In Saudi Arabia remarks made by a judge at a conference on domestic violence have caused an outcry. The judge said a man is justified in beating his wife if she spends too much money. He said that if a woman spends the greater part of the housekeeping money on clothes, her husband was within his right to to slap her face.
Women at the conference responded with loud protests.
I bet privately his hounour would have approved even a good beating.
At the Conference the Judge restrained his views permitting only slapping the ladies.
What do you believe Islam teaches about all this?
Please keep it relevant to the topic of "Islam and Wife Beating".
If you are against beating, but FOR slapping then make your views clear.
I am absolutely disgsuted
though not surprised
saudis have no respect for their women at all
It is never acceptable to beat your wife
lord almight
for spending too much money!??!!?
I wonder what the punishment would be if she'd done something worse!
a real man doesn't need to hit a woman in order to assert his manhood
a real man doesn't need to hit a woman in order to assert his manhood
Just out of interest, how does a real man assert his manhood? ('lying down and writing "welcome" or "Please wipe your shoes" on his face' is not a valid answer )
Also about spouse slapping, husbands and wives should high-five as much as possible.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
It would be great if those voting otherwise could post a line or two to explain their reasons... if they're not too chicken that is.
I voted its okay sometimes. Those sometimes are actually only one situation, 'Shudhuudh', which is when the wife flirts with another man. Face is still off limits as is striking so hard a mark is left. Truth is though, nowadays I don't think Muslim wives would flirt with other guys, it would waste shopping energy.
What if wife slapped back? Probably pivot on left heel (I'm assuming she's slapping with right hand) and dodge to my right.
Slapping and general violence against spouses is silly anyway. It's a weak and highly imperfect solution, it represents an inability to communicate. I previously asked 1R4M to give a definition of asserting one's manhood and she's still getting back to me. As I understand it, she probably meant a man should be able to so communicate wth his wife that if he's feeling bad about something she's doing, he should be able to explain it to her.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Ideally one shouldnt do anything that would result in their partner become soo upset with them that words fail and a slap is called for.
However, we live in a far from perfect world where people (including women) can act like complete idiots. And since its usually done in rage, there will be some amount of force behind it and where better to direct it than the persons face.
So i suppose i can understand how a partner may slap the other.
Ideally one shouldnt do anything that would result in their partner become soo upset with them that words fail and a slap is called for.
However, we live in a far from perfect world where people (including women) can act like complete idiots. And since its usually done in rage, there will be some amount of force behind it and where better to direct it than the persons face.
So i suppose i can understand how a partner may slap the other.
The other day you were saying u ddnt believe guys should hit girls and you dd believe that they should/could in any circumstance, we'rent u? :S
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I previously asked 1R4M to give a definition of asserting one's manhood and she's still getting back to me. As I understand it, she probably meant a man should be able to so communicate wth his wife that if he's feeling bad about something she's doing, he should be able to explain it to her.
thats exactly what I mean
for example
if I, a grown 21 year old woman was to hit a 10 yea old girl, I would have people saying to me that it is wrong because the younger girl is weaker than me n I'm older and should know better
similarly, a woman tends to be physically weaker than a man
not always
but most of the time
and hitting a woman, well, I dont understand how that would make you feel so manly
hitting another man, fair enough, as he's your equal
but hitting a woman
is just wrong
Ideally one shouldnt do anything that would result in their partner become soo upset with them that words fail and a slap is called for.
However, we live in a far from perfect world where people (including women) can act like complete idiots. And since its usually done in rage, there will be some amount of force behind it and where better to direct it than the persons face.
So i suppose i can understand how a partner may slap the other.
The other day you were saying u ddnt believe guys should hit girls and you dd believe that they should/could in any circumstance, we'rent u? :S
Yes i did say that. And i dont think i would ever do it. But i cant hold other people up to my standards. All im saying in the above is that i understand their perspective. Even if i dont agree with it.
i read this news somewhere else, won't name the forum but there they had the original manuscript. The comments came after a man gave his wife just over 300 dollars for spending. Whether it was just for clothing we don;t know. But she basically spent something like 250.00 dollars on one designer abaya (jaw drops i spend 40 quid max and thats a two piece outfit oh my gosh the mind boggles!). On the basis of this extravagance this judge said it's ok to slap such a woman. Personally i am disgusted and disagree, the man could simply tell her to get a refund duh!, or pay back the money, or speak to her husband and realise the error of her ways,and thus become a better person?.
