hadith.
Thus, the only school of thought that a Muslim should follow, is that of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The only Madhab that a Muslim should follow, is the Madhab of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). And Allah knows the Best.
By Dr. Zakir Naik
Dunno wat this is but think it chats bout naiks views on madhabs sorry if it dont. Got this from some other forum someone posted.
Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..
Submitted by Beast on 17 November, 2005 - 09:51 #50
"Dr Zakir Naik" wrote:
It is a misconception that a Muslim should follow any one of these four schools of thoughts i.e. Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali or Maliki. There is no proof whatsoever in the Qur’an or any authentic Hadith that a Muslim should only follow one of these four Imams.
That would make him Salafi then, right?
Submitted by yuit on 17 November, 2005 - 09:53 #51
"Admin" wrote:
In the manchester unity conference he stated madhabs for ebing the reason for a lack of unity.
Ignoring the fact that the followers of madhabs actually respect the differing viewpoints available.
I can't remember him saying that, basically what he seem to say from where i was standing was that you don't have to follow a madhabs, which is fine as far as I know as I never heard anyone say it Fard just recommended. The difference with him and salafies is that they say you shouldn't follow, so I don't think he can be class as one of them.
On the four Madhabs, you have to rememeber only a little while ago there used to be four different jammats for namaaz in Mecca, so there is a slight problem where accepting differences were concern. It all depend on who you talk too really, but i agree it not as big a problem as he made out.
But I still kind of knew where Dr Zakir Naik was coming from, in his agrument, the only thing i disagree with him was that 95% of the muslims don't have the capibility too do what he stated, which was go with the strongest evidence available rather then follow what your madhabs say. I personally didn't find his talk insulting, indeed I found it very interesting even though i follow the hanafi madhab.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
Submitted by Sirus on 17 November, 2005 - 10:11 #52
"irfghan" wrote:
"Dr Zakir Naik" wrote:
It is a misconception that a Muslim should follow any one of these four schools of thoughts i.e. Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali or Maliki. There is no proof whatsoever in the Qur’an or any authentic Hadith that a Muslim should only follow one of these four Imams.
That would make him Salafi then, right?
yep, its a well known-fact
and regarding the Unity confrence, he did say what Admin said - and many people were upset and infuriated.
not the right place to be saying the kind off stuff he did
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by yuit on 17 November, 2005 - 11:28 #53
"irfghan" wrote:
"Dr Zakir Naik" wrote:
It is a misconception that a Muslim should follow any one of these four schools of thoughts i.e. Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali or Maliki. There is no proof whatsoever in the Qur’an or any authentic Hadith that a Muslim should only follow one of these four Imams.
That would make him Salafi then, right?
Not really, because he hasn't completely rejected the four school of thought. He make his position very clear in that article and back it with Quran and Sunnah, it easy to pick up a couple of paragraph and make it seem he rejects them. But if you look at the section below, it isn't really the case
One can have no objection if someone agrees with the view and research of any one or more from these four great scholars of Islam.
I personally agree with alot of what Dr Zakir Naik says on the matter, Though I find it easier to stick to one of teh school of though, i personally haven't a problem if someone doesn't. If there a strong hadith that suggest something that the four imaam said were wrong and if they themselves said if there something which doesn't comply with the Quran and Sunnah we should reject their saying or ruling, who are we too really agrue if people do.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
Submitted by *DUST* on 17 November, 2005 - 11:57 #54
thanx for that Ruby!
although i disagree with the points put forward by Dr. Naik on maddhabs (they are all rather weak points, dont have the time to go thru em at the mo.) i dont think he's a salafi either. As yuit pointed out, he does not wish to eradicate all sects, he's just saying that he doesnt necessarily agree with the concept. and he's made it pretty clear tht he only wants to be known as a 'Muslim' therefore i'm sure he'd hate to have the extra label of 'Salafi' added to him aswell.
Submitted by Dave on 17 November, 2005 - 13:16 #55
Ruby are you a Hitchhikers fan?
Submitted by RuBz on 17 November, 2005 - 14:30 #56
Hey wat you tryin 2 say and no i aint a hitchikers fan y do u ask anyway?
Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..
