Submitted by Asiya_A on 12 September, 2005 - 17:48 #91
Hay-duh is the laziest guy knwn 2 man....only eats wen food it brought to him (in bed) n stays in bed all day thinkn of food. hence, he is bout 2 eat breakfast @ this time coz his family 4got bout him!
Submitted by yashmaki on 12 September, 2005 - 17:49 #92
Submitted by Dave on 12 September, 2005 - 17:53 #93
"yashmaki" wrote:
my wedding wasn't a coronation,but i was treated like a Queen and still am . Ironically i had to fight to get a small wedding. Even then it wasn't as small as i would have liked it. :x
You forgot the very important matter of the Cake.
Which I nobly reminded you was your duty to have.
Congratulations by the way I don't think I ever congratulated you!
So now I have.
And that's that.
The End.
....stop reading
no seriously there is nothing left
this post is done
Submitted by yashmaki on 12 September, 2005 - 18:06 #94
Submitted by Dave on 12 September, 2005 - 18:11 #95
"yashmaki" wrote:
i had a cake not exactly wedding cake pre wedding cake just for my immediate family and myself, bloody nice it was too lol. I was on a budget the man was very kind said he'd put on some flowers for me for free. Damn my caked looked wow, and tasted even better
It was only one tier but i couldn't afford more tiers and didn't need it
Ah who cares how many tiers - at least there was cake!
And I am heartily glad you had it - and ate it too!
You are following in a proud tradition once heralded by Marie Antoinette!
...oh now wait
that might not be a good thing...
Submitted by Aphrodite on 12 September, 2005 - 18:39 #96
~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~
"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson
Submitted by St George on 12 September, 2005 - 22:15 #97
word to da wise to da fellas out there....
if u got a decent job and a few readies in ur account....its all about da pre nups
these dayz, u marry a bird and she'll leave u after 1 yr and take HALF of ur dough!
scandleous, esp when u consider da man earned 90% of it in most cases...
either dat, or get a swiss bank account, u get me
Submitted by Aphrodite on 12 September, 2005 - 22:19 #98
"St George" wrote:
word to da wise to da fellas out there....
if u got a decent job and a few readies in ur account....its all about da pre nups
these dayz, u marry a bird and she'll leave u after 1 yr and take HALF of ur dough!
scandleous, esp when u consider da man earned 90% of it in most cases...
either dat, or get a swiss bank account, u get me
I'm financially better off now then when I was married. The man'd have to be doing pretty damn well to impress me with his money now
~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~
"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson
Submitted by Medarris on 12 September, 2005 - 22:27 #99
MuslimBrother May ALLAH reward you with the sweetness of imaan for making such a dua for me. ameen.
I think if you are living at home and your mother agrees then you are more than half the way there! Now before even money issues you are going to have to do a two-pronged attack on your father, your mother and you must work to convince him. As I mentioned earlier if your father is not likely to listen to your advice then get another person involved who is well-liked and respected by your father. Another practical step is to start part-time work and SAVING that money or giving a large portion to your parents. This will show you are being serious and not just emotional. InshaALLAH it will be beneficial.
Regarding money, you say you are at home, brother your problems as far as I see are sorted! Nikah is a simple affair, keep it as such. You are correct that numerous narrations encourage simple nikah; it is more filled with barakah.
I advise:
1. get your dad on side
2. find a good rishta
3. it will normally be about atleast 6 months before your nikah, use that time to work part time. save a small portion and give your parents the rest. inshaALLAH this will put their hearts at ease that you are serious.
4. make constant dua
May ALLAH make the way easy for you.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by star on 13 September, 2005 - 14:46 #100
i'd love to get married now
but my sis being married thinks im weird saying u'd rather stay single coz then u have alot of responsibilitys
but personally i think its best to get married at a younger age
im 19 now but wish i was married at 17
finding a good religious partner here is quite dad would only get me married to someone pious
Submitted by Medarris on 13 September, 2005 - 17:26 #101
I was under the impression that people connected with the Jamia got their daughters married to relatives as the people who send daughters to Jamia normally have families of ulama either here or back home?