As for argument it's ok for guys to hit guys but never ok for a guy to hit a woman, i think that argument is kind hypocritical. Why is it deemed more acceptable for a woman to hit a man, and society speaks very little against this? Nowadays women have reversed the trend they raise their fists at men. Ironically the cops dn't believe these men, and women get away with it. This used to be the case for women decades ago. Today a man can be easily accused of domestic violence or mocked if he accuses his partner of domestic violence. Women slapping men is quite common, you cheated slap, you looked at that tart slap, you're late home slap. I've seen this sort of behaviour a lot on Eastenders lol. Seriously though i've seen it around me. So man hitting man, or woman hitting man or vice versa i'm against all forms of it, full stop!
If speaking won't resolve the situation and things are so so bad, better to divorce than remain together in a cyle of abuse and submission.
I don't think it's permitted in ISlam to hurt ones wife/husband physically. The verse relating to this is often take out of context. Our example lies in our prophet (Saw). He had several wives yet how many did he so much as raise his hand Today many men have just 1 wife and they feel this need to raise their fists something has clearly gone wrong with their understanding of Islam.
I picked can't be slapped, because it's supposed to be a light tap in Islam, and the face if off limits whether a man hits or woman or woman man.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
From what I understand what is mentioned is an absolute limit rather than a guideline. (so its more a legal definition than a recommendation).
As for inter-gender violence - I have read (on the BBC mainly) that young men (age 18-24) are actually more likely to be the victims of domestic abuse than women in the UK!
(Overall its women who suffer most across all ages.)
The point is not to point fingers, but to more or less suggest that men are being demonised perhaps far more than they should be.
As for the above court case and the slap etc, seems wrong and stupid - if the man did not want her to spend that much, he should have either told her, or if he gave her the money in the first place, given her less.
I think there are places in Saudi etc where clothes can be really expensive. Just like here in the UK. Designer stores probably charge a large premium over the actual cost of manufacture...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
This poll actually made me lol when i first saw it on the side xD
I voted 'I have not yet decided'
But i was just being silly...
I really pick "Wife cannot be slapped at all"
But meh. I'm biased
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
That of course depends on certain factors One of which is Can you have a wife?
Aha xD
How dare you take my words out of context?!
and yes i can... My dad says i can do anything i put my mind to xD
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
Submitted by Suhail (not verified) on 18 May, 2009 - 01:29 #16
My view is that wat good can come out of slappin more likely something bad will come out of it,,i nw that a light slap that dont leave a mark is ok but come on this is the modern day and wah wud young children think if they saw there mother bein slapped in a shopping mall and over spending wah kind of reason is that to slap a lady for....utter noncence i wud never do it wrooongggggg :x
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Angelic (not verified) on 18 May, 2009 - 12:21 #18
A tap can mean different things to every individual.
My younger brother punches me 'lightly' but to me it is bloody sore but he genuinely thinks he's just messing about and not hurting me!
but what would you do if your wife slapped you back???
I guess: beat the crap out of her...?
Submitted by Suhail (not verified) on 19 May, 2009 - 00:44 #22
Lol beat the crap out of her dammnnnn ima guy btw lolz wudnt it just be better just to take the slap rather than retaliating,,,
Ur not allowed to beat the crap owta her only allowed to tap so as not to leave any mark yet i disagree with it altogether i wud neva hit my wife (wen ever i get married lolz)
and i agree with the previous post that a tap means diferent things to everyone my lill bro hits me as a joke and it kills lolz
Or, are you a "man" who wants to but is is unable to slap a woman.
Submitted by Angelic (not verified) on 19 May, 2009 - 21:18 #24
haha that would be the day! nope I have never been slapped and nor do I intend on slapping anyone.
So what is your view on it?
Submitted by AH (not verified) on 19 May, 2009 - 22:35 #25
Is this really a Muslim magazine forum? I cant believe some of the comments on here, we are not Western apologists, we do not go against the rulings of our shariah - we do not follow secular man made laws when the Quran is clear.
Read surah Nisa and the verses on admonishment then answer the poll properly instead of anwering the question based on Western sensibilities and convention. You don't mess with Allah's law.
Peace and blessing on our leige-lord Rasool Allah (SAW) and all the sahaba and ahl ul bait and the Shaykhs and Mashaykh
Maybe its good to get not only a translation, but an explanation of the verses before getting on your high horse?
