Who would opt for cosmetic surgery if it was permitted in Islam (common sense is required - I do not refer to sensitive areas in this thread) and why?
Who would opt for cosmetic surgery if it was permitted in Islam (common sense is required - I do not refer to sensitive areas in this thread) and why?
I think cosmetic surgery would be allowed if say, a dog bit your face off. But not if you just want to look like Victoria Beckham.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
I read on sunnipath.com that cosmetic surgery is halal (in particular circumstances that is! :--p ). i.e. if you suffer psychological damage as a result of a particular cosmetic flaw or defect etc. Body dysmorphic disorder I suppose?
In our society, nearly all of us have been exposed (through advertising and general everyday life), and conditioned to value and enhance our external appearances - especially women who are taught by society from their infancy. Our spiritual and internal being to put on the back benches. Why only embelish your body and not your heart too?
Beauty has degraded itself to only manifest itself through an external representation. You cant have good qualities like compassion and generosity to be beautiful, you have to opt for cosmetic operation :roll: :?
As you can tell, I dont see the real need for cosmetic surgery
I think its a natural human and basic nafsi trait not to be content, and always want better.. We humans are never satisfied - the grass is always greener.. Forget moisturiser, use anti-ageing cream, leave that and use botox, or why not go for the whole hog and get a face-lift :roll: btw in 10 years, you'll have to repeat the process :roll:
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
I have realised that many asians (mainly women) are very keen on finding ways to achieve fair coloured skin...........hence.....TIBET cream and Allah (subhana-wa-ta'aala) knows what other products..............
Why not be content with the shade Allah (subhana-wa-ta'aala) has bestowed?
I think God would certainly work.
But Tibet? Definately not.
Omrow you were being smart but to treat you with your own medicine so to speak, he was using a saying God knows what else and putting ALLAH swt where god was so your not so smart(well this post wasnt required to point that out).
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Well, it was clear to me that BM said
many ladies were resorting to God and cream to become white.
Perhaps he was referring to some
whitening prayer while using the cream.
Applying "God and Cream", so to speak.
That doesn't work. Its idolatry.
Remember Shilpa Shitty incident on Channel 4 ?
She was also trying desperately to beome a white woman.
What are you on about .........how have you managed to misconstrue my words so much ??? :shock:
Idolatry........... :evil: :evil: .........be careful of what you are implying here ..... for the sake of your own iman !!! because falsely accusing another muslim of idolatry is a grave sin
Oh.....and if you say that was a joke or sarcasm, then that would not be a upheld in the court of Allah.
Oh, I sm sorry BM.
Ok then.
Can you clarify what exactly you meant by
saying that Asian girls hope to turn white by using
Tibet cream, Allah, and SWT knows what else.
Where have I written those words in that arrangement........? No where on this forum, you will find.
.....In fact, if you bothered to even read properly what I wrote, then you would realise that I wrote....
"TIBET cream and Allah (subhana-wa-ta'aala) knows what other products.............."
There is a slight difference between what I "really" wrote and what you have falsely presented.
Reading what Omrow writes makes me realise that sarcasm and wit is a very real and delicate art form.
Ever considered writing a book? :--p
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
You guys need to stop being so touchy. Someone can't make a joke on this forum without everyone taking it so seriously and getting all defensive.
2 words:
Don't just do something! Stand there.
maybe liposuction
is that allowed???
cos ur only sucking fat out of urself!
someone mentioned dental braces,i dont think that's haram, it falls under a different category. straightening bent teeth that a person could get bullied for.
I would get no cosmetic surgery done,coz i don't have hangups about myself,i am what i am, and pleased that Allah (swt) made me this way, anything more is vanity.
I'll use lotions and potions but under the knife i shall not go,its a waste of money.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
Quality post.
So if someone bullies us cos we're Muslim, can we give up our religion?
The vast majority of people get braces for vanity/pride.
Pride is the worst possible personality trait to have.
We can't dye our hair for the same reason. A man can't even wear gold or silk.