By me, my family are not ulama, infact Im a bit of an anomaly so dont think ulama families would give a daughter to me here. Pakistan is a different issue though.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by star on 14 September, 2005 - 00:20 #102
the thing about my fam is in the whole of my generation pakistan/england its only us that are pretty for us its hard to find a person coz cuzons being totally different
as for jamia girls i know alot that marry outta familys but yeah to pious ppl...but not all jamia girls are pious...
ive alot to say but just cannot incase ppl get the wrong views on jamia
Submitted by Medarris on 14 September, 2005 - 00:21 #103
MashaALLAH good good. There are already enough haters of madaris here, no point adding fuel to the fire that burns in their hearts.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Dave on 14 September, 2005 - 00:25 #104
"St George" wrote:
either dat, or get a swiss bank account, u get me
Actually in certain situations (obviously not the famed numbered accounts) they can go after swiss assets.
That said i'd never sign nor ask a girl to sign a pre nup. It's all about trust.
What's a Jamia girl?!
Submitted by star on 14 September, 2005 - 00:33 #105
jamia tul imam mohammed zakaria = name of school studied in
call it jamia
Submitted by Dave on 14 September, 2005 - 00:37 #106
"kuri/19" wrote:
jamia tul imam mohammed zakaria = name of school studied in
call it jamia
oooh okay.
That's a long name...whats it mean?
Submitted by star on 14 September, 2005 - 00:41 #107
well basically the jamia school being named after the founder our beloved hadzrat, mohammed zakaria sahib
MashaALLAH good good. There are already enough haters of madaris here, no point adding fuel to the fire that burns in their hearts.
i wonder who you could be talking about? another accusation? of course not, you dont do such things!
Nobody hates madrassahs, they may dislike certain students of madrasahs because of their attitude, arrogance, ettiquett, mentality, their habit of accusing peope of things......
Submitted by Dave on 14 September, 2005 - 00:52 #109
"kuri/19" wrote:
well basically the jamia school being named after the founder our beloved hadzrat, mohammed zakaria sahib
whoa okay,
now whats the difference between a hazrat, nabi and rasul?
Submitted by star on 14 September, 2005 - 00:58 #110
"Dave" wrote:
"kuri/19" wrote:
well basically the jamia school being named after the founder our beloved hadzrat, mohammed zakaria sahib
whoa okay,
now whats the difference between a hazrat, nabi and rasul?
hazrat we call him due to respect
Submitted by Angel on 14 September, 2005 - 01:02 #111
"Dave" wrote:
"kuri/19" wrote:
well basically the jamia school being named after the founder our beloved hadzrat, mohammed zakaria sahib
whoa okay,
now whats the difference between a hazrat, nabi and rasul?
lol i see dave all these terms are confusin you :? not to worry angel to the rescue
Hadrat is used as a title of respect which can be used for anyone whereas nabi and rasul is strictly used for those (higher beings) who have recieved divine revelation. (dont ask me anythin more or you will get a punch/kick on your hugs thread...) only jokin, i'll answer if i knw
Submitted by Dave on 14 September, 2005 - 01:15 #112
Okay I think i've got this hadrat nabi rasul stuff worked out.
Now whats the diff between a mufti Imam molvi and ayatollah (thats a shia thing isn't it?)
Submitted by You on 14 September, 2005 - 01:21 #113
"Dave" wrote:
Okay I think i've got this hadrat nabi rasul stuff worked out.
Now whats the diff between a mufti Imam molvi and ayatollah (thats a shia thing isn't it?)
Shia believbe their highest Imams are not capable of mistakes (I think. Or do not make mistakes), and that god speaks through them. Thus Ayatollah. Verse of Allah.
Imam: Leader. In islamic sense, a scholar who hgas such a high rank that people will follow him.
mufti: Judge. A scholar that has the knowledge to make rulings with regards to religios matters.
Molvi: scholar. Also use mullah, shaykh etc.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Dave on 14 September, 2005 - 01:26 #114
"Admin" wrote:
"Dave" wrote:
Okay I think i've got this hadrat nabi rasul stuff worked out.
Now whats the diff between a mufti Imam molvi and ayatollah (thats a shia thing isn't it?)
Shia believbe their highest Imams are not capable of mistakes (I think. Or do not make mistakes), and that god speaks through them. Thus Ayatollah. Verse of Allah.
Imam: Leader. In islamic sense, a scholar who has such a high rank that people will follow him.
mufti: Judge. A scholar that has the knowledge to make rulings with regards to religios matters.
Molvi: scholar. Also use mullah, shaykh etc.