And its also not all about what is allowed but what you would do/accept. Those can be different.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Angelic (not verified) on 20 May, 2009 - 12:57 #27
What makes you thinks it's not a Muslim forum?
Everyone has their own opinions which do not necessarily mean that they are in accordance with Islam. Views expressed on this forum aren't necessarily those of The Revival.
This is the way to get educated, you give your view, people post up view of Islam and if people want to learn they reasearch on it and accept it.
1R4M said: saudis have no respect for their women at all
It is never acceptable to beat your wife
Some people, like Iram, think its never acceptable to slap your wife.
She thinks its only a problem in Saudi Arabia.
I think she simply does not know the facts.
The poor woman has no idea of the annual statistics for domestic violence
in this country as well as for Europe and America.
She is a poorly read women. She doesnt know many things.
She does not know stuff. She has no knowledge of history.
Thats no surpise.
She is not even aware of current affairs.
If you dont know whats happening around you, then how can you
be expected to know what happened 1400 years ago.
No chance.
She is easily swayed by the tide of opinion of people around her.
The poor girl is another victim of propaganda.
Put simply, she is brainwashed.
first of all
what the hell is your problem
what did events happening 1400 years ago have to do with what I wrote
I never once said it was SOLELY a problem in saudi arabia
the reason why we were discussing saudi arabia is because the first post was regarding events in saudi arabia THAT'S why
nowhere did I say that only men in saudi beat their wives
if I was "easily swayed" by people's opinions around me, then I wouldn't have people on this forum having debates with me, telling me that they think I'm wrong
if I was so "easily swayed" I'd take back everything I'd written and agree with the majority
"Some people, like Iram, think its never acceptable to slap your wife"
excuse me for thinking that violence is wrong
God, what an arse am I
and I DO know my history
I know, for instance, that the prophet pbuh never hit any of his wives, even when provoked
You are absolutely rude
and if you have a problem with me
try sending me a private message instead of trying to embarrass me (which you failed at btw) in front of everyone
You know nothing about me, therefore you cannot make a judgement of my character
oh and btw
you were the one that created this topic about saudi legislaton regarding the beating of women
seems like YOU'RE the one who is "easily swayed" by popular opinion; do you even know if this piece of news is even true
Omrow just winds people up for no reason... sometimes I think it's when he feels the forum is boring and needs spicing up a bit.
Don't worry about it
The moral of the story is everyone should try to keep the forum interesting, or they run the risk of being cussed by a balding man in his mid-40s (I'm guessing).
* (it means 'girl' in scottish, I wasn't calling you a bitch!)
I dont know if you guys missed this major news on Sunday.
Everybody was watching football while there was a big Conference on Women.
Saudi Judge told men at the conferenece that slapping your wife is acceptable.
He told males that if you wife goes on a spending spree,
then you can beat her up, even inside the shopping centre.
Can you believe that !!
Beating your wife in front of all the shoppers !!
That is utter humiliation.
What must the women at the Conference felt when hearing the Judge give this licence to men.
Anyway, please give your views on these headlines:
Take part in the poll and give you vote on the subject.
These stories were blasted all over the media:
I bet privately his hounour would have approved even a good beating.
At the Conference the Judge restrained his views permitting only slapping the ladies.
What do you believe Islam teaches about all this?
Please keep it relevant to the topic of "Islam and Wife Beating".
If you are against beating, but FOR slapping then make your views clear.
If you are for both, then... cast your vote.
Just give your views please.
What do you think about the Judge Al-Razine?
I am absolutely disgsuted
though not surprised
saudis have no respect for their women at all
It is never acceptable to beat your wife
lord almight
for spending too much money!??!!?
I wonder what the punishment would be if she'd done something worse!
a real man doesn't need to hit a woman in order to assert his manhood
Just out of interest, how does a real man assert his manhood? ('lying down and writing "welcome" or "Please wipe your shoes" on his face' is not a valid answer
Also about spouse slapping, husbands and wives should high-five as much as possible.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
It is NOT ok to slap your wife.
A light tap which does not hurt and does not leave a mark is as far a guy can go. And even then the face is strictly off limits.
Stuff like this is just silly, inshallah people recognise this and don't take it too seriously.
It would be great if those voting otherwise could post a line or two to explain their reasons... if they're not too chicken that is.
but what would you do if your wife slapped you back???
