Treatment of Muslim prisoners in UK prisons


Press Release

Arani & Co Solicitors

We write to confirm that our client Eesa Barot has been subjected to a horrific assault which took place at Frankland Prison in County Durham where our client is currently serving his 30 years prison sentence.

On Friday 13th July before 7pm whilst our client was in the kitchen area a prisoner threw boiling hot water on our client’s back. Our client and the assailant subsequently became involved in a fight.

After the physical punch up that took place our client thereafter went into the kitchen area to pour cold water over the burning sensation that he had on his body due to the boiling hot water having been thrown at him.

Whilst Eesa Barot was attempting to cool the injuries by pouring cold water over his burns another prisoner (whilst our clients back was turned) poured boiling oil over Eesa Barot.

Eesa Barot has suffered various burns to his hands, forehead, head, neck and back. Eesa Barot as a result of the boiling oil having been poured over him has lost all of his hair.

Eesa Barot is suffering 2nd and 3rd degree burns as stated by the doctor who has examined him.

Eesa Barot has not been taken to the hospital in order for medical treatment to be provided to him. He is severely bruised and has severe burns.

Eesa Barot is locked up in his cell from 4pm onwards until the morning. He will have no assistance whatsoever even from a nurse. He found it extremely difficult to even dial the numbers when he made the call to us.

He has to wash, clean and cater for his own needs whilst in this condition.

The Prison has stated that they will not be taking him to hospital.

We are seeking to send in a consultant doctor in order to obtain a 2nd opinion with regards to our client’s condition. Further whether Eesa Barot medical requirements can be adhered to whilst being detained in prison.

Numerous complaints have been made in relation to the safety of Muslim prisoners and their wellbeing whilst they are being detained in Prisons whilst on remand or as convicted prisoners. Unfortunately Eesa Barot has been assaulted. Our worst fears have unfortunately materialised that attacks will take place against Muslim prisoners.

Regrettably the prison establishment failed to discharge the duty of care that is afforded to the prisoners whilst they are detained in the prison.

In addition to Eesa Barot other Muslim prisoners have also received threats against their personal wellbeing whilst in prison. These are genuine fears that the Muslim prisoners have.

It is imperative for the complaints made on behalf of Muslim prisoners to be afforded proper consideration. There is a duty upon the establishment to ensure that prisoners are protected whilst they serve their prison sentence.

It is imperative for Muslim prisoners who are in genuine fear for their personal safety to be placed on Spurs with other Muslim prisoners.
Eesa Barot was placed in a spur where there were no other Muslim prisoners save for him. He was fearful for his personal safety unfortunately that fear for Eesa Barot has materialised.

Eesa Barot is suffering from extensive pain and has been scarred for the rest of his life. It is of the essence that the establishment do everything they possibly can to protect Muslim prisons from such assaults taking place.

We confirm that we will continue to provide other press releases as and when we have further information. However, for the time being this is the only information we have to disclose.

We are not asking for preferential treatment for Muslim prisoners, what we are requesting is that Muslim prisoners should be afforded the same protection as other prisoners. Further that the duty of care imposed on the establishment is not breached.

Muddassar Arani –Solicitor for Eesa Barot

The press release doesn't say that Eesa Barot was attacked because he was a Muslim.

Our worst fears have unfortunately materialised that attacks will take place against Muslim prisoners.
Attacks will take place against any prisoners, regardless of their religion.

Regrettably the prison establishment failed to discharge the duty of care that is afforded to the prisoners whilst they are detained in the prison.
That's what it was. There's nothing in the press release to justify highlighting the fact that the victim in this case was a Muslim.

It is imperative for the complaints made on behalf of Muslim prisoners to be afforded proper consideration.
Does there seem to be evidence to suggest that complaints from Muslims are not taken seriously?

Well considering the fact that there are alot of "Muslim" (read Pakistani) youth in prison, not really unexpected.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Prison sucks. Unfortunately nobody there likes you or wants to help you... I completely agree they tend to be prejudicial.

They assume that based off the color of your orange jumper you must be a bad person.

It's horrible.

I don't have much sympathy. If he had succeeded in executing dirty bomb attacks a lot more people would have been scarred. I doubt this is about him being Muslim.

