Girls in London are being used as slaves and they are being paid slave labour.
If men get 10 pounds per hour,
then girls get only 4 pounds for doing the same job.
This is disgusting.
Its supposed to be 21st century.
How come in our country women get in one year
20,000 pounds, while men get 40,000 for doing exactly the same job!!
This is totally out of order.
Also, men shove women to do secretarial work,
and only very few women are allowed top jobs in management.
These lucky ones probably have their dad to help them climb the ladder easily.
Out of 100 men and women in London, 90 men are given top posts, while
only 10 women are allowed these big jobs in London.
What do you guys think?
The Guardian, Thursday 9 April 2009
City's 'shocking' gender pay gap revealed in equality report
Women working full-time in the financial sector earn 55% less a year on average than their male counterparts, with those in some of the most lucrative areas, such as fund management and futures trading, suffering the greatest disparities, according to research published today.
The report from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) also contains further evidence that women struggle to land senior management roles in the City. The National Institute of Economic and Social Research found large gender pay gaps "whichever measure is taken", with full-time female employees receiving 39% less per hour than men. The pay gap in the finance sector - already under fire for its role in the current recession - is approximately double that for the economy as a whole, both on an hourly and annual basis. Women working full-time in so-called auxiliary activities, including fund management, stockbroking and futures trading, suffer the largest pay gap in the financial services sector, earning on average 60% a year less than men.
Among the highest earners in the finance sector, full-time female employees earn 45% less an hour than men, while in the lowest-paid roles women receive 16% less on average. Jessica Woodroffe, from the Fawcett Society, which campaigns for gender equality, said the figures showed it was not just a case of women being in part-time roles or less-skilled jobs - they suffered "straight discrimination", receiving less pay for doing the same job. "The financial sector is due for an overhaul on many fronts and sexual discrimination has to be one of those," she said.
Although the number of men and women in the financial sector is approximately equal, the report found women to be highly concentrated in administrative and secretarial jobs and "substantially under-represented in managerial jobs, including at the most senior level". Only 11% of senior managers in the sector are women, compared with 28% in the economy as a whole. That contributed to a 79% gender gap for annual incentive pay, which includes bonuses, for full-time workers.
In 2007-08, 70% of men in the financial sector earned more than £29,400, while 70% of women earned less than £29,500.
Trevor Phillips, chair of the EHRC, described the statistics as "shocking". He said the report came "at a time when the City's reputation is under attack" and called for "significant steps" to address pay gaps in this month's equality bill: "We are losing or not taking advantage of talented women from a crucial industry."
The Fawcett Society is campaigning for the bill to impose transparent pay structures on all companies and force them to address inequalities. It also wants women fighting pay discrimination to be able to submit group claims in the courts.
Harriet Harman, minister for women and equality, said the inquiry "proves that the finance sector is a breeding ground for discrimination and unfairness" and promised "tough new measures" in the equality bill.
Would any girl out there like it if her boss gave her a
wage packet of £400 and, gave her male friend doing the same task £1000.
Women are getting only 40 percent of what men are being paid.
Men are earning more than double. 60% more !!
This is slavery of women.
I suppose its "NEW LABOUR".
This is U.K. in 2009 !!!
God !!
And then our PM goes around telling Yemen to give equal pay to the ladies.
What the.
Why pick on poor old YEMEN !!
Why cant Gordan Brown tell his Darling to make sure that
our own ladies get treated equally in our own backyard.
Jesus !!
Submitted by Anonymous123 (not verified) on 9 April, 2009 - 15:21 #2
Well according to this document we obviously we dont!!
You cannot just look at one specific sector and decide that due to that there is gender inequality everywhere and that it is always against women.
Try to get a receptionist job as a man, and you will fail.
Besides £4 an hour is below minimum wage (for above a certain age - no idea what that is), so those paying such sums need to be reported.
I voted "I don't know who gets better treatment" because there are swings and round abouts. benefits and pitfalls.
Besides, the first second option does not say who gets "treated better".
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
well i can't say i'm surprised i remember studying this at one point. It's true over many sectors particularly more corporate, higher paid positions women are paid less for doing exactly the same job. It's like having two male candidates and telling A you will get paid 1000 a wk and B you will get 500 for the same job, of course it's unfair. I'm more shocked that there is no law preventing this, especially when the western world harks on about how it offers women equality and freedom, and how they are equal to their male counterparts blah blah blah, when it comes to the crunch there are many things in western society that suggest otherwise, not just this pay issue.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
Equality is just a ruse anyway - you can have fairness but not equality.
You cannot judge on just the level of pay as different people have different strengths weaknesses and liabilities. And that is not a bad thing.
I think in Wimbledon there is currently equal pay for the winners of the men's and the women's tournaments. The difference is that the women's matches can be between 33-40% shorter. Equal pay there is actually unfair. Unless they base the prize money on how many spectators there are in which case it would be interesting to know if the men's version gets watched more than the women's version.
Saying that, there are many many inequalities out there that are also unfair.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Banks use girls as slaves.
Girls in London are being used as slaves and they are being paid slave labour.
If men get 10 pounds per hour,
then girls get only 4 pounds for doing the same job.
This is disgusting.
Its supposed to be 21st century.
How come in our country women get in one year
20,000 pounds, while men get 40,000 for doing exactly the same job!!
This is totally out of order.
Also, men shove women to do secretarial work,
and only very few women are allowed top jobs in management.
These lucky ones probably have their dad to help them climb the ladder easily.
Out of 100 men and women in London, 90 men are given top posts, while
only 10 women are allowed these big jobs in London.
What do you guys think?
The Guardian, Thursday 9 April 2009
Would any girl out there like it if her boss gave her a
wage packet of £400 and, gave her male friend doing the same task £1000.
Women are getting only 40 percent of what men are being paid.
Men are earning more than double. 60% more !!
This is slavery of women.
I suppose its "NEW LABOUR".
This is U.K. in 2009 !!!
God !!
And then our PM goes around telling Yemen to give equal pay to the ladies.
What the.
Why pick on poor old YEMEN !!
Why cant Gordan Brown tell his Darling to make sure that
our own ladies get treated equally in our own backyard.
Jesus !!
Well according to this document we obviously we dont!!
Why is it like this?
You cannot just look at one specific sector and decide that due to that there is gender inequality everywhere and that it is always against women.
Try to get a receptionist job as a man, and you will fail.
Besides £4 an hour is below minimum wage (for above a certain age - no idea what that is), so those paying such sums need to be reported.
I voted "I don't know who gets better treatment" because there are swings and round abouts. benefits and pitfalls.
Besides, the first second option does not say who gets "treated better".
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
well i can't say i'm surprised i remember studying this at one point. It's true over many sectors particularly more corporate, higher paid positions women are paid less for doing exactly the same job. It's like having two male candidates and telling A you will get paid 1000 a wk and B you will get 500 for the same job, of course it's unfair. I'm more shocked that there is no law preventing this, especially when the western world harks on about how it offers women equality and freedom, and how they are equal to their male counterparts blah blah blah, when it comes to the crunch there are many things in western society that suggest otherwise, not just this pay issue.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
Equality is just a ruse anyway - you can have fairness but not equality.
You cannot judge on just the level of pay as different people have different strengths weaknesses and liabilities. And that is not a bad thing.
I think in Wimbledon there is currently equal pay for the winners of the men's and the women's tournaments. The difference is that the women's matches can be between 33-40% shorter. Equal pay there is actually unfair. Unless they base the prize money on how many spectators there are in which case it would be interesting to know if the men's version gets watched more than the women's version.
Saying that, there are many many inequalities out there that are also unfair.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.