I voted its okay sometimes. Those sometimes are actually only one situation, 'Shudhuudh', which is when the wife flirts with another man. Face is still off limits as is striking so hard a mark is left. Truth is though, nowadays I don't think Muslim wives would flirt with other guys, it would waste shopping energy.
What if wife slapped back? Probably pivot on left heel (I'm assuming she's slapping with right hand) and dodge to my right.
Slapping and general violence against spouses is silly anyway. It's a weak and highly imperfect solution, it represents an inability to communicate. I previously asked 1R4M to give a definition of asserting one's manhood and she's still getting back to me. As I understand it, she probably meant a man should be able to so communicate wth his wife that if he's feeling bad about something she's doing, he should be able to explain it to her.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Ideally one shouldnt do anything that would result in their partner become soo upset with them that words fail and a slap is called for.
However, we live in a far from perfect world where people (including women) can act like complete idiots. And since its usually done in rage, there will be some amount of force behind it and where better to direct it than the persons face.
So i suppose i can understand how a partner may slap the other.
Back in BLACK
The other day you were saying u ddnt believe guys should hit girls and you dd believe that they should/could in any circumstance, we'rent u? :S
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
thats exactly what I mean
for example
if I, a grown 21 year old woman was to hit a 10 yea old girl, I would have people saying to me that it is wrong because the younger girl is weaker than me n I'm older and should know better
similarly, a woman tends to be physically weaker than a man
not always
but most of the time
and hitting a woman, well, I dont understand how that would make you feel so manly
hitting another man, fair enough, as he's your equal
but hitting a woman
is just wrong
Yes i did say that. And i dont think i would ever do it. But i cant hold other people up to my standards. All im saying in the above
is that i understand their perspective. Even if i dont agree with it.
Back in BLACK
i read this news somewhere else, won't name the forum but there they had the original manuscript. The comments came after a man gave his wife just over 300 dollars for spending. Whether it was just for clothing we don;t know. But she basically spent something like 250.00 dollars on one designer abaya (jaw drops i spend 40 quid max and thats a two piece outfit oh my gosh the mind boggles!). On the basis of this extravagance this judge said it's ok to slap such a woman. Personally i am disgusted and disagree, the man could simply tell her to get a refund duh!, or pay back the money, or speak to her husband and realise the error of her ways,and thus become a better person?.
As for argument it's ok for guys to hit guys but never ok for a guy to hit a woman, i think that argument is kind hypocritical. Why is it deemed more acceptable for a woman to hit a man, and society speaks very little against this? Nowadays women have reversed the trend they raise their fists at men. Ironically the cops dn't believe these men, and women get away with it. This used to be the case for women decades ago. Today a man can be easily accused of domestic violence or mocked if he accuses his partner of domestic violence. Women slapping men is quite common, you cheated slap, you looked at that tart slap, you're late home slap. I've seen this sort of behaviour a lot on Eastenders lol. Seriously though i've seen it around me. So man hitting man, or woman hitting man or vice versa i'm against all forms of it, full stop!
If speaking won't resolve the situation and things are so so bad, better to divorce than remain together in a cyle of abuse and submission.
I don't think it's permitted in ISlam to hurt ones wife/husband physically. The verse relating to this is often take out of context. Our example lies in our prophet (Saw). He had several wives yet how many did he so much as raise his hand Today many men have just 1 wife and they feel this need to raise their fists something has clearly gone wrong with their understanding of Islam.
I picked can't be slapped, because it's supposed to be a light tap in Islam, and the face if off limits whether a man hits or woman or woman man.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
From what I understand what is mentioned is an absolute limit rather than a guideline. (so its more a legal definition than a recommendation).
As for inter-gender violence - I have read (on the BBC mainly) that young men (age 18-24) are actually more likely to be the victims of domestic abuse than women in the UK!
(Overall its women who suffer most across all ages.)
The point is not to point fingers, but to more or less suggest that men are being demonised perhaps far more than they should be.
As for the above court case and the slap etc, seems wrong and stupid - if the man did not want her to spend that much, he should have either told her, or if he gave her the money in the first place, given her less.
I think there are places in Saudi etc where clothes can be really expensive. Just like here in the UK. Designer stores probably charge a large premium over the actual cost of manufacture...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
That is not irony.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
This poll actually made me lol when i first saw it on the side xD
I voted 'I have not yet decided'
But i was just being silly...
