Submitted by Seraphim on 21 August, 2007 - 20:55 #32
"Naz" wrote:
"Seraphim" wrote:
"Naz" wrote:
why does it have to be a guy first? Let me guess because your drawing it. What if the male superhero isnt successful would you ditch the idea or try out the female superhero?
The same reason god created Adam before Eve.
The same reason all prophets of god were men.
Just because man was made first it does not make him superior. We are ALL equal in the eys of Allah (swt)!
:roll: What is it with young girls and turning everything into an arguement.
I never said one was more superior to the other. Its just more practical for the following reasons.
Because Im sure you know that the Qu'ran testifies that the man is the leader of a household and therefore its far more practical for a man to be a leader of people than it is for a woman.
Men by nature are physically more stronger than women. Not to mention men are the protectors of women... so the protection of others should come easily.
Islam doesn’t allow the intermingling of the sexes. Having a female superhero what is she supposed to do when confronted with male villians? She cant just stop and say wait a minute i'll go get my maharam and he'll sort you out.
Also its far easier to draw a male superhero then it is to draw a female... why bcoz you bloody women will be too obsessed with what she's wearing and if she's covered up enough...
And finally... If you think you can create your own female super (complete with story and drawings)... then by all means do it. God knows I have plenty of other things to do.
Im not turning it into an argument im just trying to make a point.
"seraphim" wrote:
Because Im sure you know that the Qu'ran testifies that the man is the leader of a household and therefore its far more practical for a man to be a leader of people than it is for a woman.
It states that man is the breadwinner, if men had the kids then i can assure you it would be the other way round women providing for their husbands.
"seraphim"]Men by nature are physically more stronger than women. Not to mention men are the protectors of women... so the protection of others should come easily. [/qoute]</p>
<p>take it from me when i say there are some butch women who could take out some men any day </p>
<p>[quote="seraphim" wrote:
Islam doesn’t allow the intermingling of the sexes. Having a female superhero what is she supposed to do when confronted with male villians? She cant just stop and say wait a minute i'll go get my maharam and he'll sort you out.
what if man was faced with a female villian?
"seraphim" wrote:
And finally... If you think you can create your own female super (complete with story and drawings)... then by all means do it. God knows I have plenty of other things to do.
if you cant draw a female superhero then there aint no shame in admitting it.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by Seraphim on 21 August, 2007 - 21:30 #34
"Naz" wrote:
Im not turning it into an argument im just trying to make a point.
Your post above says otherwise.
"Naz" wrote:
It states that man is the breadwinner, if men had the kids then i can assure you it would be the other way round women providing for their husbands.
But its not. That would be some messed up world.
"Naz" wrote:
take it from me when i say there are some butch women who could take out some men any day
Yeah but Butch women have had to work twice as hard as men to get that strong. Whereas physical strenght just comes more naturally to men. But the average woman is no where near as strong as the average man. FACT.
"Naz" wrote:
what if man was faced with a female villian?
Who said anything about there being female villians?
"Naz" wrote:
if you cant draw a female superhero then there aint no shame in admitting it.
Are you suggesting you can? For me... it would be mere childsplay. But I dont make a hobby outta drawing female characters... its just not kosher.
to you my post might seem argumentative but i can assure you it is not. I was just saying if God had made it that men would have the kids like the male seahorses do then the women would be the breadwinners. I think you will find men work twice as hard to gain some muscle. Butch women just have it naturally lol.
"seraphim" wrote:
Whereas physical strenght just comes more naturally to men.
admin's proof that it doesnt (sorry admin dont mean to pick on you, but your the only lazy bum that i can think of from the top of my head lol)
you made the point about female superheroes being confronted by male villains. Well what if it were the ohter way round and the male superhero was confronted by a female villian?
I cant draw full stop so im not even gonna pretend that i can. A 3 year could probably draw better then me.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by Seraphim on 22 August, 2007 - 09:14 #36
Naz... Naz Naz... Ifs and buts dont count for diddly squat.
God made women with the ability to have kids and not men... either accept it or give me my rib back.
And lets leave the butch women thing... its just nasty. Average man is stronger than average woman... thats all their is too it. Admins the exception to the rule. But im sure his butt muscles are just as strong (LOL!).
Female villians are only good for 2 things; distracting the hero and running away like a cry baby. And therefore neither requires any direct physical contact.
And even if you dont agree with that... I just dont care.
And lets leave the butch women thing... its just nasty. Average man is stronger than average woman... thats all their is too it. Admins the exception to the rule. But im sure his butt muscles are just as strong (LOL!).