Wow... Ayatollah basically sounds like the concept of the pope.. including papal infalibility.
So does a molvi/shaykh etc usually lead prayer?
Imam leads prayer. He should be best of the peopel, but is generally no longer the case
However when we generally use the word Imam we mean highly respected religious authority, and not the Imam that leads prayer.
Submitted by Medarris on 14 September, 2005 - 01:27 #115
some corrections according to my understanding.
Ayatullah is a shia religious figure. Translates as Sign of ALLAH. The shia have hierarchical (spelling?) clergy. The Ayatullah being amongst the highest. It is believed by the shia that their 12 Imam, is currently in occultation. He has APPARENTLY been alive for centuries and is hiding from the world and will come back at the right time to fight the antichrist. He is hidden from the world but uses his representatives to keep the true muslims running (the shia). The Ayatullah is believed by them to be in connection with the hidden imam who instructs them. They are the grand ayatullahs who are in contact with the hidden imam.
Khomeini was a grand ayatullah for the shia, some even went to so far as to call him imam which is rarely used by the shia except to refer to their 12 demi-gods. Many shias believed that khomeini was in direct communion as the head of the shia people with the hidden imam.
Mullah derived from Mawla (Master)
Molvi derived from Maulwi (My Master)
Mawlana (Our Master)
all three are a way of referring to the scholars in indo-pak and afghanistan.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Medarris on 14 September, 2005 - 01:37 #116
"Dave" wrote:
Wow... Ayatollah basically sounds like the concept of the pope.. including papal infalibility.
So does a molvi/shaykh etc usually lead prayer?
There is some confusion dave brother.
In shia doctrine after the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam the leadership of the true faithful was to be hereditary, although how they got to Hadrat Ali is beyond me. Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam had no surviving sons, His oldest son-in-law was dead, and the son-in-law who was married to His second and third daughters was Hadrat Uthman (later became the third caliph), Hadrat Ali was the youngest son in law and was a son in law only once. So logically if it was to be hereditary it should have gone to the most senior son-in-law, viz Hadrat Uthman but thats a whole other issue.
Shia doctrine the leadership goes to the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallams family. In totality the leadership according to vast majority of shia was upto 12 imams. The twelfth imam went into hiding and he has remained the imam for centuries, according to shia mythology. It would be fair to say the IMAMS they have made as POPES. The imam is infallible, he cannot knowingly or unknowingly, willingly or unwillingly, in childhood or in adulthood EVER make a mistake. Whatever he says is true and infallibe. This is even more crazy than catholic doctrine because according to my understanding it is when the Pope declares ex cathedra petri (from the throne of peter?) that his words are considered truly and entirely infallible and become a part of church doctrine. In contrast the Imams in shia mythology always are in a state of delivering doctrine.
Then the shia have grand ayatullahs, I suppose they would be the council of cardinals. The grand ayatullahs meet some how mysertiously with the hidden imam and take orders from him in what to do.
After th grand ayatullahs come the ayatullahs who would be equivalent to bishops? Im getting sketchy now but u get my drift.
Pope= Imam
Cardinal= Grand Ayatullah
Bishop = Ayatullah
alas atleast the cardinal can have career prospects if the pope dies cos he might be elected to the top job but with shia no1 can reach the level of imam.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Sirus on 14 September, 2005 - 02:36 #117
"Dave" wrote:
the concept of the pope.. including papal infalibility.
that means the pope cant do anything wrong?
but if hes elected that surely means all the other candidates are infalililililable? :?:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by Beast on 14 September, 2005 - 10:11 #118
"Admin" wrote:
Shia believbe their highest Imams are not capable of mistakes (I think. Or do not make mistakes), and that god speaks through them. Thus Ayatollah. Verse of Allah.
Imam: Leader. In islamic sense, a scholar who hgas such a high rank that people will follow him.
mufti: Judge. A scholar that has the knowledge to make rulings with regards to religios matters.
well basically the jamia school being named after the founder our beloved hadzrat, mohammed zakaria sahib
Does the jamia follow a salafi/wahabi doctrine?
I mean whats the school of thought?
