Al-Imam Darul Hijrah Abu Abdullah Malik ibn Anas ibn Malik ibn Amr al-Humyari al-Asbahi al-Madani of Yemeni descent, but born in Madinah in 93 AH was one of the greatest Imams that has ever graced the surface of this earth. According to some of the great scholars of the past, he was widely regarded as the scholar of Madina as prophesied by our beloved Prophet (SAW) when he said:
"يوشك أن يضرب الناس أكباد الإبل يطلبون العلم فلا يجدون أحدا أعلم من عالم المدينة"
"Soon people will beat the flanks of camels seeking knowledge, and they shall not find a single person more knowledgeable than the erudite scholar of Madina. (Jami al-Tirmidhi)
And contrary to the so-called scholars of today, Imam Malik was extremely cautious in regard to issuing fatwas or answering rulings. One of the most established examples of this can be found in the following anecdote where Imam Malik's teacher Shaykh Rabi'a al-Ra'i reports:
We were with Imam Malik when a man entered upon us and asked Imam Malik: “Abu Abdullah! Tell me about the verse "The Most Merciful who is above the Throne established" (20:5): How is He established?’ Imam Malik was immediately overwhelmed and lowering his head he started poking the earth with a twig, and continued in this state until he was entirely soaked in perspiration. Then raising his head he said: ‘The 'how' is incomprehensible; the establishment is not unknown; belief in it is compulsory; asking about it is an innovation (bid'ah); and I do not think that you are anything but a person of innovation.’ Then he commanded that the man be shown out."
On another occasion, a delegation having heard about his vast knowledge, travelled from far to visit him . They then proceeded to ask him 48 questions, and he replied with the words 'I don't know' to 32 questions. In another instance, a man upon receiving the same answer said to him,”What shall I tell my people who have sent me from so far to you, the most knowledgeable person of Madinah?” Imam Malik said, 'Tell your people that Malik does not know.'
His reverence for the blessed Hadith of the beloved Messenger (SAW) was such that on one occasion while he was teaching his facial colour begin to change. His student the great Muhaddith Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak noticed this and after the lesson was completed went to enquire from Imam Malik as to the cause of this. Imam Malik replied, “A scorpion entered under my garment and kept stinging me and the only reason I restrained myself from removing my garment or stopping the lesson was due to the respect I have for the sayings of my beloved Prophet (SAW).
How he was held in the eyes of other great scholars.
Imam Abu Hanifah said, “My eyes have never fallen on anyone faster in understanding, correct in answering, and examining as Imam Malik.”
Imam Shaf’iee said, “ Knowledge is encompassed by three people: Malik bin Anas, Laith bin Sa’ad and Sufyan bin Uyainah and “When the scholars of knowledge are mentioned, Imam Malik is the guiding star.”
Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal said, “I have compared Imam Malik to Awza'i, Hammaad, al-Hakim, Thawri, Laith, in knowledge, but he is the leader in Hadith and Fiqh.
Imam Sufyan bin Uyainah said, “May Allah have mercy upon Imam Malik. He only narrated authentic Hadith, he would never report except from the reliable. In my opinion, Madinah without him, has only had a decrease in knowledge after his demise.