If a women chooses to gain some muscle theres nothing nasty about that. Yes i admit defeat that men are physically stronger then women but this may not be the case in all circumstances. If you were to put a really scrawny short man in a ring with a butch women, my money on the butch winning lol. Plus women are mentally stronger then blokes
"Seraphim" wrote:
Female villians are only good for 2 things; distracting the hero and running away like a cry baby. And therefore neither requires any direct physical contact.
I think you are getting confused with western female villians. A muslim female villian would never run away at the first sign of trouble. If anything if a male superhero was faced with a female villian he would have to lower his gaze. What use would he be if he cant even look up
"Seraphim" wrote:
And even if you dont agree with that... I just dont care.
What I say... goes.
And no i dont agree with the above and i dont want you to care. The whole purpose of the forum is to discuss and share your views and not everybody wil share your views Seraphim. Good luck with your superhero hope it works out for you.
im not in a mood :?
im cool as a cucumber. Im just disagreeing with some of the stuff he has wrote, thats all. I know my posts might seem like that but i can assure you they are not. Anything seraphim says i dont take to heart anyway.
theres nowt wrong with disagreeing with one another, but your post seemed a lil serious, or maybe it's just me.
Submitted by MuslimBro on 22 August, 2007 - 23:51 #41
"Naz" wrote:
Yes i admit defeat that men are physically stronger then women but this may not be the case in all circumstances.
May not be in all circumstances but will be in most (99.99%)
"Naz" wrote:
If you were to put a really scrawny short man in a ring with a butch women, my money on the butch winning lol.
Not a fair fight, notice the word average in seraph's post? It's like saying putting a four foot skinny old hag with a seven foot body builder.... not fair is it.
"Naz" wrote:
If anything if a male superhero was faced with a female villian he would have to lower his gaze. What use would he be if he cant even look up
The woman would have to do the same so no-one would actually fight
Actually, islamically speaking a person has a right to defend themselves and lowering your gaze in this situation wouldn't be clever so there!
Submitted by Seraphim on 23 August, 2007 - 09:09 #43
"Naz" wrote:
I give up, happy now
LOL! I think Ive gone and upset her.
There there... there there.
If it makes you feel any better, when I do submit the first edition you get to slate it as much as you want. Although I cant promise I'll heed any of it... you'll atleast get a shot.
Im trying to come up with some really good way of introducing the character before we get into the main storyline.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Ya'qub on 23 August, 2007 - 10:52 #44
"Seraphim" wrote:
Im trying to come up with some really good way of introducing the character before we get into the main storyline.
every superhero needs a moment where they 'transform' from a normal guy into a special(-needs) guy.
I know you were blatantly planning on making him Asian (perhaps basing him on a certain Seraph???) But why not make him a convert??
He could have his big transformation when he takes the shahada?
Why not make him Scottish? perhaps about 6'1", dark-brown hair, blue eyes; i can picture him now, a rather dashing fellow, not un-prone to helping old ladys cross the street before returning to his mansion.............
sorry i drifted off there for a second.
joking aside, i think a transformation is important, maybe if he ate some special/infected dates (by day he is an average uni student, but at iftar something 'peculier' happans...)
IF he can fly, he should hold his index finger out as if he is pointing (signifying tawheed)
is this gonna be subtley tongue in cheek? openly silly? dark and menacing? maybe try a bit of all three!!
ok, those are your instructions. get to it!!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by Seraphim on 23 August, 2007 - 11:30 #45
Islam is colour blind and does not recognise such division among people. Therefore I think the hero's skin colour will be fair (once the mask comes off) so its indistinguishable what his ethnicity is.
As much as Id like a hero to be based on me... its not gonna happen. Im more of an anti-hero. It would be very dark and menacing. Which is not where I want to go with this... yet.
Ofcourse like many hero's there will be a transformation that occurs... but I wont reveal how. Nor will I revealing his powers... as I may change my mind. Ofcourse an origins story is in the works but that wont be revealed til later on.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by MuslimBro on 23 August, 2007 - 23:31 #46
"Naz" wrote:
I give up, happy now
Keep me out of it, I blame seraph
Submitted by Seraphim on 24 August, 2007 - 00:08 #47
"MuslimBro" wrote:
"Naz" wrote:
I give up, happy now
Keep me out of it, I blame seraph
lol, he who dares MBro... he who dares.
[size=7][i]its the SAS moto: He who dares wins.[/i][/size]
LOL! I think Ive gone and upset her.
There there... there there.
If it makes you feel any better, when I do submit the first edition you get to slate it as much as you want. Although I cant promise I'll heed any of it... you'll atleast get a shot.