I really pick "Wife cannot be slapped at all"
But meh. I'm biased
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
Aha xD
How dare you take my words out of context?!
and yes i can... My dad says i can do anything i put my mind to xD
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
My view is that wat good can come out of slappin more likely something bad will come out of it,,i nw that a light slap that dont leave a mark is ok but come on this is the modern day and wah wud young children think if they saw there mother bein slapped in a shopping mall and over spending wah kind of reason is that to slap a lady for....utter noncence i wud never do it wrooongggggg :x
not slap, but tap.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
A tap can mean different things to every individual.
My younger brother punches me 'lightly' but to me it is bloody sore but he genuinely thinks he's just messing about and not hurting me!
Men are stronger than they think.
Some people, like Iram, think its never acceptable to slap your wife.
She thinks its only a problem in Saudi Arabia.
I think she simply does not know the facts.
The poor woman has no idea of the annual statistics for domestic violence
in this country as well as for Europe and America.
She is a poorly read women. She doesnt know many things.
She does not know stuff. She has no knowledge of history.
Thats no surpise.
She is not even aware of current affairs.
If you dont know whats happening around you, then how can you
be expected to know what happened 1400 years ago.
No chance.
She is easily swayed by the tide of opinion of people around her.
The poor girl is another victim of propaganda.
Put simply, she is brainwashed.
What's your opinion on beating women up Omrow?
I guess: beat the crap out of her...?
Lol beat the crap out of her dammnnnn ima guy btw lolz wudnt it just be better just to take the slap rather than retaliating,,,
Ur not allowed to beat the crap owta her only allowed to tap so as not to leave any mark yet i disagree with it altogether i wud neva hit my wife (wen ever i get married lolz)
and i agree with the previous post that a tap means diferent things to everyone my lill bro hits me as a joke and it kills lolz
And who are you?
Are you a women who has been slapped?
Or, are you a "man" who wants to but is is unable to slap a woman.
haha that would be the day! nope I have never been slapped and nor do I intend on slapping anyone.
So what is your view on it?
Is this really a Muslim magazine forum? I cant believe some of the comments on here, we are not Western apologists, we do not go against the rulings of our shariah - we do not follow secular man made laws when the Quran is clear.
Read surah Nisa and the verses on admonishment then answer the poll properly instead of anwering the question based on Western sensibilities and convention. You don't mess with Allah's law.
Peace and blessing on our leige-lord Rasool Allah (SAW) and all the sahaba and ahl ul bait and the Shaykhs and Mashaykh
Or maybe you have misunderstood islam?
Maybe its good to get not only a translation, but an explanation of the verses before getting on your high horse?
And its also not all about what is allowed but what you would do/accept. Those can be different.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
What makes you thinks it's not a Muslim forum?
Everyone has their own opinions which do not necessarily mean that they are in accordance with Islam. Views expressed on this forum aren't necessarily those of The Revival.
This is the way to get educated, you give your view, people post up view of Islam and if people want to learn they reasearch on it and accept it.
first of all
what the hell is your problem
what did events happening 1400 years ago have to do with what I wrote
I never once said it was SOLELY a problem in saudi arabia
the reason why we were discussing saudi arabia is because the first post was regarding events in saudi arabia THAT'S why
nowhere did I say that only men in saudi beat their wives
if I was "easily swayed" by people's opinions around me, then I wouldn't have people on this forum having debates with me, telling me that they think I'm wrong
if I was so "easily swayed" I'd take back everything I'd written and agree with the majority
"Some people, like Iram, think its never acceptable to slap your wife"
excuse me for thinking that violence is wrong
God, what an arse am I
and I DO know my history
I know, for instance, that the prophet pbuh never hit any of his wives, even when provoked
You are absolutely rude
and if you have a problem with me
try sending me a private message instead of trying to embarrass me (which you failed at btw) in front of everyone
You know nothing about me, therefore you cannot make a judgement of my character
oh and btw
you were the one that created this topic about saudi legislaton regarding the beating of women
seems like YOU'RE the one who is "easily swayed" by popular opinion; do you even know if this piece of news is even true
Iram... calm down lassy! *
Omrow just winds people up for no reason... sometimes I think it's when he feels the forum is boring and needs spicing up a bit.
Don't worry about it
The moral of the story is everyone should try to keep the forum interesting, or they run the risk of being cussed by a balding man in his mid-40s (I'm guessing).
* (it means 'girl' in scottish, I wasn't calling you a bitch!)
Don't just do something! Stand there.