Tarbiyya Camp

In memory of the Mujahid of the 20th century Hazrat Allama Pir Muhammed Wahab Siddiqi (ra) and Hazrat Munazire Azam Maulana Muhammed Azam Inchavi(ra)

Three Day Spiritual Camp from the 1st-3rd July at Hijaz College Islamic University, Wailing Street, Nuneaton CV11 6BE

Programme Schedule

Friday 1st July

7.30 pm To Love of the Prophet
Evening of Nasheed by famous Groups including Shaam, Hassen Rasool, Al Madina, Iman and others

Saturday 2nd July

2.30-5-30am Tahujjuh, Tasbeeh, Fajr, Zikr and Ishraq
14.00-17.30pm Workshop 1 & 2 (English Only)
18.00-19.30pm Slide Show on the history of Mecca & Medina
17.45-21.30pm Workshop 3 (Urdu & English)
22.00-23.00pm Zikr, Naat & Dua

Sunday 3rd July

2.30-5-30am Tahujjuh, Tasbeeh, Fajr, Zikr and Ishraq
14.00-15.15pm Workshop 4 (English Only)
15-15-17.30pm Speeches & Naats/Nasheeds (Urdu & English)
17.30-17.45pm Hijazi Graduation Ceremony
17-45-19.00pm Zikr Concluding Session & Dua

20 renowned International Scholars will be present at the Camp with many subjects such as Personal Piety, Materialism and Stages of Spiritual Path and many more subject.

Free Admission and Food throughout the programme.

Facilities for both Brothers and Sisters

Visit either websites for details and book your seats for the event.
