* You're so tired, that you now answer the phone, "Hell" instead of Hello.
* Mom calls to ask how you've been, and you immediately scream, "Get off my back, *****!"
* When your parents inquire about your grades, you sing the Cookie Monster song: "C is for cookie, that's good enough for me..."
* You wake up to discover your bed is on fire, but go back to sleep because you just don't care.
* You've got so much on your mind, you've forgotten how to pee.
* Just to take a break from studying, you actually exit your dormitory when the nightly fire alarm goes off.
* You sleep more in class than at home.
* You leave for a party and instinctively bring your bookbag.
* Visions of the upcoming weekend help you make it through Monday.
* You think about how relaxing it would be if you were in jail right now!
* Your favorite phrase is "I don't give a s@#$."
* The McDonald's people know you by name and know your order from your late night study breaks.
* You have spent more time figuring out that you only need a 54% on the final to pass than the time you have actually spent studying.
* When you start showering after class rather than before.
* The test papers are no longer worthy of the fridge door.
* When the campus drunk tells you that you should study more.
* When your favorite paperweight says "Bud Light."
* When your absence exceeds your attendance.
* When your study schedule is based on the rationale that you "might" actually die before the test!
Uni is doing my head in :roll:
Uni days are the most laziest days of ur life (apparently)
just post any Uni related post here
BTW frm next year Uni fee's will go up to £3000 a year :shock: :shock:
I feel sorry for you guys, we dont have to pay our fees
I also saw on tele the number of people applying to uni has decreased due to the fee increase (hardly surprisin!)
I hate uni, i cant stand it, sick and tired of the course i am doin but good news is inshallah this is my final year and i shall be graduating from uni. I might go back to college depending on whether i can get employment in the social work field.
Uni -------> [b][size=18]AARRGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/size][/b]
if u already started uni, i dont think the fees apply
uni has its good points, but mainly....its rubbish
everyday i go.....i luk back at the end of the day and think, what was the point in going!
university has a 1 month honeymoon the start of 1st year
after that its rubbish
wait till u in 2nd year Lilsis....
ur gonna wanna wish ur in 1st year again
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
lol.....^^^ Hence why im not doin dissertation
i take it ur like everyone else in final year....leavin it till last 4 weeks
Good Luck Irf, remember....U the man
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Fresh what are u studying at uni?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
And you wait till you get to your third year haha then its gona be soo much fun :roll: :twisted:
i think only them would apply to me...........but i got many other symptoms....that list was a lil crap
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Something is bugging Furbal.
Uni years really are a drag..
In my first year I was an immature 18 year old who had very little tolerance for “boring stuff”. So if the lecture was boring, after signing in...I’d sneak out of the lecture hall with my friends and either go shopping or would sit gossiping in the Uni library/canteen.
In my second year, I became really busy and would bunk lectures to go and sit in Islamic programmes/interfaith conferences….in my third year, I was even more busy with Islamic commitments so I just wouldn’t attend at all.
I always signed in (or got someone to sign in for me), I always handed in my assignments on time and put 101% effort in to them, and always attended those lectures that explained upcoming assignments or exams and always attended the lectures where I would have to lead an assessed presentation.
The degree in itself was interesting…it was based on the psychology/sociology of Education…how kids learn/how to teach and policy and practices etc
I absolutely loved doing my dissertation (cos it was on a topic that I had interest in)…and for some reason the assignments in which I got over 70’s were always the ones which I brought an element of Islam into it.
But I’m so glad its over, despite dossing so much I got good results….But Uni education is I'm waiting to hear if I'm accepted back in again to do my teacher's training course. :?
who here can claim that Uni days are/were the best days of ur life
I'm sure there's more college bums then university bums?
by University time people are SO sick of education
most ppl have a lazier approach to Uni life and take advantge of the free time and lack of pressure from teachers
people should take a gap year.
But actually do something in the GAP year... not laze around at home.
Back in BLACK
Few brothers had a dissuasion on Islam Channel not to long ago about unitising your time in life, one brother from the panel mention that he spent his gap year in Syria learning Arabic- time well spend in my opinion.
ofcourse seraph, i was referring to a gap year that refreshes a person, not makes them more lazy! and Khamzat gave a perfect example - most people i know spent their gap years in jordan, syria, egypt, etc learning Arabic. after one year, most of them were fluent speakers!! time very well spent indeed.
I'll be honest the past 2 and a half years in uni have been the worse days of my life and i dont think the next 2-3 months are gonna be any better...but at least i expereinced hell! However i look back at school - now thats what i call fun
salaam angel D
like wise i loved my school and college days.
question how many girls here went to a mixed school then a single sexed ?
did u see a mjor difference or feel ne different ?
i did, my high school was mixed but college was single, am glad i chose that option, wasnt forced however i felt that the girls when they went out and stuff, they used to react towards the guys asif they hadnt seen a bloke before shock i was pretty shocked but then got used to it lol
Wasalam Saadia, seems like someone has been naughty lol left work to last minute eh?
I didnt go to a single-sex school, i was given choice to go to girls-only school which meant wearin an ugly brown uniform lol so i gave it a miss. I didnt really see any point personaly to go to a single-sex school when i knew i was going to go on to further education.
oops i know i hate uni lol
i agree with wat ur saying about higher education, hoever sum people feel that when their children are growing they are naive and very vunerable therefore they prefer a single sex
however Alhamdulilah thats not the case with me i wud say am very strong charactered!!
of course you are strong Saadia
I supose it just depends on the individual, how did it feel though from goin to single-sex school into a mixed environment at uni?
i guess ur ryte thou they may then find it hard to interact with the opposite sex, and i know religiously that isnt ryte at all, but hey we have group projects and LABS together its hard to avoid them totally lol
its like u turn left they are there, u turn right they are there, you look ahead and they are there no avoiding :shock: just look down i guess
(i have lost it, stress is getin to me- ignore me people!)
Tell the men folk not to cross the line, threaten them with the gas micro-burner (non-scientific purposes).
Another rubbish joke.
lol trust me i scare the men folks off a mile away, thats just my natural attitude oops
debate on radio about asian girls and boys at uni. Muslim guy jamal on panel says he wouldn't let his sisters go "away" to uni. But it's ok for boys to do the same. His argument is safety for his sisters.
Some other callers said girls go uni for freedom, coz generally asian girls don't get as much freedom as their brothers at home that's their opportunity to be free. What do you think :?: I kind of agree with that view as far as it concerns "asian" girls.
Uni for a lot of girls and guys is about partying for the first 2 years then cramming in a lot of study in the last year, or just repeating years coz of their laziness. :roll:
It depends on the individual…if a girl or boy was adamant in going astray they’d do so given the freedom in Uni or the chains at home.
The only thing that put me off living on campus is the extreme loneliness and the thought of doing your own cooking and laundry daily. :?
Yeah, rules of freedom should be applied equally to boys and girls…
In my Uni you had to pass the first year to get onto the second year and so on…
Uni life does teach you independence and makes you more open minded...
I've only attended mixed schools
but all my cousins and my older sister have attended both type of schools
they claimed that there was lil diff between the two schools
personally I'm not fussed