sorrry for divided replies lol first time on here :S
as for who runs it... banks and zionist Jews atm... they founded it and it will only be their bloodline who sustain it.
Not exactly, its only me, you can get your global conspiracy right here.
It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens
I'm interested in knowing what anon1's opinion is on such conspiracy theories...
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by Anonymous1 (not verified) on 24 June, 2010 - 21:01 #34
ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
I'm interested in knowing what anon1's opinion is on such conspiracy theories...
My opinion is that there may well be all sorts of underhand type of stuff going on - the problem those looking into that area is evidence, something they struggle to gain and secondly, the magnification of the issues to ridiculous levels - control of the world by these individuals etc!
So focused do people become on these phenomena, they miss the real conspiracies that are actually going on and visible for all to see, that significantly determine how the world is run or organised.
The American academic Chomsky has exposed the capitalist forces at work in the media industry for decades - providing empirical evidence, along with power and capital relationships between business, media and politics.
Likewise, a number of thinktanks regularly expose the relationship between commercial interests and the third world, initiation of wars, occupations, exploitation of cheap labour etc
The Western world is dominated and controlled by small numbers of capitalist elites - identified by sociologists, journalists and political scientists - those with the wealth who exert strong influences on politics which in turn through institutions, agreements and collaboration dictates how our lives and the lives of most of the world are run!
Submitted by Joie (not verified) on 24 June, 2010 - 21:14 #35
I am not against him per se even if I differ, but in support of your point Chomsky is also a conspirator.
Submitted by Anonymous1 (not verified) on 26 June, 2010 - 13:56 #36
Joie wrote:
I am not against him per se even if I differ, but in support of your point Chomsky is also a conspirator.
Maybe you've not read his response to those who try writing him off by labelling him a "consipirator"?
Submitted by Joie (not verified) on 27 June, 2010 - 04:06 #37
Anonymous1 wrote:
Joie wrote:
I am not against him per se even if I differ, but in support of your point Chomsky is also a conspirator.
Maybe you've not read his response to those who try writing him off by labelling him a "consipirator"?
No but whatever it is same thing with bells. Cheers for the link.
Submitted by Anonymous1 (not verified) on 27 June, 2010 - 15:16 #38
Joie wrote:
Anonymous1 wrote:
Joie wrote:
I am not against him per se even if I differ, but in support of your point Chomsky is also a conspirator.
Maybe you've not read his response to those who try writing him off by labelling him a "consipirator"?
No but whatever it is same thing with bells. Cheers for the link.
I'm not sure of the link - you've got to read his recent version of Manufacturing Consent.
The gist from my vague recollection is that conspiracy theories are notoriously difficult to verify - his analysis of a large number of publications (content, terminology, policy coverage, ownership etc) over a period of time, in relation to a number of political events, is substantive enough to show a causal link.
Submitted by allah's worshipper (not verified) on 8 May, 2012 - 11:43 #39
china has its own secret society, professional assasines ,and gangsters
hope i answerd your Q
oh and may god bless u all
Submitted by zohra (not verified) on 4 July, 2012 - 06:50 #40
Hello! I'm so desperate to know more..add me on skype.. zorah26
from what i understand free masons are the templar nights with a new name. after recieving the knowledge protected by the Assasins of Hassan I Sabbah (muslims) resulting in persecution from the roman catholic church. i think the roman catholic church should get the stigma the world have of the free masons. i heard the knowledge of the masons include the building of the piramids of Egypt and the tower of Babylon where Nimrod worshiped god and told people to worship him. he was wrong to tell the people to worship him but he worshiped god. they were in argument with god. they were trying new things until god decred the knowledge we know given to the jews, then Christians and then Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Is any of that based in fact and not on people in cafes?
the biggest effect the illuminati have on muslims is getting to worry about bogeymen and not fix real problems instead.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Is any of that based in fact and not on people in cafes?
the biggest effect the illuminati have on muslims is getting to worry about bogeymen and not fix real problems instead.