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]

"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:
[b]I don't have much sympathy[/b]. If he had succeeded in executing dirty bomb attacks a lot more people would have been scarred. I doubt this is about him being Muslim.

Seriously? I mean I'm not feeling the discrimination excuse, I definitely am 100% happy he is in prison but I wouldn't pour boiling water and oil over Osama bin Laden - that's absolutely cruel. He's definitely got my sympathy over the boiling liquids, I hope he recovers well. Burns like those are painful and extremely dangerous.

That's true, and there's no excuse for attacking the guy once he's inside, but I don't agree with his solicitor's angle. It is more of the same old agitprop, and like I say, I don't feel for Eesa Barot.

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]

If you dont want to be treated inhumanly behave yourself and keep yourself out of prison otherwise face the consequences.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

what about people who are wrongfully imprisoned? or terror 'suspects' who are infact innocent but can be held for 28 days with no charge (and one senior police officer now favours a guantanemo bay-esque 'no maximum time limit') or even people who are basically good and innocent-minded, but have just made a few bad decisions and end up getting caught and sent down.

n.b. Winston Churchill proposed the compulsary castration of ALL criminals because he thought 'criminality' was hereditory and this would wipe out all crime.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

"Naz" wrote:
If you dont want to be treated inhumanly behave yourself and keep yourself out of prison otherwise face the consequences.

Sometimes good people get thrown into jail bcoz they stand up to injustice and what they believe in i.e. Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi.

Its like this case i was reading a burgaler was breaking into a house late at night, the old farmer who lived there got scared and fired a shot THROUGH the door killing the burgaler. They arrested the farmer and charged him with manslaughter.

Back in BLACK

Ok if you have been wrongfully accussed which has landed you in prison then thats a different story. Im Referring to those that deliberately particapte in crime then except a cushy cushy life in prison. It just not going to happen. You did the crime now do the time!
Yeah i remember that farmer that shot the burglar. I personally think he should have been rewarded not struck in prison.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Bush tortures people, and his soldiers abuse prisoners.
Its the kaafir way to deny people their rights. THey have no respect for basic human values. All Muslims know very well that Geneva convenction is only there as a media show. Bush refuses to act on it.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

"malik" wrote:
Bush tortures people, and his soldiers abuse prisoners.
Its the kaafir way to deny people their rights. THey have no respect for basic human values. All Muslims know very well that Geneva convenction is only there as a media show. Bush refuses to act on it.

The Geneva convention is exactly that... a convention. Its not a point of law that HAS to be applied.

Besides i think we both know that its not just the Bush administration that abuses human rights. People all over the world are also guilty of this feat. Muslim (Supposedly) or Non-Muslim.

Back in BLACK

"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:
I don't feel for Eesa Barot.

You are definitely a very hard-hearted, unsympathetic person. Whether he was an islamic extremist or an IRA bomber I would feel sympathy for that person.

"The enemy? His sense of duty was no less than yours, I deem. You wonder what his name is, where he comes from, and if he really was evil at heart. What lies or threats led him on this long march from home, and would he not rather have stayed there... in peace? War will make corpses of us all."
Lord of the rings (Movie)

"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim

You only feel sorry for people you identify with. That may be something small or something big.

He is Muslim, so muslims identify with that and some take pity.

Others don't. Some see him as sub human and see nothing to identify with.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"You" wrote:
You only feel sorry for people you identify with. That may be something small or something big.

That doesn't work for me though and I thank God for that quality he has bestowed me with. I have always been completely fair even in family situations and even to people close to me.

"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim

Being fair and having sympathy are two different things.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"You" wrote:
Being fair and having sympathy are two different things.
True, however having sympathy fairly means you are fair from the heart.

"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim

i feel sympathy for a dog who is thirsty, but i don't know what thirst feels like for a dog.

i feel sympathy for a heroin addict whos trying to give up although i've never tried heroin.

i feel sympathy for someone in a wheelchair although i've never been in one myself.

i don't feel sympathy for someone who goes to prison for a crime they committed. However, once they are in prison, they deserve to be treated humanely.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

"Ya'qub" wrote:
i don't feel sympathy for someone who goes to prison for a crime they committed

Nor do I

"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim

"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:
I don't have much sympathy. If he had succeeded in executing dirty bomb attacks a lot more people would have been scarred. I doubt this is about him being Muslim.