Submitted by star on 17 November, 2005 - 15:37 #57
orite so thats what it is then about dr zakir naik...had no idea he followed no madhab , abit surprised thought he waz hanafi
Submitted by Dave on 17 November, 2005 - 17:10 #58
"*RuBy*" wrote:
Hey wat you tryin 2 say and no i aint a hitchikers fan y do u ask anyway?
You're avatar is the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy motto
Submitted by Sajid Iqbal on 2 December, 2005 - 12:17 #59
The Revival should inshallah have a stall at the conference....
so see you there ppl...
by the way who is definitely going?
so make sure you all come to The Revival stall and introduce yourself....shud be great meeting ya all.
I giving this one the miss at the mo. But it will be a good family day out for people. Just hope they have facilities for prayer for the 15,000 people, these event normally struggle in this aspect.
But I hope everyone who going has a nice time.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
me too, me too
without causing any offence or sectarianism....his background makes me not pay much attention to him
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
what about his background...i dont know anything about dr zakir naik, heard some of his lectures on islam channel found him quite good to be honest, but dont really know much about him.
i dont know anything about his background, but i have found him interesting from what i have heard so far
I just once heard his speech on hijab it was fine but i dont think the guy is appealing not really my kinda thing.
In regards to Madhab, i thot you HAD to follow one?
Salafi's dont seem to think so
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
A medical doctor by professional training, Dr. Zakir Naik is renowed as a dynamic international orator on Islam and Comparative Religion. Dr. Zakir Naik clarifies Islamic viewpoints and clears misconceptions about Islam, using the Qur'an, authentic Hadith and other religious Scriptures as a basis, in conjunction with reason, logic and scientific facts. He is 37 years old.
Dr. Zakir is popular for his critical analysis and convincing answers to challenging questions posed by audiences after his public talks. In the last 6 years (by the year 2002), Dr. Zakir Naik has delivered more than 600 public talks in the U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, South Africa, Mauritius, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hongkong, Thailand, Guyana (South America) and many other countries, in addition to numerous public talks in India.
He has successfully participated in several symposia and dialogues with prominent personalities of other faiths. His public dialogue with Dr. William Campbell (of USA), on the topic, “The Qur’an and the Bible in the light of Science” held in city of Chicago, U.S.A., on April 1, 2000 was a resounding success.
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, the world famous orator on Islam and Comparative Religion, who had called Dr. Zakir, "Deedat plus" in 1994, presented a plaque in May 2000 awarded to Dr. Zakir Abdul-Karim Naik for his achievement in the field of Da’wah and the study of Comparative Religion with the engraving "Son what you have done in 4 years had taken me 40 years to accomplish, Alhamdullilah.”
Dr. Zakir Naik appears regularly on many international T.V. Channels in more than 100 countries of the world. He is regularly invited for T.V. and Radio interviews. More than a hundred of his talks, dialogues, debates and symposia are available on video cassettes, video CDs and audio cassettes. He has authored books on Islam and Comparative Religion.
56/58 Tandel Street (North), Dongri, Mumbai - 400 009 (India)
Tel : (0091-22) 23736875 (8 lines) Fax : (0091-22) 23730689
e-mail: website :
October 18, 1965 in Mumbai, India
Islamic Da'wah (Propagation of Islam)
1. President, Islamic Research Foundation, Mumbai
2. Chairman, I.R.F. Educational Trust, Mumbai
3. President, Islamic Dimensions, Mumbai
1. St. Peter's High School (I.C.S.E.), Mumbai
2. Kishinchand Chellaram College, Mumbai
3. Topiwala National Medical College, Nair Hospital, Mumbai
M.B.B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery), University of Mumbai
Hundreds of Public Lectures (usually followed by Open Question and Answer Sessions) given internationally, of which more than a 100 are available on audio and video cassettes
Conducted several Da'wah Training Programmes including International Da'wah Training Programme for training Muslims to effectively convey the message of Islam
* Studies in Comparative Religion * Medicine * Humanitarian, Social, Moral, Educational and Economic Welfare activities
U.S.A., Canada, Britain, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, U.A.E., South Africa, Botswana, Singapore, Guyana, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand and Other Countries
2. QUR'ÂN AND MODERN SCIENCE - Compatible Or Incompatible
5. WOMEN'S RIGHTS IN ISLAM - Protected Or Subjugated?
6. AL-QUR'ÂN - Should it be Read with Understanding?
Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..