Allahu alam
it is strictly based on internet research. youtube and other websites.
Submitted by youngest vetaran (not verified) on 21 August, 2012 - 05:00 #44
Well sorry to say ,the illuminati dispite their power,planing and manupulation of minds. the illuminati are destined loosers and they know that. the world will end in bitter shame. weather they like it or not..hheheheh
so brothers dont fear them but fear your lord who has created you and your for the illuminati...poor loosers
Submitted by Munnee (not verified) on 13 November, 2012 - 22:12 #45
Ok, so yes the illuminati is true. And its wierd because the same question came in my mind too after I watched this same guy; Farhan's videos. He has 11 of them. Also something that struck me odd was the fact that his 11th video didn't come up. It said it was blocked by UMG. So out of curiosity i typed in UMG, turns out UMG is a music industry. I found that really quite spooky.
So the illuminati basically are people like, behind the scenes. They play there game in the shadows. They are everything we watch on TV, the songs we listen to, the leaders of world. Barack Obama bieng a main one. They effect us, but they dont effect us (if you see what I mean). Like they don't harm you, like the public but, they do get to you in a way. They create these big stars in hollywood and music that the public is suppose to look up to, naming a few; Rihanna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Eminem, Disney Channel. These 'big people' who are suppose to be our 'role models', the people that are famous WORLDWIDE, that is the people that are important for them in their dirty little game, these WORLWIDE stars to 'control' people WORLDWIDE. If you watch many of their music videos, they slyly do that triangle sign with their hands which is the illuminati logo/symbol. In Jay Z's concert he made everyone do it. Everyone in the freaking arena. Did they no what they were doing? NO. But did they still do it? YES. Because in a way the illuminati got to the public. In a sense of 'controlling.'
I don't really want to go in detail though if you have any questions, please ask because i have been researching a lot and it is really quite scary stuff.
But at the end of the day, its whether or not we believe in Allah. Allah is ultimately more powerful than any other satanic devil worshippers who, ok control us on this world, but darling, God is the Boss of them too, Faith is very important. I was thinking that if God could have, prophets, his people and religion, what can stop the Satan from doing the same? They do exist, theres no point in denying it.
Also, we believe in the 'dajjal', he will apparently have one eye (one eye illuminati eye symbolism) and a lot more stuff that people say. So theres proof. There will be a leader out of them who will be the 'anti christ' (people say its obama) who will rule the new world order.
That is all im saying. And guys, 21/12/2012... something BIG is coming our way. Please pray.
Submitted by TPOS on 13 November, 2012 - 23:09 #46
Maybe UMG blocked it cuz of copyright?
21/12/2012, you can't be serious? That defo aint from an Islamic point of view
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by Hummus on 14 November, 2012 - 16:45 #47
Free mason halls can be slightly spooky. I went to one in Leicester, a few weeks ago. It wasn't strange the first time i ever went there mainly because i only noticed the sign on my way out and i had very less knowledge on the illuminati and free mason topic. But this time round, i 'did' notice the big FREE MASON HALL sign, and when i went through the corridoors, there were endless lists of their masters names. Then i went into a smaller room that was on one of the sides, and there was this instrument. I can't remember what exactly its called, but you have this stick that you use to wack it, and on that thing that you hit, lo and behold there was a circle with a triangle in it.
Submitted by Hajjar on 19 November, 2012 - 11:43 #48
21/12 Is my birthday, its also the winter solstice which pagans and idol worshippers pay much attention too, as Muslims it means nothing. What ever will happen Allah knows there's no point following whacky theories based on dates. remember the Mayan predictions sighs
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
Freemasonry is a secret political society whose goal is to put an end to all religions and good morals, and to replace them with man-made laws and non-religious systems. It strives to provoke ongoing revolutions and to replace one regime with another, on the basis of its call for freedom of thought and freedom of belief. This is what they have stated clearly.