"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:
That's true, and there's no excuse for attacking the guy once he's inside, but I don't agree with his solicitor's angle. It is more of the same old agitprop, and like I say, I don't feel for Eesa Barot.

"Brother" wrote:
"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:

I don't feel for Eesa Barot.

You are definitely a very hard-hearted, unsympathetic person. Whether he was an islamic extremist or an IRA bomber I would feel sympathy for that person.

"The enemy? His sense of duty was no less than yours, I deem. You wonder what his name is, where he comes from, and if he really was evil at heart. What lies or threats led him on this long march from home, and would he not rather have stayed there... in peace? War will make corpses of us all."
Lord of the rings (Movie)

"Brother" wrote:
"Ya'qub" wrote:
i don't feel sympathy for someone who goes to prison for a crime they committed
Nor do I

That is the same thing I said. The implication of your remarks taken together is that you do not consider Barot guilty. Is that correct? I would like you to take back your assessment that I am "a very heard-hearted, unsympathetic person", which is way off the mark.

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]

HoneyMan: I think he was having a go at you for not feeling sympathy for Eesa when he got boiling-hot water poured all over him, not for when he went to prison.

But that still didn't give Brother a reason to make personal remarks.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

At least Britain does not torture people like the Great Satan.
Britain gives suspects rights.
Satan is always against God and His believers.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

Thank you Ya'qub. I'm more relieved that he is behind bars than inclined ever to feel sympathy for him, however he gets treated. That still doesn't justify the attack on him.

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]

How can a 'very soft-hearted, sympathetic person' not feel for the boiling hot water and oil poured over him and not having proper medical attention that is why I stated that you seem to be a 'very hard-hearted, unsympathetic person'. Correct me if I am wrong but I get the feeling that you are not sympathetic of the boiling hot liquids poured over the person, are you sympathetic to that or not? If you are sympathetic and condemn the people responsible then I'll take my words back. (By the way I was in a bad mood then....)

"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim

"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:
If he had succeeded in executing dirty bomb attacks a lot more people would have been scarred.

ermm... How do you know he was planning a bomb attack, does it say that in the article???

"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim

You're going from one extreme to the other. Why the need to demonstrate that I am "very soft-hearted"? I don't have any feelings for Eesa Barot, who plotted to kill as many civilians as possible with a dirty bomb. I do condemn attacking him in jail with boiling water. Since you were in a bad mood then (clear from the serious nature of your posts throughout the day) you might as well let it lie.

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]

"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:
I don't have any feelings for Eesa Barot, who plotted to kill as many civilians as possible with a dirty bomb.

How do you know he was planning to plant a bomb?????

"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:
I do condemn attacking him in jail with boiling water.

Then thats ok then, you can take my words back and I hope you feel sympathy for him as how you feel sympathy when zionist people who kill civilians are captured by people like Hamas etc.

"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim

"Brother" wrote:
"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:
If he had succeeded in executing dirty bomb attacks a lot more people would have been scarred.

ermm... How do you know he was planning a bomb attack, does it say that in the article???

"Brother" wrote:
"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:
I don't have any feelings for Eesa Barot, who plotted to kill as many civilians as possible with a dirty bomb.

How do you know he was planning to plant a bomb?????

I just randomly decided to say it.

[url=,,-6795913,00.html] 'Dirty bomb plotter Barot scalded'[/url]

And no, it didn't say that in Showkat's article, did it?

Have you been correct all along, cuz?

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]

"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:
"Brother" wrote:
"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:
If he had succeeded in executing dirty bomb attacks a lot more people would have been scarred.

ermm... How do you know he was planning a bomb attack, does it say that in the article???

Wake up.

[url=,,-6795913,00.html 'Dirty bomb plotter Barot scalded'[/url]

First of all the link looks a bit funny.

Secondly I did not see that information anywhere on the forum.

So please don't tell me to wake up as I inform you I am quite awake.

"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim

Well, that's OK then. You can just let fly what you like.

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