You think braces are ok but not wearing gold or silk or dyeing our hair?
I get confused at such literalist interpretations of Islam.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
and you've met the vast majority have you? a huge population of the world huh? i think not. you've just made a massive generalisation and im sure a lot of people would actually be quite offended by that comment ya'qub.
people get braces because they want to have decent enough teeth and not because they are vain or for pride! some, note some people may get braces for the reason you have mentioned but that certainly is not the majority. nothing in islam prohibits one from looking good, our bodies are an amanah, we are told to look after ourselves, beautiful ourselves for our husbands/wives. (obviously not to the extent that in attracts the attention of the opposite sex). i aint come across a fatwa that states braces are haram
you sure about that? of course you can dye your hair. what you mean is we can't dye our hair the same colour as our hair. well you see ya'qub the sahaba may Allaah be pleased with them were instructed by the prophet of Allaah saw to dye their hair black so that when the kufar would approach them on the battle field they would get scared because they would appear to be young and strong (no white hairs). you see ya'qub, there are exceptions in different situations.
Fiqh of Hair Dyes
masha'Allaah top answer.
I dont see how dental braces fall into the category of cosmetic surgery? They're simply there to correct a person teeth alignement allowing the teeth to work better and prevent the muscles in the jaw from being strained.
I had braces put in when i was 13/14 to align two of my teeth. Its not like i even asked for them, my dentist just put me in for them. A little while later the braces came out, my teeth were perfectly aligned.
Things like bleaching your skin is just plain wrong, but Im not too sure where laser eye surgery comes under this. Cos technically it does improve your vision to the point where you MAY not need to wear glasses anymore.
Back in BLACK
came across some articles which i hope will remove some misconceptions that ppl may have.
Islam's Stance on Liposuction
Live Clinic: Plastic Surgery
Islamic Perspective on Cosmetic Surgery
For those of you that dont like reading the bottom line is that you cant undergo plastic surgery if it is for beautification purposes. Plastic surgery can only be used to remove a defect.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
No, it IS true - and its because orthodontists recommend people to get braces...do you know why? Because orthodontists get MONEY from people who wear braces!
SOME people (very few) NEED braces because otherwise they won't be able to brush their teeth properly, but these people are in a tiny minority. If you haven't realised, mankind has been around for THOUSANDS of years without the need for braces, and even today in the vast majority of countries people have much more important things to worry about than one or two crooked teeth.
But it seems around 70-80% of teenagers in Britain are given braces by orthodontists, and the orthodontists are laughing all the way to the bank.
If strait teeth were so important, don't you think Allah (swt) would have made humans have strait teeth? There is a different between a dangerous deformity (e.g. someone being blind) and a slight annoyance (e.g. wearing glasses).
What pisses me off is people who do change themselves in a way which I think is DISHONEST.
-contact lenses ("my eyesight is perfect!")
-braces ("my teeth are perfect!")
-hair dye ("I'm not going grey!")
-skin bleach ("look how fair I am!")
-corsets ("I haven't got a pot-belly!")
plastic surgery is the same, but in a more extreme way. It's like beer compared to whiskey. One is worse than the other, but they're both part of the same thing. If we truly believe that only our good deeds and belief will exist for eternity, we would spend more time worrying about that than being vain and proud.
/rant over (until next time)
Don't just do something! Stand there.
If shariah has allowed it then what the hell is your problem Ya’qub? ‘I think’ doesn’t come into it, if shariah says yes it’s fine or no it’s haram then that’s that, there’s no room for personal opinions. We really shouldn't speak about matters we have no knowledge of.
I wasn't issuing a fatwa, this is nothing to do with whether these things are 'halal' or not. I think those things are dishonest and show ingratitude to Allah (swt). I am perfectly free to have that opinion and make it known. If you follow the example of the prophet 'Isa (as) you wouldn't brush your hair with a comb because your fingers are enough. Is it 'haram' to use a comb? Of course not. But I should tell someone not to spend precise time and money on hair-straighteners.
