What is the most important when considering (making?) a marriage proposal

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Meet MuslimBro, i thought he was bad then i met you zdc.
hey MuslimBro! How may you be? I'm gona be grateful from now on. Never complain about you again! (i'll try my hardest) you guys are destroyinb my image of marriag, i didnt know i had such a monster residing in me....

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Seraphim wrote:
zdc wrote:
Seraphim wrote:

Are you talking from experience or is this part of your general BS that you come out with?

The power of observation, you don't have to put your hand in the fire to see someone burning, you use your eyes for that.

In that case, i think you should wait till you've put your eyes in the fire.
Coz i think you need more practice at making observations.

Oh man, I'm starting to think you're a woman. I hope you don't put your eye's up someone's skirt every time you check out her figure.

Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul, which sometimes helps me and sometimes opposes me.
-Imam Al-Ghazali

Lilly wrote:
Meet MuslimBro, i thought he was bad then i met you zdc.
hey MuslimBro! How may you be? I'm gona be grateful from now on. Never complain about you again! (i'll try my hardest) you guys are destroyinb my image of marriag, i didnt know i had such a monster residing in me....

Sorry little lilly, (wipes tears of her face) I promise to be good, in fact I won't even come here anymore, from Monday, ok, happy?

Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul, which sometimes helps me and sometimes opposes me.
-Imam Al-Ghazali

zdc wrote:
Seraphim wrote:
zdc wrote:
Seraphim wrote:

Are you talking from experience or is this part of your general BS that you come out with?

The power of observation, you don't have to put your hand in the fire to see someone burning, you use your eyes for that.

In that case, i think you should wait till you've put your eyes in the fire.
Coz i think you need more practice at making observations.

Oh man, I'm starting to think you're a woman. I hope you don't put your eye's up someone's skirt every time you check out her figure.

I think you're confusing me with yourself now since your the resident perve.

Back in BLACK

Seraphim wrote:

I think you're confusing me with yourself now since your the resident perve.

And you're the not so resident one.

Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul, which sometimes helps me and sometimes opposes me.
-Imam Al-Ghazali

zdc wrote:
Lilly wrote:
Meet MuslimBro, i thought he was bad then i met you zdc.
hey MuslimBro! How may you be? I'm gona be grateful from now on. Never complain about you again! (i'll try my hardest) you guys are destroyinb my image of marriag, i didnt know i had such a monster residing in me....

Sorry little lilly, (wipes tears of her face) I promise to be good, in fact I won't even come here anymore, from Monday, ok, happy?

You know, from a pervert, this can be interpreted very badly.
you wont come again? is it something we've done?
(Wait why am i asking? why am i not performing the dance of victory?)

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
zdc wrote:
Lilly wrote:
Meet MuslimBro, i thought he was bad then i met you zdc.
hey MuslimBro! How may you be? I'm gona be grateful from now on. Never complain about you again! (i'll try my hardest) you guys are destroyinb my image of marriag, i didnt know i had such a monster residing in me....

Sorry little lilly, (wipes tears of her face) I promise to be good, in fact I won't even come here anymore, from Monday, ok, happy?

You know, from a pervert, this can be interpreted very badly.
you wont come again? is it something we've done?
(Wait why am i asking? why am i not performing the dance of victory?)

You'er asking cos you starting to like me.
Should I answer that? Yes, No Maybe??

Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul, which sometimes helps me and sometimes opposes me.
-Imam Al-Ghazali

zdc wrote:
Seraphim wrote:

I think you're confusing me with yourself now since your the resident perve.

And you're the not so resident one.

You realise that doesnt even make any sense...

Back in BLACK

Seraphim wrote:
zdc wrote:
Seraphim wrote:

I think you're confusing me with yourself now since your the resident perve.

And you're the not so resident one.

You realise that doesnt even make any sense...

Whatever, I'm outta here.

Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul, which sometimes helps me and sometimes opposes me.
-Imam Al-Ghazali

will you be missed? will you be remembered? will you be talked about weeks after you disappeared?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
will you be missed? will you be remembered? will you be talked about weeks after you disappeared?

Who cares...


Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul, which sometimes helps me and sometimes opposes me.
-Imam Al-Ghazali

zdc wrote:
malik wrote:
as i said earlier as well in my blog, it is most important that a girl
is a shia coz shia females make best marriage partner.
other girls too are ok, but you just cant beat a shia woman as a wife. they are the best soul males ever. i like this girl who studies with me, but i wont marry her unless she agrees to convert and become a shia muslim.

WAKE UP, A wife is wife, don't come here with all your shia crap, make better wives and all dat. I heard some nasty things about shia gals which I won't mention here. If shia gals are just soooooo good then why the heck you eyeing a sunni gal? Cos shia gals are crap. Go sing you shia song in Iran cos I have a very small appetite for your type.

