Ramadhan Regime | Sisters' Islamic Reminders

Event Date: 
Saturday, 16 May, 2015 - 16:30 to 17:45

Ramadhan is a gift that arrives once a year and departs almost as soon as it arrives. It is an annual opportunity to gain unparalleled reward, forgiveness and proximity to Allah, Most High. The Ramadhan of the following year is not guaranteed for any individual therefore it is incumbent upon us to strive wholeheartedly to reap the full benefits of this blessed month that will soon grace us with its presence, in sha Allah Azzawajjal.

Join the As-Suffa Sisters for our 3-week series in order to appreciate the sanctity of Ramadhan by educating ourselves on its significance and rulings. We will be learning about the sanctity of the blessed month of Ramadhan with advice on how to prepare for it, how to reap its full benefits and how to continue our 'imaan high' well after Ramadhan departs- gaining taqwa of Allah must be treated as a life-long marathon not a one-month sprint.

Allah says: 'All of the deeds of the sons of Adam are for them, except fasting which is for Me, and I will give the reward for it.' (Hadith- Sahih al-Bukhari)


Saturday 16th May 2015
Saturday 23rd May 2015
Saturday 30th May 2015

Duration: 3 week series

Time: 4:30pm-5:45pm

Venue: As-Suffa Institute, 25 Park Lane, Aston, Birmingham, B6 5DA

For sisters only

For further information contact: sisters@as-suffa.org