This is what was announced by one of them in the Students’ Conference held in 1865 CE in the city of Liege which is considered to be one of the centers of Freemasonry. He said:
Man must prevail over God, and declare war on Him. He should demolish the heavens and tear them like paper.
It says in the Masonic Grand Lodge (1922, p. 98): We will strengthen the freedom of individual thought with all the powers at our disposal, and we will declare war against the real enemy of man, which is religion.
The Masons say that Masonry takes the human soul as its object of worship.
They say: It is not enough for us to prevail over the religious people and their places of worship, rather our basic goal is to wipe them out of existence.
Minutes of the World Masonic Conference, 1903 CE, p. 102.
They say: Freemasonry will take the place of religion and its Lodges will take the place of places of worship… and there are many other statements which clearly point to the intensity of their enmity towards religion and their uncompromising war on religion.
The Freemasons are one of the most ancient secret societies which still exist and its origins are still unknown to many people and are still unknown to many of their members, because the plots of their leaders are very secret and hidden and they are so keen to conceal their plots and aims. Therefore most of their affairs are conducted verbally, with no written record.
When they want to write an idea or announce it to the public, it is first subjected to the scrutiny of Masonic censors who decide whether it may be released or not. The foundations of Freemasonry were based on theories taken from several sources, mostly from Jewish traditions.
This is supported by the fact that Jewish ideas and teachings were taken as the basis for the founding of the Grand Lodge in 1717 CE with its principles and symbols. The Masons still venerate the Jew Hiram and the temple that he built, from which they take the design of the Masonic lodges in the world. The greatest Masonic leaders are Jews and form the backbone of the Masonic movement, and they are the ones who represent Jewish organizations in Masonic lodges. It is to them that the spread of Masonry and global cooperation between Freemasons is to be attributed. They are the driving force behind Freemasonry and this Jewish elite are leading different secret cells, running their affairs and directing them secretly as they wish. This is supported by a report in the Masonic Acacia magazine (1908, issue no. 66) which says that there is no Masonic lodge that is free of Jews and that all the Jews do not follow one way or another exclusively, rather there are only principles for them to follow. And this is also the case with the Masons. Hence the Jewish synagogues are our [Masons’] support and we find many Jews among the Freemasons.
This is also supported by what it says in the Masonic publications: that the Jews are certain that the best means of destroying religion is Freemasonry. The history of the Masons is similar to the history of the Jews in belief. Their symbol is the six-pointed Star of David. The Jews and the Freemasons both consider themselves to be the spiritual sons of the builders of the Temple of Solomon. The Freemasonry which distorts other religions lends full support to Judaism and its followers. The Jews took advantage of people’s simple-mindedness and good intentions, and infiltrated Freemasonry and reached high positions within it, thus they breathed a Jewish spirit into the Masonic lodges and subjugated them to their own aims.
One of the clearest indications of their intense desire to conceal their plans to destroy religions and provoke political revolutions is what it says in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, where it says: we will concentrate these cells under a single leadership that is known to us alone. This leadership will be composed of our scholars and these cells will have special representatives, so that the true location of our leadership will be concealed. This leadership alone will have the right to decide who will speak, and to draw up the plans of the day. In these cells we will plan to lay traps for all the socialists and classes of revolutionary society. Most of the secret political plans are known to us and we will decide when to implement them. But the agents of the international secret police will be members of these cells. When the conspiracies start throughout the world, that will mean that one of our most dedicated agents will be at the head of these conspiracies and of course we will be the only people to direct the Masonic plans. We are the only people who know how to direct them and we know the ultimate goal of each action, whilst the illiterates – meaning non-Jews – are ignorant of most of these things, especially Masonry, and they can only see the immediate results of what they are doing.
And there is other evidence which points to the strong connection between the Jews and the Masons, and the cooperation between the two parties in revolutionary conspiracies and stirring up destructive movements. Even though Freemasonry outwardly appears to be a call to freedom of belief, tolerance and social reform in general, in fact it is really a call for permissiveness and destructive factors which cause social disintegration and the loosening of bonds between nations and destruction of religion and morals and the spread of mischief.