I dont know much abt dr either, nor do i knw abt his background.
I dont listen to him at all, I stick with people I have confidence in alhamdulillah.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
um, Ruby, wot uv posted does not say anything about Dr. Naik's viewpoint on madhhabs, which is wot ppl were discussing...
i never knew he was against madhhabs or salafi, as yash and darth were saying. guys can u plz quote summat he said to clarify this? altho i have not been to any of his talks, i hear he is very much like Ahmed Deedat in his approach. but i know of the work he has done in Bombay and its results. He is establishing amazing Muslim Girls Schools across India, and i applaud him for that.
Okay this is really bothering me - Ruby could you add the word "ever" or "EVER" at the end of your topic so it says "The BIGGEST Islamic Event EVER!!!!!!"
It just seems like it has to be there, with all the exclamation points and "BIGGEST" in such large letters.
It's offending my sense of composition!
Yes I realize it's a peculiar thing to ask but i'm a peculiar individual and i'd owe you a favor
Think of me as the forum [color=black][url=]Monk[/url][/color]
lol, dave the eccentric detective? nah.
but actually uv managed to drive me mad bout this title too now - it does look strange without 'EVER' at the end! :?
hahahhah being weird is only enjoyable when you have company
even stranger now. my brother used to watch that
In the manchester unity conference he stated madhabs for ebing the reason for a lack of unity.
Ignoring the fact that the followers of madhabs actually respect the differing viewpoints available.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Oh, that!
I did it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Which School of Thought Should A Muslim Follow?
Topic: Articles to promote Muslim unity
1. Muslims should be united
Muslims today, are divided amongst themselves. Such divisions are not endorsed by Islam. Islam believes in fostering unity amongst its followers.
The Glorious Qur’an says:
“And hold fast, altogether, by the rope Which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves.” [Al-Qur’an 3:103]
Which is the rope of Allah that is being referred to in this verse? It is the Glorious Qur’an. The Glorious Qur’an is the rope of Allah which all Muslims should hold fast together. There is double emphasis in this verse. Beside saying ‘hold fast all together’ it also says, ‘be not divided’.
The Qur’an further says,
“Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger” [Al-Qur’an 4:59]
All the Muslims should follow the Qur’an and authentic Ahadith and ensure that they are not divided among themselves.
2. It is prohibited to make divisions in Islam.
The Glorious Qur’an says:
“As for those who divide Their religion and break up Into sects, you have no part in them in the least: Their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did.” [Al-Qur’an 6:159]
In this verse Allah (swt) says that one should disassociate oneself from those who divide their religion and break it up into sects.
But when one asks a Muslim, “who are you?” the common answer is either ‘I am a Hanafi or Shafi or Maliki or Hanbali. Some call themselves ‘Ahle-Hadith’.
3. Four Schools of Thoughts
The Islamic world has produced several learned Islamic scholars (Imams), but out of these, four became more famous and their teachings spread in different parts of the world.
It is a misconception that a Muslim should follow any one of these four schools of thoughts i.e. Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali or Maliki. There is no proof whatsoever in the Qur’an or any authentic Hadith that a Muslim should only follow one of these four Imams.
4. Respect all the Great Scholars of Islam.
We must respect all the great scholars of Islam, including the four Imaams, Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi, Imam Hanbal and Imam Malik (may Allah be pleased with them all). They were great scholars and may Allah reward them for their research and hard work. One can have no objection if someone agrees with the view and research of any one or more from these four great scholars of Islam.
5. All Four Imam said follow the Qur’an and Sunnah.
All the four great Imams said that if any of their Fatwas or teachings contradict Allah’s word, i.e. the Qur’an, or the sayings of the Prophet (pbuh) i.e. authentic Hadith, then that particulars Fatwa of theirs should be rejected, and the Sunnah of the Prophet should be followed.
a. Eeqaadh al-Himam, Al Fulaanee (Imam Abu Hanifa)
b. Al-Majmoo’ of an-Nawawee (1/63) (Imam Shafi)
c. Jaami ‘Bayan al-Ilm, Ibn Abdul-Barr (Imam Malik)
d. Eeqaadh al-Himam (Imam Hanbal)
To give you an example in this context – Imam shafi said that when a women touches a man who is in a state of wudhu, the wudhu of the man breaks. However, this ruling of Imam Shafi contradicts the authentic saying of the Prophet.