Im trying to come up with some really good way of introducing the character before we get into the main storyline.
me upset, far from it. Its gonna take alot more for you and your "possy" to upset me :twisted:
I dont get a kick out of criticising at other ppls work, esp if they have put alot of time and effort into it, its not very nice. So dont expect a response back from me.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by Courage on 25 August, 2007 - 19:06 #49
"MuslimBro" wrote:
What about having a male superhero and a female sidekick
Or what about them being "equal." Like the Doctor and Martha. She saved his life a couple of times!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Submitted by Seraphim on 2 September, 2007 - 22:22 #50
"Courage" wrote:
"MuslimBro" wrote:
What about having a male superhero and a female sidekick
Or what about them being "equal." Like the Doctor and Martha. She saved his life a couple of times!
Yeah but Martha is no where near as cool as the Doctor.
But I get what you mean.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Courage on 3 September, 2007 - 13:06 #51
"Seraphim" wrote:
"Courage" wrote:
"MuslimBro" wrote:
What about having a male superhero and a female sidekick
Or what about them being "equal." Like the Doctor and Martha. She saved his life a couple of times!
Yeah but Martha is no where near as cool as the Doctor.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Seraphim on 7 September, 2007 - 20:28 #57
It so easy to make excuses. Its so easy to say that you cant do something. Its so easy to moan, complain or have a defeatist attitude.
I know a girl around my age who is wheelchair bound, she cant walk or talk properly and has no control over any of her bodily functions….yet that hasn’t stopped her from doing a postgraduate degree in Uni.
I know of people who are profoundly deaf and yet living perfectly ‘ordinary’ lives.
My mum’s also registered blind and relies on her hearing a lot. In fact, if anyone was to talk to her. They wouldn’t even be able to tell that she has a sight problem.
I don’t believe failure should be an option for anyone – regardless of their situation.
go sista!
:roll: What is it with young girls and turning everything into an arguement.
I never said one was more superior to the other. Its just more practical for the following reasons.
Because Im sure you know that the Qu'ran testifies that the man is the leader of a household and therefore its far more practical for a man to be a leader of people than it is for a woman.
Men by nature are physically more stronger than women. Not to mention men are the protectors of women... so the protection of others should come easily.
Islam doesn’t allow the intermingling of the sexes. Having a female superhero what is she supposed to do when confronted with male villians? She cant just stop and say wait a minute i'll go get my maharam and he'll sort you out.
Also its far easier to draw a male superhero then it is to draw a female... why bcoz you bloody women will be too obsessed with what she's wearing and if she's covered up enough...
And finally... If you think you can create your own female super (complete with story and drawings)... then by all means do it. God knows I have plenty of other things to do.
Back in BLACK
Im not turning it into an argument im just trying to make a point.
It states that man is the breadwinner, if men had the kids then i can assure you it would be the other way round women providing for their husbands.
what if man was faced with a female villian?
if you cant draw a female superhero then there aint no shame in admitting it.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Your post above says otherwise.
But its not. That would be some messed up world.
Yeah but Butch women have had to work twice as hard as men to get that strong. Whereas physical strenght just comes more naturally to men. But the average woman is no where near as strong as the average man. FACT.
Who said anything about there being female villians?
Are you suggesting you can? For me... it would be mere childsplay. But I dont make a hobby outta drawing female characters... its just not kosher.
Back in BLACK
to you my post might seem argumentative but i can assure you it is not. I was just saying if God had made it that men would have the kids like the male seahorses do then the women would be the breadwinners. I think you will find men work twice as hard to gain some muscle. Butch women just have it naturally lol.
admin's proof that it doesnt
(sorry admin dont mean to pick on you, but your the only lazy bum that i can think of from the top of my head lol)
you made the point about female superheroes being confronted by male villains. Well what if it were the ohter way round and the male superhero was confronted by a female villian?
I cant draw full stop so im not even gonna pretend that i can. A 3 year could probably draw better then me.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Naz... Naz Naz... Ifs and buts dont count for diddly squat.
God made women with the ability to have kids and not men... either accept it or give me my rib back.
And lets leave the butch women thing... its just nasty. Average man is stronger than average woman... thats all their is too it. Admins the exception to the rule. But im sure his butt muscles are just as strong (LOL!).
Female villians are only good for 2 things; distracting the hero and running away like a cry baby. And therefore neither requires any direct physical contact.
And even if you dont agree with that... I just dont care.
What I say... goes.
Back in BLACK
actually that rib belongs to God not YOU!
If a women chooses to gain some muscle theres nothing nasty about that. Yes i admit defeat that men are physically stronger then women but this may not be the case in all circumstances. If you were to put a really scrawny short man in a ring with a butch women, my money on the butch winning lol. Plus women are mentally stronger then blokes
I think you are getting confused with western female villians. A muslim female villian would never run away at the first sign of trouble. If anything if a male superhero was faced with a female villian he would have to lower his gaze. What use would he be if he cant even look up
And no i dont agree with the above and i dont want you to care. The whole purpose of the forum is to discuss and share your views and not everybody wil share your views Seraphim. Good luck with your superhero hope it works out for you.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Naz, calm down, he's only messing with you. He means no harm!
im not in a mood :?
im cool as a cucumber. Im just disagreeing with some of the stuff he has wrote, thats all. I know my posts might seem like that but i can assure you they are not. Anything seraphim says i dont take to heart anyway.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
theres nowt wrong with disagreeing with one another, but your post seemed a lil serious, or maybe it's just me.