Based on this, any Muslim who joins a Masonic group knowing the true nature of Freemasonry and its secrets, and carries out its rituals and is keen to do so, is a kaafir who should be asked to repent. If he repents, all well and good, otherwise he is to be put to death and if he dies in that state then his recompense will be that of the kaafirs. Whoever joins the Freemasons but does not know what they really are, or know about their plots against Islam and the Muslims, and their spreading evil and the evil that they are planning against everyone who tries to bring people together and reform nations, and he joins them in their general activities and talk that does not apparently contradict Islam, is not a kaafir, rather he is excused in general because of their concealing their true nature from him, and because he does not share their basic beliefs or aims. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Acts are but by intentions, and each man will have but that which he intended.”
But he must disavow himself of them when he finds out what they really are, and he must tell people about their real nature and strive to spread their secrets and their plots against the Muslims, so that this will cause a scandal for them and will undermine their efforts. The Muslim should surround himself with good people who will cooperate with him in his religious and worldly affairs. He should be far-sighted in choosing close friends so that he will be safe from being tempted by these apparently attractive ideas and be safe from the evil consequences of honeyed words, and so he will not fall into the traps of the people of shirk which they set up to ensnare those who are easily deceived, follow their whims and desires and are weak in reasoning.
From Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 2/312-315.
Submitted by info (not verified) on 6 February, 2013 - 03:08 #50
ISLAM IS THE ILLUMINATI. Islam is the true danger to the world. they have divided us enough... UNITE TO SURVIVE.
ISLAM IS THE ILLUMINATI. Islam is the true danger to the world. they have divided us enough... UNITE TO SURVIVE.
That's what was said about tony blair but nothing stopped him from becoming PM
why do people come out with such idiotic things for.
Who said that about Tony Blair?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by abualabbasassaffah7 (not verified) on 12 February, 2013 - 14:54 #53
info wrote:
ISLAM IS THE ILLUMINATI. Islam is the true danger to the world. they have divided us enough... UNITE TO SURVIVE.
unite to destroy islam one of the goals of illuminati that statement alone shows who ahs the illuinati mentality
Submitted by ka (not verified) on 25 March, 2013 - 06:51 #54
It effects you because Catbolics, Jews and Islam is all from pagan religions that are connected straight to satan. its a huge conspiracy thougout history for satan to establish his reign on earth to mock God. Islam is a false religion. Please repent. Jesus is the only messiah, it is proven. Read the bible!!!!! All of this is in there. Sandy Hook is obviously faked. Our gov't is lying to us b/c they are trying to accomplish their goals. Its all in the BIBLE. Repent of your false religions and put your total faith in the atonement through Christ. please. I beg you.
Submitted by abualabbasassaffah7 (not verified) on 25 March, 2013 - 15:42 #55
ka wrote:
It effects you because Catbolics, Jews and Islam is all from pagan religions that are connected straight to satan. its a huge conspiracy thougout history for satan to establish his reign on earth to mock God. Islam is a false religion. Please repent. Jesus is the only messiah, it is proven. Read the bible!!!!! All of this is in there. Sandy Hook is obviously faked. Our gov't is lying to us b/c they are trying to accomplish their goals. Its all in the BIBLE. Repent of your false religions and put your total faith in the atonement through Christ. please. I beg you.
these 3 religion are connected witht eh ibrahim as or as the other 2 say abraham religion
pagan is completely different if you are going to make a claim atleast get the bascs right
Not exactly, its only me, you can get your global conspiracy right here.
I'm interested in knowing what anon1's opinion is on such conspiracy theories...
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
My opinion is that there may well be all sorts of underhand type of stuff going on - the problem those looking into that area is evidence, something they struggle to gain and secondly, the magnification of the issues to ridiculous levels - control of the world by these individuals etc!
So focused do people become on these phenomena, they miss the real conspiracies that are actually going on and visible for all to see, that significantly determine how the world is run or organised.