Narrated Aisha
The Prophet (may peace be upon him) kissed one of his wives and went out for saying prayer. He did not perform ablution. (Sunan Abu Dawood Vol. 1 Chapter No. 70 Hadith No. 179)
Thus this particular teaching of Imam Shafi contradicts the authentic saying of the Prophet. So I reject this specific ruling of Imam Shafi who himself said , “ If I say something, then compare it to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His messenger and if it agrees to them, then accept it and that which goes against them, then reject it and throw my saying against the wall” – This is a saying of ash-Shafi’ee-rahimaullah. See Al-Majmoo’ of an-Nawawee (1/63).
Thus by rejecting this particular teaching of Imam Shafi which contradicts the authentic Hadith, I am practically a better follower of Imam Shafi than those who call themselves ‘Shafi’.
Similarly in practice, I claim to be a better follower of Imam Abu Hanifa than those who call themselves ‘Hanafi’. I claim to be a better follower of Imam Hanbal than those who call themselves ‘Hanbali’. I claim to be a better follower of Imam Malik than those who call themselves ‘Maliki”. If being a ‘Ahle-Hadith’ means following Qur’an and authentic Hadith then I claim to be a better follower of the Qur’an and authentic Hadith than those who call themselves ‘ Ahle-Hadith’. All these are mere labels (Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali, Maliki, Ahle-Hadith) that are not endorsed by the Qur’an or the Sahih Ahadith.
The only label or title given by the Qur’an and the Sahih Ahadith is MUSLIM.
6. All the Groups have sub divisions
I personally have no objection if someone calls himself Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali, Maliki or Ahle Hadith. People give different labels to themselves to identify which set of teachings they prefer to follow and to disassociate themselves from those people who follow wrong practices. From history we come to know that all the labels given to different groups, at a later stage the people from that group themselves did not follow their teachings and made new sub-groups. Therefore in all the groups you find a sub-division.
But as far as giving a label to identify what a person practices in Islam is concerned, there can not be better label than what Allah (swt) has given i.e. a Muslim.
7. Our Prophet was a Muslim
“Who was our beloved Prophet (pbuh)? Was he a Hanafi or a Shafi, or a Hanbali or a Maliki ?” No! He was a Muslim, like all the other Prophets and Messengers of Allah before him.
It is mentioned in chapter 3 verse 52 of Al-Qur’an that Jesus (pbuh) was a Muslim.
Further , in chapter 3 verse 67, Al-Qur’an says that Ibrahim (pbuh) was not a Jew or a Christian but was a Muslim.
8. Qur’an says call yourselves Muslims
There is no Qur’anic verse or any authentic Hadith that says you should call yourselves Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali, Maliki or Ahle Hadith.
If anyone poses a Muslim the question who are you, he should say “I am a Muslim, not a Hanafi or a Shafi or a Ahle-Hadith”.
In Surah Fussilat chapter 41 verse 33 Allah (swt) says: “Who is better in speech than one who calls (men) to Allah, works righteousness, and says, ‘I am of those Who bow in Islam (Muslim)?’ “[Al-Qur’an 41:33]
The Qur’an instructs, “Say: I am of those who bow in Islam”. In other words, say, “I am a Muslim”.
The Prophet (pbuh) dictated letters to non-Muslim kings and rulers inviting them to accept Islam. In these letters he mentioned the verse of the Qur’an from Surah Al Imran chapter 3 verse 64:
Say ye: “Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (submitting to Allah’s Will).”[Al-Qur’an 3:64]
9. Lip Service Muslims
Allah knew that even in the Muslim Ummah there will be many people who claim to be Muslims (i.e. claim to submit their will to Allah) but practically will not follow Allah’s commands.
Allah refers to such people in the Qur’an as lip service Believers (Al Qur’an 5:41). Thus we can conclude that those who claim to be Muslims but do not follow Qur’an and Sunnah are Lip-Service Muslims. Those who follow the Qur’an and authentic Hadith should not change their label, and stick to the best label given by Allah (swt) i.e. Muslim and which the Prophet also called himself.