May not be in all circumstances but will be in most (99.99%)
Not a fair fight, notice the word average in seraph's post? It's like saying putting a four foot skinny old hag with a seven foot body builder.... not fair is it.
The woman would have to do the same so no-one would actually fight
Actually, islamically speaking a person has a right to defend themselves and lowering your gaze in this situation wouldn't be clever so there!
I give up, happy now
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
LOL! I think Ive gone and upset her.
There there... there there.
If it makes you feel any better, when I do submit the first edition you get to slate it as much as you want. Although I cant promise I'll heed any of it... you'll atleast get a shot.
Im trying to come up with some really good way of introducing the character before we get into the main storyline.
Back in BLACK
every superhero needs a moment where they 'transform' from a normal guy into a special(-needs) guy.
I know you were blatantly planning on making him Asian (perhaps basing him on a certain Seraph???) But why not make him a convert??
He could have his big transformation when he takes the shahada?
Why not make him Scottish? perhaps about 6'1", dark-brown hair, blue eyes; i can picture him now, a rather dashing fellow, not un-prone to helping old ladys cross the street before returning to his mansion.............
sorry i drifted off there for a second.
joking aside, i think a transformation is important, maybe if he ate some special/infected dates (by day he is an average uni student, but at iftar something 'peculier' happans...)
IF he can fly, he should hold his index finger out as if he is pointing (signifying tawheed)
is this gonna be subtley tongue in cheek? openly silly? dark and menacing? maybe try a bit of all three!!
ok, those are your instructions. get to it!!![Dirol](
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Islam is colour blind and does not recognise such division among people. Therefore I think the hero's skin colour will be fair (once the mask comes off) so its indistinguishable what his ethnicity is.
As much as Id like a hero to be based on me... its not gonna happen. Im more of an anti-hero. It would be very dark and menacing. Which is not where I want to go with this... yet.
Ofcourse like many hero's there will be a transformation that occurs... but I wont reveal how. Nor will I revealing his powers... as I may change my mind. Ofcourse an origins story is in the works but that wont be revealed til later on.
Back in BLACK
Keep me out of it, I blame seraph
lol, he who dares MBro... he who dares.
[size=7][i]its the SAS moto: He who dares wins.[/i][/size]
Back in BLACK
me upset, far from it. Its gonna take alot more for you and your "possy" to upset me :twisted:
I dont get a kick out of criticising at other ppls work, esp if they have put alot of time and effort into it, its not very nice. So dont expect a response back from me.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Or what about them being "equal." Like the Doctor and Martha. She saved his life a couple of times!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Yeah but Martha is no where near as cool as the Doctor.
But I get what you mean.
Back in BLACK
But she's great! She's a bit better than Rose.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
I wish I was a Superhero. No joke.
I feel restless that I'am not.
In fact I made plenty of dua in Umrah for God to make me a Superhero.
Heres a strange question...
Back in BLACK
I think MS hasn't realised that she already is a superhero.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
I think if you have made a difference to someone’s life or ppl look up to you as a role model then in my eyes i think that makes you a superhero.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
It has been pointed out that this fit in here.
It is still not x-ray vision.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Hhmmm thats interesting.
His abilities are very similar to what DareDevil could do. A blind lawyer by day, a vigilante who kicks Kingpin thugs a$$ by night.
Back in BLACK
Such people are the real Superhero’s.
It so easy to make excuses. Its so easy to say that you cant do something. Its so easy to moan, complain or have a defeatist attitude.
I know a girl around my age who is wheelchair bound, she cant walk or talk properly and has no control over any of her bodily functions….yet that hasn’t stopped her from doing a postgraduate degree in Uni.
I know of people who are profoundly deaf and yet living perfectly ‘ordinary’ lives.
My mum’s also registered blind and relies on her hearing a lot. In fact, if anyone was to talk to her. They wouldn’t even be able to tell that she has a sight problem.
I don’t believe failure should be an option for anyone – regardless of their situation.
You dont need x-ray vision to change the world. Or be able to fly and walk through brick walls.
You just need to be able to save/change the World. Or at least save/change a little bit.
Possible names for a Muslim-Superhero:
1. Muslim-Man
2. Super-Sufi
3. The Dark Defender
4. Guardian Angel
5. Ya'qub Bell
6. The Blue Avenger
7. The Believer
Feel free to add your own.
Back in BLACK