Some of the most famous teachers that he studied with were:
Shaykh Mohammed bin Shihaab al-Zuhree (d. 124H) Shaykh Abu Suhail al-Nafi' ibn Abī Na'īm (d. 169H) Shaykh Ja'far ibn Mohammed al-Sadiq (d. 148H) Shaykh Nafi' ibn Sarjis al-Daylami (d. 117H) Shaykh Mohammed ibn Munkadir (d. 125H) Shaykh Ayyoub al-Sakhtiyani (d. 131H)
Some of his most famous students were:
Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybanee (d. 189H) Shaykh Muhammad ibn Idrees al-Shafi'ee (d. 204H) Shaykh Abdur Rahman ibn al-Qasim (d. 191H) Shaykh Abdullah ibn al-Mubaarak (d. 171H) Shaykh Yahya ibn Yahya al-Laythi (d. 234H) Shaykh Sufyan ibn Uyainah (d. 197H) Shaykh Wakee' ibn al-Jarrah (d. 197H) Shaykh Abdullah ibn Wahb (d. 197H)
Brief Biography
Al-Imam Darul Hijrah Abu Abdullah Malik ibn Anas ibn Malik ibn Amr al-Humyari al-Asbahi al-Madani of Yemeni descent, but born in Madinah in 93 AH was one of the greatest Imams that has ever graced the surface of this earth. According to some of the great scholars of the past, he was widely regarded as the scholar of Madina as prophesied by our beloved Prophet (SAW) when he said:
"يوشك أن يضرب الناس أكباد الإبل يطلبون العلم فلا يجدون أحدا أعلم من عالم المدينة"
"Soon people will beat the flanks of camels seeking knowledge, and they shall not find a single person more knowledgeable than the erudite scholar of Madina. (Jami al-Tirmidhi)
And contrary to the so-called scholars of today, Imam Malik was extremely cautious in regard to issuing fatwas or answering rulings. One of the most established examples of this can be found in the following anecdote where Imam Malik's teacher Shaykh Rabi'a al-Ra'i reports:
We were with Imam Malik when a man entered upon us and asked Imam Malik: “Abu Abdullah! Tell me about the verse "The Most Merciful who is above the Throne established" (20:5): How is He established?’ Imam Malik was immediately overwhelmed and lowering his head he started poking the earth with a twig, and continued in this state until he was entirely soaked in perspiration. Then raising his head he said: ‘The 'how' is incomprehensible; the establishment is not unknown; belief in it is compulsory; asking about it is an innovation (bid'ah); and I do not think that you are anything but a person of innovation.’ Then he commanded that the man be shown out."
On another occasion, a delegation having heard about his vast knowledge, travelled from far to visit him . They then proceeded to ask him 48 questions, and he replied with the words 'I don't know' to 32 questions. In another instance, a man upon receiving the same answer said to him,”What shall I tell my people who have sent me from so far to you, the most knowledgeable person of Madinah?” Imam Malik said, 'Tell your people that Malik does not know.'
His reverence for the blessed Hadith of the beloved Messenger (SAW) was such that on one occasion while he was teaching his facial colour begin to change. His student the great Muhaddith Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak noticed this and after the lesson was completed went to enquire from Imam Malik as to the cause of this. Imam Malik replied, “A scorpion entered under my garment and kept stinging me and the only reason I restrained myself from removing my garment or stopping the lesson was due to the respect I have for the sayings of my beloved Prophet (SAW).
How he was held in the eyes of other great scholars.
Imam Abu Hanifah said, “My eyes have never fallen on anyone faster in understanding, correct in answering, and examining as Imam Malik.”
Imam Shaf’iee said, “ Knowledge is encompassed by three people: Malik bin Anas, Laith bin Sa’ad and Sufyan bin Uyainah and “When the scholars of knowledge are mentioned, Imam Malik is the guiding star.”
Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal said, “I have compared Imam Malik to Awza'i, Hammaad, al-Hakim, Thawri, Laith, in knowledge, but he is the leader in Hadith and Fiqh.
Imam Sufyan bin Uyainah said, “May Allah have mercy upon Imam Malik. He only narrated authentic Hadith, he would never report except from the reliable. In my opinion, Madinah without him, has only had a decrease in knowledge after his demise.
Some of the most famous teachers that he studied with were:
Shaykh Mohammed bin Shihaab al-Zuhree (d. 124H)
Shaykh Abu Suhail al-Nafi' ibn Abī Na'īm (d. 169H)
Shaykh Ja'far ibn Mohammed al-Sadiq (d. 148H)
Shaykh Nafi' ibn Sarjis al-Daylami (d. 117H)
Shaykh Mohammed ibn Munkadir (d. 125H)
Shaykh Ayyoub al-Sakhtiyani (d. 131H)
Some of his most famous students were:
Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybanee (d. 189H)
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Idrees al-Shafi'ee (d. 204H)
Shaykh Abdur Rahman ibn al-Qasim (d. 191H)
Shaykh Abdullah ibn al-Mubaarak (d. 171H)
Shaykh Yahya ibn Yahya al-Laythi (d. 234H)
Shaykh Sufyan ibn Uyainah (d. 197H)
Shaykh Wakee' ibn al-Jarrah (d. 197H)
Shaykh Abdullah ibn Wahb (d. 197H)