You don't need to be an imam or a scholar to say that you shouldn't waste your free time playing computer games when you could be doing more productive things like reading Qur'an. It might be 'halal' to play computer games (as long as you complete your obligatory salah) but its still a very BAD thing to do and therefore I can say to someone that they are being 'ungrateful' of Allah (swt), who has put them on this earth and guided them to Islam, but they still choose to waste their time with their Xbox.
Do you understand what I mean (i.e. I'm not trying to issue a fatwa).
Don't just do something! Stand there.
that's a matter of opinion wa Allaah wa Rasul
err...yeah. I was stating my opinion.
And don't call me four-eyes.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
All right, children, you can stop fighting!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
i needed braces as a kid, because i had new teeth growing and the old ones hadn't budged. I was in and out of hospital i had eight teeth removed in total. I came out with bulges on my cheek looked like i had been boxing, jokes aside. Did i wana go school like this? I was 15 doing gcses. one teacher made a joke but no students did. But had i been the vulnerable type i would have been bullied.
I had removable braces, and i don't think i did it for vanity. At that age i was like a geeky student, i never cared for boys or high fashion just studies. My teeth needed alignment, since teeth had been removed. if they weren't moved the gap where the tooth was removed would be visible.
Now for those who say its vanity well tell me this would you marry a woman with gaps in her teeth, be honest now. i find it hard to believe. if me having braces is vanity then i say hey perhaps its subconsciously to do with satifying mens vanity. Society is all about women having to be beautiful for men. I mean how many ppl would think it's a big deal if a guys teeth weren't perfect, not as many as compared with the female species i'm sure.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
My uncle is so your theory is flawed.
Im sorry but what a load of crap. Just coz society says women have to look and dress a certain way in order to look "beautiful" doesn’t mean to say society is right. If a man only appreciates you for the clothes you wear, the 3 inches of slap or the fact that you have perfect straight white teeth well then the shallow sod aint worth bothering with.
As regards to braces and wearing them for vanity purposes that is not true. My older sis had to have braces for a couple of years coz they had to do an operation on her jaw. Having her jaw broken and pushed back and having metal screws put near her nasal passages and then being told your allergic to morphine was NOT for beautification purposes!!!
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
im not the one who suggested it was for vanity if you read what brother Yaqub said you'll see he mentioned it, i merely put forward a view. I never said society was right or wrong i said society says in general women must look beautiful for mens eyes,theres a difference.
BTW i had braces i went through a lot of hospital appointments,pain and all the rest so why are you blowing off steam on me?I think you need to calm down a bit.
Your sisters ordeal sounds horrendous, she had issues unrelated to typical asthetic dentistry. We are talking about simply needing braces to straighten teeth no other reason.
I'll say this your uncle is an exceptional man, many brothers these days are very fussy, and very much into asthetics, yes they care about the deeni issues but they want the future wife to be perfect physically aswell. There's nothing wrong with wanting beauty just wanting perfection, coz it cannot be found on this earth.
But ive come to agree with brother yaqub many things we do in society to beautify ourselves is for vanity.I don't think they're all in vain though as Brother Yaqub is suggesting i think...If it maeks us feel better, if it's pleasing for our spouses, if it's not against the laws of our faith, nor against hijab rules whats wrong with it?, nothing.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
where's the modesty in what, what are you referring to?
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
you sure about that? of course you can dye your hair. what you mean is we can't dye our hair the same colour as our hair. well you see ya'qub the sahaba may Allaah be pleased with them were instructed by the prophet of Allaah saw to dye their hair black so that when the kufar would approach them on the battle field they would get scared because they would appear to be young and strong (no white hairs). you see ya'qub, there are exceptions in different situations.[/quote]
what if we already hav black hair!?!?!?
n ive heard that u cant dye ur hair black??
can someone please give some links to a scholar thats answered this topic
getting braces is not about vanity
its about trying to hav decent teeth
sometimes if ur teeth arent straight it poses problems
thats just stupid