The American academic Chomsky has exposed the capitalist forces at work in the media industry for decades - providing empirical evidence, along with power and capital relationships between business, media and politics.
Likewise, a number of thinktanks regularly expose the relationship between commercial interests and the third world, initiation of wars, occupations, exploitation of cheap labour etc
The Western world is dominated and controlled by small numbers of capitalist elites - identified by sociologists, journalists and political scientists - those with the wealth who exert strong influences on politics which in turn through institutions, agreements and collaboration dictates how our lives and the lives of most of the world are run!
I am not against him per se even if I differ, but in support of your point Chomsky is also a conspirator.
Maybe you've not read his response to those who try writing him off by labelling him a "consipirator"?![Smile](
No but whatever it is same thing with bells.
Cheers for the link.I'm not sure of the link - you've got to read his recent version of Manufacturing Consent.
The gist from my vague recollection is that conspiracy theories are notoriously difficult to verify - his analysis of a large number of publications (content, terminology, policy coverage, ownership etc) over a period of time, in relation to a number of political events, is substantive enough to show a causal link.
china has its own secret society, professional assasines ,and gangsters
hope i answerd your Q
oh and may god bless u all
Hello! I'm so desperate to know more..add me on skype.. zorah26
from what i understand free masons are the templar nights with a new name. after recieving the knowledge protected by the Assasins of Hassan I Sabbah (muslims) resulting in persecution from the roman catholic church. i think the roman catholic church should get the stigma the world have of the free masons. i heard the knowledge of the masons include the building of the piramids of Egypt and the tower of Babylon where Nimrod worshiped god and told people to worship him. he was wrong to tell the people to worship him but he worshiped god. they were in argument with god. they were trying new things until god decred the knowledge we know given to the jews, then Christians and then Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Is any of that based in fact and not on people in cafes?
the biggest effect the illuminati have on muslims is getting to worry about bogeymen and not fix real problems instead.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Allahu alam
it is strictly based on internet research. youtube and other websites.
Well sorry to say ,the illuminati dispite their power,planing and manupulation of minds. the illuminati are destined loosers and they know that. the world will end in bitter shame. weather they like it or not..hheheheh
so brothers dont fear them but fear your lord who has created you and your for the illuminati...poor loosers
Ok, so yes the illuminati is true. And its wierd because the same question came in my mind too after I watched this same guy; Farhan's videos. He has 11 of them. Also something that struck me odd was the fact that his 11th video didn't come up. It said it was blocked by UMG. So out of curiosity i typed in UMG, turns out UMG is a music industry. I found that really quite spooky.
So the illuminati basically are people like, behind the scenes. They play there game in the shadows. They are everything we watch on TV, the songs we listen to, the leaders of world. Barack Obama bieng a main one. They effect us, but they dont effect us (if you see what I mean). Like they don't harm you, like the public but, they do get to you in a way. They create these big stars in hollywood and music that the public is suppose to look up to, naming a few; Rihanna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Eminem, Disney Channel. These 'big people' who are suppose to be our 'role models', the people that are famous WORLDWIDE, that is the people that are important for them in their dirty little game, these WORLWIDE stars to 'control' people WORLDWIDE. If you watch many of their music videos, they slyly do that triangle sign with their hands which is the illuminati logo/symbol. In Jay Z's concert he made everyone do it. Everyone in the freaking arena. Did they no what they were doing? NO. But did they still do it? YES. Because in a way the illuminati got to the public. In a sense of 'controlling.'
I don't really want to go in detail though if you have any questions, please ask because i have been researching a lot and it is really quite scary stuff.
But at the end of the day, its whether or not we believe in Allah. Allah is ultimately more powerful than any other satanic devil worshippers who, ok control us on this world, but darling, God is the Boss of them too, Faith is very important. I was thinking that if God could have, prophets, his people and religion, what can stop the Satan from doing the same? They do exist, theres no point in denying it.