If this is what they do to their kids, imagine what they will do to the poor husband.
(Link not for the faint hearted.)


Excuse me. Respect, please. We may have Shiatte sisters over here.
'Shiatte girls are crap?!'

Love is a serious mental disease.

Isha Al-Maghribi wrote:

Would that mean you're a Shiatte Muslim then?
I'm Shaitte by genes, and know everyone needed to know about Shiattes,but practice Sunni law, does that make me an ideal wife?

yes, i am a shia muslim bone and flesh. shia girl makes an ideal wife.
you are a shia female and therefore you would be the best wife for whoever eventually marries you.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

malik wrote:
Isha Al-Maghribi wrote:

Would that mean you're a Shiatte Muslim then?
I'm Shaitte by genes, and know everyone needed to know about Shiattes,but practice Sunni law, does that make me an ideal wife?

yes, i am a shia muslim bone and flesh. shia girl makes an ideal wife.
you are a shia female and therefore you would be the best wife for whoever eventually marries you.

(raises eyebrows shockedly.) why, thank you.

Love is a serious mental disease.

malik wrote:
Isha Al-Maghribi wrote:

Would that mean you're a Shiatte Muslim then?
I'm Shaitte by genes, and know everyone needed to know about Shiattes,but practice Sunni law, does that make me an ideal wife?

yes, i am a shia muslim bone and flesh. shia girl makes an ideal wife.
you are a shia female and therefore you would be the best wife for whoever eventually marries you.

Yes, but the same can be said about Sunni women and Wahab followrs, right?

Love is a serious mental disease.

Isha Al-Maghribi wrote:
malik wrote:
Isha Al-Maghribi wrote:

Would that mean you're a Shiatte Muslim then?
I'm Shaitte by genes, and know everyone needed to know about Shiattes,but practice Sunni law, does that make me an ideal wife?

yes, i am a shia muslim bone and flesh. shia girl makes an ideal wife.
you are a shia female and therefore you would be the best wife for whoever eventually marries you.

Yes, but the same can be said about Sunni women and Wahab followrs, right?

well...obviously no..or he would have just said "muslim girls"

dudettes! just try your best! there must be SOMEONE out there who will love you for who you are. forget the rest.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
Isha Al-Maghribi wrote:
malik wrote:
Isha Al-Maghribi wrote:

Would that mean you're a Shiatte Muslim then?
I'm Shaitte by genes, and know everyone needed to know about Shiattes,but practice Sunni law, does that make me an ideal wife?

yes, i am a shia muslim bone and flesh. shia girl makes an ideal wife.
you are a shia female and therefore you would be the best wife for whoever eventually marries you.

Yes, but the same can be said about Sunni women and Wahab followrs, right?

well...obviously no..or he would have just said "muslim girls"

dudettes! just try your best! there must be SOMEONE out there who will love you for who you are. forget the rest.

Oh, well.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I guess.
I wonder what makes him say so? What makes him see Shiatte over everyone else?

Love is a serious mental disease.

I would guess there would be the issue of religious compatibility in there.

If he wants to live a religious life and have a religious wife, she would need to be one that accepts his beliefs and he accept hers.

That requires faith and such issues to be similar enough for there to be some sort of peace.

Because if he ever has kids, would the two want to argue over who'se set of ideals and beliefs are given the greater importance to be taught?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

What a lame poll. How about mutual understanding ?.

It's shi'ite, not shiatte . . !

And Malik is clearly a troll.

Isha Al-Maghribi wrote:

Yes, but the same can be said about Sunni women and Wahab followrs, right?

dont make me laugh.
wahhabi girls are good but not as good as shias who are excellent as wives. wahhabi women are second best after shia females.

first are shia, second wahhabi, sunnis third.
actually catholic girls maybe third best women for marriage, then sunnis, then jewish women.
but shia women are still top of the list of women who make good wives.
have you not seen Ahlulbayt TV on sky channel 842.
they make perfect matches.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

Anonymous1 wrote:
It's shi'ite, not shiatte . . !

And Malik is clearly a troll.

troll? clearly?
at least im not an anonymous arsehole.

by the way, its Shia, not shi'ites.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

malik wrote:
Anonymous1 wrote:
It's shi'ite, not shiatte . . !

And Malik is clearly a troll.

troll? clearly?
at least im not an anonymous arsehole.

by the way, its Shia, not shi'ites.

I write it how i pronounce it, thank you very much And who cares? we all know what we're on about.
Mountain out of a molehill..

Love is a serious mental disease.

Isha Al-Maghribi wrote:

I write it how i pronounce it, thank you very much And who cares? we all know what we're on about.
Mountain out of a molehill..

fair enough, you got a point. thanks.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