Submitted by *DUST* on 14 September, 2005 - 11:36 #120
"Medievalist" wrote:
In shia doctrine after the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam the leadership of the true faithful was to be hereditary, although how they got to Hadrat Ali is beyond me. Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam had no surviving sons, His oldest son-in-law was dead, and the son-in-law who was married to His second and third daughters was Hadrat Uthman (later became the third caliph), Hadrat Ali was the youngest son in law and was a son in law only once. So logically if it was to be hereditary it should have gone to the most senior son-in-law, viz Hadrat Uthman but thats a whole other issue.
bro, u seem to have forgotten the other major relation of Ali (r.a.) to the Prophet (s.a.w) - he was the youngest son of Abu-Talib; the Prophet's Uncle!! therefore Ali and Muhammad (s.a.w) were cousins, before the in-law relation.
Hay-duh is the laziest guy knwn 2 man....only eats wen food it brought to him (in bed) n stays in bed all day thinkn of food. hence, he is bout 2 eat breakfast @ this time coz his family 4got bout him!
You forgot the very important matter of the Cake.
Which I nobly reminded you was your duty to have.
Congratulations by the way I don't think I ever congratulated you!
So now I have.
And that's that.
The End.
....stop reading
no seriously there is nothing left
this post is done
Ah who cares how many tiers - at least there was cake!
And I am heartily glad you had it - and ate it too!
You are following in a proud tradition once heralded by Marie Antoinette!
...oh now wait
that might not be a good thing...
Want some cake Dave?
~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~
"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson
word to da wise to da fellas out there....
if u got a decent job and a few readies in ur account....its all about da pre nups
these dayz, u marry a bird and she'll leave u after 1 yr and take HALF of ur dough!
scandleous, esp when u consider da man earned 90% of it in most cases...
either dat, or get a swiss bank account, u get me
I'm financially better off now then when I was married. The man'd have to be doing pretty damn well to impress me with his money now
~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~
"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson
MuslimBrother May ALLAH reward you with the sweetness of imaan for making such a dua for me. ameen.
I think if you are living at home and your mother agrees then you are more than half the way there! Now before even money issues you are going to have to do a two-pronged attack on your father, your mother and you must work to convince him. As I mentioned earlier if your father is not likely to listen to your advice then get another person involved who is well-liked and respected by your father. Another practical step is to start part-time work and SAVING that money or giving a large portion to your parents. This will show you are being serious and not just emotional. InshaALLAH it will be beneficial.
Regarding money, you say you are at home, brother your problems as far as I see are sorted! Nikah is a simple affair, keep it as such. You are correct that numerous narrations encourage simple nikah; it is more filled with barakah.
I advise:
1. get your dad on side
2. find a good rishta
3. it will normally be about atleast 6 months before your nikah, use that time to work part time. save a small portion and give your parents the rest. inshaALLAH this will put their hearts at ease that you are serious.
4. make constant dua
May ALLAH make the way easy for you.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
i'd love to get married now
but my sis being married thinks im weird saying u'd rather stay single coz then u have alot of responsibilitys
but personally i think its best to get married at a younger age
im 19 now but wish i was married at 17
finding a good religious partner here is quite dad would only get me married to someone pious
I was under the impression that people connected with the Jamia got their daughters married to relatives as the people who send daughters to Jamia normally have families of ulama either here or back home?
By me, my family are not ulama, infact Im a bit of an anomaly so dont think ulama families would give a daughter to me here. Pakistan is a different issue though.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
the thing about my fam is in the whole of my generation pakistan/england its only us that are pretty for us its hard to find a person coz cuzons being totally different
as for jamia girls i know alot that marry outta familys but yeah to pious ppl...but not all jamia girls are pious...
ive alot to say but just cannot incase ppl get the wrong views on jamia
MashaALLAH good good. There are already enough haters of madaris here, no point adding fuel to the fire that burns in their hearts.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Actually in certain situations (obviously not the famed numbered accounts) they can go after swiss assets.
That said i'd never sign nor ask a girl to sign a pre nup. It's all about trust.
What's a Jamia girl?!
jamia tul imam mohammed zakaria = name of school studied in
call it jamia
oooh okay.
That's a long name...whats it mean?
well basically the jamia school being named after the founder our beloved hadzrat, mohammed zakaria sahib
i wonder who you could be talking about? another accusation? of course not, you dont do such things!