Also, we believe in the 'dajjal', he will apparently have one eye (one eye illuminati eye symbolism) and a lot more stuff that people say. So theres proof. There will be a leader out of them who will be the 'anti christ' (people say its obama) who will rule the new world order.
That is all im saying. And guys, 21/12/2012... something BIG is coming our way. Please pray.
Maybe UMG blocked it cuz of copyright?
21/12/2012, you can't be serious? That defo aint from an Islamic point of view
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Free mason halls can be slightly spooky. I went to one in Leicester, a few weeks ago. It wasn't strange the first time i ever went there mainly because i only noticed the sign on my way out and i had very less knowledge on the illuminati and free mason topic. But this time round, i 'did' notice the big FREE MASON HALL sign, and when i went through the corridoors, there were endless lists of their masters names. Then i went into a smaller room that was on one of the sides, and there was this instrument. I can't remember what exactly its called, but you have this stick that you use to wack it, and on that thing that you hit, lo and behold there was a circle with a triangle in it.
21/12 Is my birthday, its also the winter solstice which pagans and idol worshippers pay much attention too, as Muslims it means nothing. What ever will happen Allah knows there's no point following whacky theories based on dates. remember the Mayan predictions sighs
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
Praise be to Allaah.
Freemasonry is a secret political society whose goal is to put an end to all religions and good morals, and to replace them with man-made laws and non-religious systems. It strives to provoke ongoing revolutions and to replace one regime with another, on the basis of its call for freedom of thought and freedom of belief. This is what they have stated clearly.
This is what was announced by one of them in the Students’ Conference held in 1865 CE in the city of Liege which is considered to be one of the centers of Freemasonry. He said:
Man must prevail over God, and declare war on Him. He should demolish the heavens and tear them like paper.
It says in the Masonic Grand Lodge (1922, p. 98): We will strengthen the freedom of individual thought with all the powers at our disposal, and we will declare war against the real enemy of man, which is religion.
The Masons say that Masonry takes the human soul as its object of worship.
They say: It is not enough for us to prevail over the religious people and their places of worship, rather our basic goal is to wipe them out of existence.
Minutes of the World Masonic Conference, 1903 CE, p. 102.
They say: Freemasonry will take the place of religion and its Lodges will take the place of places of worship… and there are many other statements which clearly point to the intensity of their enmity towards religion and their uncompromising war on religion.
The Freemasons are one of the most ancient secret societies which still exist and its origins are still unknown to many people and are still unknown to many of their members, because the plots of their leaders are very secret and hidden and they are so keen to conceal their plots and aims. Therefore most of their affairs are conducted verbally, with no written record.
When they want to write an idea or announce it to the public, it is first subjected to the scrutiny of Masonic censors who decide whether it may be released or not. The foundations of Freemasonry were based on theories taken from several sources, mostly from Jewish traditions.
This is supported by the fact that Jewish ideas and teachings were taken as the basis for the founding of the Grand Lodge in 1717 CE with its principles and symbols. The Masons still venerate the Jew Hiram and the temple that he built, from which they take the design of the Masonic lodges in the world. The greatest Masonic leaders are Jews and form the backbone of the Masonic movement, and they are the ones who represent Jewish organizations in Masonic lodges. It is to them that the spread of Masonry and global cooperation between Freemasons is to be attributed. They are the driving force behind Freemasonry and this Jewish elite are leading different secret cells, running their affairs and directing them secretly as they wish. This is supported by a report in the Masonic Acacia magazine (1908, issue no. 66) which says that there is no Masonic lodge that is free of Jews and that all the Jews do not follow one way or another exclusively, rather there are only principles for them to follow. And this is also the case with the Masons. Hence the Jewish synagogues are our [Masons’] support and we find many Jews among the Freemasons.
