How many of u have benefitted frm ur degree
how many of u thought it was a waste of time
how many of u are doing well COS of your degree
how many of u are stuck in dead end jobs DESPITE ur degree
That's really inspiring that..
No, but seriously, I have realised that just cos I have a degree doesn't mean I'll be earning more than someone who doesn't. It's just a matter of not getting your hopes up and being willing to accept an average job with an average wage.
However, I can put my degree to good use. I've decided to go into teaching after 5-10 years of making use of my masters.
i know couple of ppl who have got degrees but are doing really crappy jobs or cant get work. I have a degree but its pretty useless until i have done my post grad course. Even then i think i will probably find it really hard to find a job because i am an ethnic minority, i am a woman, i am a muslim and i wear a hijab. But for some careers you have to go to uni like if u want to be a doctor or dentist.
In my opinion i think those ppl who dont go to uni are in better paid jobs.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
My degree is pretty worthless, means little to me and was incredibly boring!
However, I studied incredibly hard to get a 2.1 because without my degree/grade I wouldn’t have been accepted onto my postgraduate programme – and my postgraduate means a LOT to me.
It means more to me than my GCSE’s, A levels and undergraduate degree.
Without my postgraduate qualification I couldn’t have became qualified and I would have been unable to teach.
My qualification also affects the pay that I will recieve soon.
IMO a degree is a stepping stone towards larger goals. In the future I wish to be a Lecturer in Uni on a PGCE programme and one of the things I need for that is an undergraduate degree.
The worth of a degree is very much dependent on what you want to do in the future and whether or not you want a degree to get there.
Also, I rate people who do a degree as it shows commitment, responsibility, time management and professionalism.
But I also acknowledge the fact that others can show the attributes mentioned above without a degree too, providing they do something with their life (i.e. training programmes, open a business etc etc)
I cant speak on behalf of all cities, but living in London the above has always worked to my advantage.
It is nothing to do with the city its the profession you go into. Law is a very
discriminative area. The ppl in that profession are still living in the stone ages. Many solicitors are white, middle aged men!
I admire ur ambition
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
I dunno Sis, again perhaps a city thing?
I know a couple of Muslim women doing their training as soliciters at the moment...?
I am working in a central London law firm, and although my company is large I am the only Muslim there. (Theres a Bengali woman too but she converted to Chritianity!)
But I know from my dealing with other law firms there are TONS of Muslims working in law. For example, the Leicester branch of my firm is atleast 30%-40% Muslim.
The top bosses tend to be white males, while the younger workers are mainly Asian, so that means in 15 years or so, the Law Profession will be mainly Asian (insa'Allah).
Try not applying for Corporate or Commercial Law, but instead Family, Immigration of Crime. Not only are these areas more fun, but being a Muslim might be an advantage.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
In regards to a degree, leaving my Uni course after only 1 term was the best decision I've made in my life, because it took me away from lots of fitna while I was discovering Islam.
I'm 21 and already have almost 3 years experience in a law firm now, and they will pay for my training which starts in October, insha'Allah.
After 2 years I could be a practicing lawyer, without having to find a training contract, insha'Allah.
But I realise most people can gain A LOT from going Uni, not necessarily just academic/economic gain. But its the best way to grow up/open your mind/become independant and a whole host of other benefits.
If only it wasn't for that crippling debt at the end...
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Maybe it is a city thing.
I cant stand commercial bores me to death. zzzzzzzzzzzzz lol
I wanna go into either family or crime the pay is crap but its something i enjoy.
While there might be alot of asians entering the law profession i really dont see asians making it to the top even 15 years down the line.
I think most ppl are put off by the huge debt at the end of uni thats why they dont go and the increase in tution fees has also put ppl off.
How are the working class suppose to afford 3k a year.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
I believe some degrees are a waste of time, there are many of them out there. Others are worthwhile. I personally wouldn't do a degree if I didn't think I could get anything outta it. It would be a waste of time and money.
Alhamdulillah I am doing a good degree, Pharmacy, so Inshallah I think I will get a good job at the end of it which will be 4 life. From the work experience I have had I can see the demand in this area, and the job satisfaction that comes with it. So in my case a degree is defo not just a piece of paper.
