Rant, rant, rant, rant, rant....

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Arn't you supposed to be in school? Why does it suck? I'll tell you what, go for a holiday in Ethiopia or Niger for a few weeks and tell me what you think when you come back...I'll pay the fare if you want....

The best preacher is the conscience, the best teachers are time and experience, the best book is the world, the best friend is God

I am in school, we got comps in most lessons :twisted:

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

In some parts of the world school is a luxury.

People [i]want[/i] to be there.

I actually think it is a right - every child should have a quality education; throwing a person into the world without an education is like throwing meat to the wolves.

Be grateful for what you have

school is torture not luxery

we should not be forced in them 'orrible places

school shud b optional NOT compulsery

there are girls in africa that protitute them selves so they get the money to have an education.

that is fricken disgusting.

they need to get a life

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

My rant: (gona be a long one!)

Went in to uni at 10am and when i went to the lecture hall found out lecture was cancelled only to found out later it wasnt cancelled!!

Nxt lecture finished at 11:30am so had 3 whole bloody hours till my lab which was at 2:30 so i just sat on revival Blum 3 went into lab only to realise all that was being taught i already knew so the lecturer let me leave :evil:

After that i stayed in the uni so that the rain would calm down but with little luck i walked into the rain, it was rainin badly decided to buy a brolly which was pretty pointless cuz it was useless in the windy weather...so i was all wet with rain couldnt go home to change as its far away from uni and was getin late for work.

Arrived at work on time, tried to log onto comp but forgot my pasword, ended up putin it in incorectly 3 times, stupid system locked me out :evil: so got a new password but later realised i couldnt get into the other part of the system cuz i cudnt rember that pasword either...

Finally 45mins left for the end of shift and the stupid system decides to log me out, didnt have access cuz the ppl issuing new passwords were long gone home, so they let me off 30mins early, only good part of the day...

Thats my longest rant ever!!

Phew i feel so much better Smile


"Judda" wrote:






No it doesn't.

You see a lollypop man on your way to school. He sucks.


Todays rant:

I is got nothing to moan about, so obviosly there must be somthing wrong with me today.

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:

it has to be said that there are too many pointless and useless topics being started and discussed.

too manypeople are starting pointless topics and are making the forum tacky.

alot of teh new threads can be discussed in already existing threads.

so use forum more effectively pls


y else did i create a thread like this ppl :roll:

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

My rant for today…

I am so bored I am digging up all the old threads…

Omrows “no topic” thread was a great success innit?

So y aint my rant thread like that! :evil:

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

"Judda" wrote:
My rant for today…

I am so bored I am digging up all the old threads…

Omrows “no topic” thread was a great success innit?

So y aint my rant thread like that! :evil:

Why do you ask a question to which you already know the answer?

Back in BLACK

Well I don’t know the answer

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…


"Judda" wrote:
Well I don’t know the answer

The answer is:

You ARE a success.

Think of all the wonderful things you have done since you were born:

You started to crawl.

You stood up, all by yourself.

You taught mum a lesson when she overfed you. You puked all over her.

You learnt words and memorised them.

You SPOKE !!

You swallowed dog's pooh. It was no accident.

You rode the tricycle all by yourself.

You hammed a little boy on your first day at school. He needed stitches.


"Omrow" wrote:

The answer is:

You ARE a success.

Think of all the wonderful things you have done since you were born:

You started to crawl.

You stood up, all by yourself.

You taught mum a lesson when she overfed you. You puked all over her.

You learnt words and memorised them.

You SPOKE !!

You swallowed dog's pooh. It was no accident.

You rode the tricycle all by yourself.

You hammed a little boy on your first day at school. He needed stitches.


Omrow I don’t want to know your life story

…but what was the secret to the no topic thread…. The longest thread in the whole wide world…. It should be in the world record books maaaaaaaaaaaaaan.

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

Secret is that people like to talk informal.

Happy ?

Erm… no Sad

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

Come on people. Lets make Jedda happy. Its Christmas time.

Omrow my name is JUDDA not Jedda but you can call me Junaid if you like…BTW only can YOU can call me that the ‘orrible name ma mother gave me NOBODY ELSE IS ALLOWED!!!

So what are you gonna do this xmas Omrow

I is gonna go to church to light the candles then re-do my shahada the next day

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…


"Judda" wrote:
So what are you gonna do this xmas Omrow

Hand out as many Christmas cards as possible.

Light the Christmas tree in my bedroom window.

Give Christmas presents to neighbours.

Its going to be a white Christmas.

Read the story of the Magi on Christmas Eve.

Magi were the three ‘wise men’ from the East who brought gifts to the infant Christ (Matthew's Gospel Chapter 2).

Also, make a snowman, and name him Junaid.


Awwwwwwwww that’s so sweet of you…

Who were you in the school nativity play?

I got to play the donkey

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…


"Judda" wrote:
I got to play the donkey

You shouldn't, STILL, be feeling the need.


"Judda" wrote:

I is gonna go to church to light the candles then re-do my shahada the next day

at 2.30 am, that is quite funny actually Lol

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
"Judda" wrote:

I is gonna go to church to light the candles then re-do my shahada the next day

at 2.30 am, that is quite funny actually Lol

wot r u doing up this late... just to dig up (relatively) old threads...? at least i hav the excuse of my presentation (feel free to check out the Women in Islam thread and add ur comments)... Smile

i'll probably go to sleep now, dont wanna b doing the presentation half-asleep! :roll:

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]

its called, catch-up-on-the-4-days-you-missed-at-the-only-time-you-can-find time Smile

not old threads, just ones from midday friday onwards to present time

altho i really cant be bothered, i dont like to sit quite when rubbish is spurted about so much

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
its called, catch-up-on-the-4-days-you-missed-at-the-only-time-you-can-find time Smile

not old threads, just ones from midday friday onwards to present time

ah yes, cant say i havent done tht myself! altho nowadays i just cannot b bothered to catch up.

altho i really cant be bothered, i dont like to sit quite when rubbish is spurted about so much
wot rubbish was spurted where? if its the usual muji/judda stuff ur chatting bout, we pretty much ignore it nowadays...

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]

i know wat you mean

but sometimes i think every1 chats a lil rubbish, includin myself Smile

i refer you to the Hairy Puthar thread........... :roll:


The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
"Judda" wrote:

I is gonna go to church to light the candles then re-do my shahada the next day

at 2.30 am, that is quite funny actually Lol

lol why not?

u get free wine

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
