Voices of Muslim Women!

Asalaamualiakum all,

We, in Greater Manchester, have arranged a Muslim Womens Voices Event (title of event not confirmed yet) with community leaders so Muslim Women can have their say.

So heres where you come in!

We would like ideas of issues related to Muslim Women in the community (local or national) whether these are comments, complaints, or concerns. These statements will help facilitators highlight issues for discussion with groups on the event.

Men are welcome to comment too.

Well, there are the typical issues... work and education.

On ummah forums there was a topic "why do the brothers not like their wives to work" or something, so you may be able to use something like that as a topic.

and then "should women go to university?" ("if not, then who will be the doctors that women go to?")

erm... clothes? heels?

"why is doing good boring while doing bad thrilling?"

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
Well, there are the typical issues... work and education.

On ummah forums there was a topic "why do the brothers not like their wives to work" or something, so you may be able to use something like that as a topic.

and then "should women go to university?" ("if not, then who will be the doctors that women go to?")

erm... clothes? heels?

"why is doing good boring while doing bad thrilling?"