This is also supported by what it says in the Masonic publications: that the Jews are certain that the best means of destroying religion is Freemasonry. The history of the Masons is similar to the history of the Jews in belief. Their symbol is the six-pointed Star of David. The Jews and the Freemasons both consider themselves to be the spiritual sons of the builders of the Temple of Solomon. The Freemasonry which distorts other religions lends full support to Judaism and its followers. The Jews took advantage of people’s simple-mindedness and good intentions, and infiltrated Freemasonry and reached high positions within it, thus they breathed a Jewish spirit into the Masonic lodges and subjugated them to their own aims.
One of the clearest indications of their intense desire to conceal their plans to destroy religions and provoke political revolutions is what it says in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, where it says: we will concentrate these cells under a single leadership that is known to us alone. This leadership will be composed of our scholars and these cells will have special representatives, so that the true location of our leadership will be concealed. This leadership alone will have the right to decide who will speak, and to draw up the plans of the day. In these cells we will plan to lay traps for all the socialists and classes of revolutionary society. Most of the secret political plans are known to us and we will decide when to implement them. But the agents of the international secret police will be members of these cells. When the conspiracies start throughout the world, that will mean that one of our most dedicated agents will be at the head of these conspiracies and of course we will be the only people to direct the Masonic plans. We are the only people who know how to direct them and we know the ultimate goal of each action, whilst the illiterates – meaning non-Jews – are ignorant of most of these things, especially Masonry, and they can only see the immediate results of what they are doing.
And there is other evidence which points to the strong connection between the Jews and the Masons, and the cooperation between the two parties in revolutionary conspiracies and stirring up destructive movements. Even though Freemasonry outwardly appears to be a call to freedom of belief, tolerance and social reform in general, in fact it is really a call for permissiveness and destructive factors which cause social disintegration and the loosening of bonds between nations and destruction of religion and morals and the spread of mischief.
Based on this, any Muslim who joins a Masonic group knowing the true nature of Freemasonry and its secrets, and carries out its rituals and is keen to do so, is a kaafir who should be asked to repent. If he repents, all well and good, otherwise he is to be put to death and if he dies in that state then his recompense will be that of the kaafirs. Whoever joins the Freemasons but does not know what they really are, or know about their plots against Islam and the Muslims, and their spreading evil and the evil that they are planning against everyone who tries to bring people together and reform nations, and he joins them in their general activities and talk that does not apparently contradict Islam, is not a kaafir, rather he is excused in general because of their concealing their true nature from him, and because he does not share their basic beliefs or aims. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Acts are but by intentions, and each man will have but that which he intended.”
But he must disavow himself of them when he finds out what they really are, and he must tell people about their real nature and strive to spread their secrets and their plots against the Muslims, so that this will cause a scandal for them and will undermine their efforts. The Muslim should surround himself with good people who will cooperate with him in his religious and worldly affairs. He should be far-sighted in choosing close friends so that he will be safe from being tempted by these apparently attractive ideas and be safe from the evil consequences of honeyed words, and so he will not fall into the traps of the people of shirk which they set up to ensnare those who are easily deceived, follow their whims and desires and are weak in reasoning.
From Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 2/312-315.
ISLAM IS THE ILLUMINATI. Islam is the true danger to the world. they have divided us enough... UNITE TO SURVIVE.
That's what was said about tony blair but nothing stopped him from becoming PM
why do people come out with such idiotic things for.
Who said that about Tony Blair?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
unite to destroy islam one of the goals of illuminati that statement alone shows who ahs the illuinati mentality
It effects you because Catbolics, Jews and Islam is all from pagan religions that are connected straight to satan. its a huge conspiracy thougout history for satan to establish his reign on earth to mock God. Islam is a false religion. Please repent. Jesus is the only messiah, it is proven. Read the bible!!!!! All of this is in there. Sandy Hook is obviously faked. Our gov't is lying to us b/c they are trying to accomplish their goals. Its all in the BIBLE. Repent of your false religions and put your total faith in the atonement through Christ. please. I beg you.
these 3 religion are connected witht eh ibrahim as or as the other 2 say abraham religion
pagan is completely different if you are going to make a claim atleast get the bascs right