Nobody hates madrassahs, they may dislike certain students of madrasahs because of their attitude, arrogance, ettiquett, mentality, their habit of accusing peope of things......
whoa okay,
now whats the difference between a hazrat, nabi and rasul?
hazrat we call him due to respect
lol i see dave all these terms are confusin you :? not to worry angel to the rescue
Hadrat is used as a title of respect which can be used for anyone whereas nabi and rasul is strictly used for those (higher beings) who have recieved divine revelation. (dont ask me anythin more or you will get a punch/kick on your hugs thread...) only jokin, i'll answer if i knw
Okay I think i've got this hadrat nabi rasul stuff worked out.
Now whats the diff between a mufti Imam molvi and ayatollah (thats a shia thing isn't it?)
Shia believbe their highest Imams are not capable of mistakes (I think. Or do not make mistakes), and that god speaks through them. Thus Ayatollah. Verse of Allah.
Imam: Leader. In islamic sense, a scholar who hgas such a high rank that people will follow him.
mufti: Judge. A scholar that has the knowledge to make rulings with regards to religios matters.
Molvi: scholar. Also use mullah, shaykh etc.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Wow... Ayatollah basically sounds like the concept of the pope.. including papal infalibility.
So does a molvi/shaykh etc usually lead prayer?
Imam leads prayer. He should be best of the peopel, but is generally no longer the case
However when we generally use the word Imam we mean highly respected religious authority, and not the Imam that leads prayer.
some corrections according to my understanding.
Ayatullah is a shia religious figure. Translates as Sign of ALLAH. The shia have hierarchical (spelling?) clergy. The Ayatullah being amongst the highest. It is believed by the shia that their 12 Imam, is currently in occultation. He has APPARENTLY been alive for centuries and is hiding from the world and will come back at the right time to fight the antichrist. He is hidden from the world but uses his representatives to keep the true muslims running (the shia). The Ayatullah is believed by them to be in connection with the hidden imam who instructs them. They are the grand ayatullahs who are in contact with the hidden imam.
Khomeini was a grand ayatullah for the shia, some even went to so far as to call him imam which is rarely used by the shia except to refer to their 12 demi-gods. Many shias believed that khomeini was in direct communion as the head of the shia people with the hidden imam.
Mullah derived from Mawla (Master)
Molvi derived from Maulwi (My Master)
Mawlana (Our Master)
all three are a way of referring to the scholars in indo-pak and afghanistan.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
There is some confusion dave brother.
In shia doctrine after the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam the leadership of the true faithful was to be hereditary, although how they got to Hadrat Ali is beyond me. Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam had no surviving sons, His oldest son-in-law was dead, and the son-in-law who was married to His second and third daughters was Hadrat Uthman (later became the third caliph), Hadrat Ali was the youngest son in law and was a son in law only once. So logically if it was to be hereditary it should have gone to the most senior son-in-law, viz Hadrat Uthman but thats a whole other issue.
Shia doctrine the leadership goes to the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallams family. In totality the leadership according to vast majority of shia was upto 12 imams. The twelfth imam went into hiding and he has remained the imam for centuries, according to shia mythology. It would be fair to say the IMAMS they have made as POPES. The imam is infallible, he cannot knowingly or unknowingly, willingly or unwillingly, in childhood or in adulthood EVER make a mistake. Whatever he says is true and infallibe. This is even more crazy than catholic doctrine because according to my understanding it is when the Pope declares ex cathedra petri (from the throne of peter?) that his words are considered truly and entirely infallible and become a part of church doctrine. In contrast the Imams in shia mythology always are in a state of delivering doctrine.
Then the shia have grand ayatullahs, I suppose they would be the council of cardinals. The grand ayatullahs meet some how mysertiously with the hidden imam and take orders from him in what to do.
After th grand ayatullahs come the ayatullahs who would be equivalent to bishops? Im getting sketchy now but u get my drift.
Pope= Imam
Cardinal= Grand Ayatullah
Bishop = Ayatullah
alas atleast the cardinal can have career prospects if the pope dies cos he might be elected to the top job but with shia no1 can reach the level of imam.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
that means the pope cant do anything wrong?
but if hes elected that surely means all the other candidates are infalililililable? :?:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
What's an alaama then?
Does the jamia follow a salafi/wahabi doctrine?
I mean whats the school of thought?
bro, u seem to have forgotten the other major relation of Ali (r.a.) to the Prophet (s.a.w) - he was the youngest son of Abu-Talib; the Prophet's Uncle!! therefore Ali and Muhammad (s.a.w) were cousins, before the in-law relation.