10. The Prophet had said that there would be 73 sects.
Some may argue by quoting the Hadith of our beloved Prophet, from Sunan Abu Dawood Hadith No. 4579. In this Hadith the Prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said, “My community will split up into seventy-three sects.”
This hadith reports that the prophet predicted the emergence of seventy-three sects. He did not say that Muslims should be active in dividing themselves into sects. The Glorious Qur’an commands us not to create sects. Those who follow the teachings of the Qur’an and Sahih Hadith, and do not create sects are the people who are on the true path.
According to Tirmidhi Hadith No. 171, the prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said, “My Ummah will be fragmented into seventy three sects, and all of them will be in Hell fire except one sect.” The companions asked Allah’s messenger which group that would be. Where upon he replied, “It is the one to which I and my companions belong”.
The Glorious Qur’an mentions in several verses, “Obey Allah and obey His Messenger”. A true Muslim should only follow the Glorious Qur’an and the Sahih Hadith. He can agree with the views of any scholar as long as they conform to the teachings of the Qur’an and Sahih Hadith. If such views go against the Word of Allah, or the Sunnah of His Prophet, then they carry no weight, regardless of how learned the scholar might be. A true Muslim will not follow any ruling or teaching of any great scholar of Islam if that particular ruling or teaching contradicts the Qur’an and Saheeh Hadith.
Thus, the only school of thought that a Muslim should follow, is that of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The only Madhab that a Muslim should follow, is the Madhab of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). And Allah knows the Best.
By Dr. Zakir Naik
Dunno wat this is but think it chats bout naiks views on madhabs sorry if it dont. Got this from some other forum someone posted.
Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..
That would make him Salafi then, right?
I can't remember him saying that, basically what he seem to say from where i was standing was that you don't have to follow a madhabs, which is fine as far as I know as I never heard anyone say it Fard just recommended. The difference with him and salafies is that they say you shouldn't follow, so I don't think he can be class as one of them.
On the four Madhabs, you have to rememeber only a little while ago there used to be four different jammats for namaaz in Mecca, so there is a slight problem where accepting differences were concern. It all depend on who you talk too really, but i agree it not as big a problem as he made out.
But I still kind of knew where Dr Zakir Naik was coming from, in his agrument, the only thing i disagree with him was that 95% of the muslims don't have the capibility too do what he stated, which was go with the strongest evidence available rather then follow what your madhabs say. I personally didn't find his talk insulting, indeed I found it very interesting even though i follow the hanafi madhab.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
yep, its a well known-fact
and regarding the Unity confrence, he did say what Admin said - and many people were upset and infuriated.
not the right place to be saying the kind off stuff he did
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Not really, because he hasn't completely rejected the four school of thought. He make his position very clear in that article and back it with Quran and Sunnah, it easy to pick up a couple of paragraph and make it seem he rejects them. But if you look at the section below, it isn't really the case
I personally agree with alot of what Dr Zakir Naik says on the matter, Though I find it easier to stick to one of teh school of though, i personally haven't a problem if someone doesn't. If there a strong hadith that suggest something that the four imaam said were wrong and if they themselves said if there something which doesn't comply with the Quran and Sunnah we should reject their saying or ruling, who are we too really agrue if people do.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
thanx for that Ruby!
although i disagree with the points put forward by Dr. Naik on maddhabs (they are all rather weak points, dont have the time to go thru em at the mo.) i dont think he's a salafi either. As yuit pointed out, he does not wish to eradicate all sects, he's just saying that he doesnt necessarily agree with the concept. and he's made it pretty clear tht he only wants to be known as a 'Muslim' therefore i'm sure he'd hate to have the extra label of 'Salafi' added to him aswell.
Ruby are you a Hitchhikers fan?
Hey wat you tryin 2 say and no i aint a hitchikers fan y do u ask anyway?
Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..
orite so thats what it is then about dr zakir naik...had no idea he followed no madhab , abit surprised thought he waz hanafi
You're avatar is the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy motto
The Revival should inshallah have a stall at the conference....
so see you there ppl...
by the way who is definitely going?
so make sure you all come to The Revival stall and introduce yourself....shud be great meeting ya all.
take care
I giving this one the miss at the mo. But it will be a good family day out for people. Just hope they have facilities for prayer for the 15,000 people, these event normally struggle in this aspect.
But I hope everyone who going has a nice time.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."