Religion is the heart in a heartless world.
yes degree is a waste of time :evil: :x
i was actaully thinking about this a while back , cuz the average degree programme is about 3 years , and if you were to work in a average paying job full time for 3 years thats like around 40 grand you could have earned , so the oppurtunity cost of getting a degree is about £40,000
so if you get a degree and end up with the same salary type of job you could have got without having a degree thats a loss of £40,000 plus the average £15,000 in loans you need to pay off , thats a potential loss of £55,000 you could have had :shock:
[b][u]THE FLIP SIDE[/b][/u]
A degree is never 'just a piece of paper'
A degree is like a badge of honour you wear around you 24/7 that shows you have excelled in a discipline, you have rised above the average, it shows strenght of character , that you are determined, intelligent and hardworking. It gives you status and respect and you can write it next to ur name to show this, and you cant buy that.
and i know i read somewhere the average graduate earns more than the average non-graduate , so you should expect to earn more and have a better job
Although their are some degrees that are not worth much in terms of career prospects and earning protential, e.g. degrees from a low standard university or degree courses with no straight career path. there are other degrees that will definately lead to high earnings and a rewarding career path.
not to mention the oppurtunity to experience new things and live a students life, :roll: no i dont mean night clubs , drinking and dossing about i mean getting to meet lots of people, joining societies , making freinds, having time to go on islamic forums and take part in it like writing articles :wink:ect
You will always get two sides of the coin some people may excell extraordinarily from getting a degree other people may not and in fact do worse , but it depends on the degree course, university and individaul.
personally i think no degree is pointless , because with every degree you learn vital skills that should help you in life and propell you ahead of those people without degrees.
I had to work hard to get on my degree course and overcome a few obstacles so when i graduate it will mean alot to me , but in 10 yrs after i graduated if im stuck in some lame dead end job and not earning between 50 - 100 grand+ a year i guess ill be wondering if a degree is just a piece of paper too :?
A degree is a means to an end.
A doctor can not become qualified without a degree.
A lawyer can not become qualified without a degree.
An accountant can not become qualified without a degree.
A teacher can not become qualified without a degree.
A engineer can not become qualified without a degree.
I recently became a qualified teacher (today) started my new job (last week) and completed my postgraduate degree – non of which I could have achieved without my degree.
actually you can become a lawyer with an ILEX qualification, which is not a degree, and i plan to start in October insha'Allah!!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
also accountants can be qaulified without a degree
You know what she means,
there are some jobs that require you to have a degree, and there's also some jobs where a degree gets you promoted quickly.
No, but school leavers would need to study for the AAT qualification and THEN their ACCA, whilst graduates can study directly for their ACA/ACCA.
But whatever the profession you need training/study at higher level in order to become qualified.
my friend just got a 1st in AI or Robotics or something like that, from a GREAT uni.
he wants to be a guitarist in a band...
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Yes and my point was accountants DO NOT need degrees to study for their ACCA, they can still become qaulified accountants without going to university and getting a degree, also whilst they train they get paid for it
A degree is pointless. Further studies even more. Unless you are indeed gifted and of scholarly adept. Don't just do it for money because there is none. Don't do it just for the sake of it like I did.
Worth nothing. My degree is in some sewage somewhere rotting!

He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition, burns a picture to obtain the ashes!
to some ppl a degree means alot while others are not really bothered. As has already been mentioned it does depend on the sort of career you want to go into. Some you need a degree while others you dont. With me education is all i have known. Since i was a kid i had it drummed into me that you wont get far in life unless you have an education. If i was not at uni i dont know what i would do. What can i say im not really an ambitious person. On the other hand some ppl cant sit hours on end in lectures and perfer the practical side of things.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
i think something that people are ignoring is learning for the sake of learning. who cares if it doesn't lead to a particular career if you really enjoy it?! plus, uni has a hidden curriculum, skills that you learn but aren't specifically linked to your course: time management and working alone without as much direction as you had in school or college. also, many people take it as an opportunity to move out of home and therefore learn things like budgeting, cookery, even things like laundry and ironing which mummy's boys don't have to do at home! its also a time where you might, for the 1st time, meet people from a more diverse range of cultural backgrounds than ever before.
i would be there if it wasn't for all the debt and fitna!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
everyone has a different opinion on university and degrees...personally, education is a must for me, other than uni i would not know what to do...doing a degree is hard, but is always useful in some way or another...whether it helps you get into a career or not...its the experience and the skills gained that many of you have mentioned.
Viper where are you studying pharmacy?
I am also studying pharmacy and do agree the demand for pharmacist's is high...however the degree can drag abit...but allhamdulillah i only have one year to go now....
Where there is a will, there is a way...
Salaam. Yeah the degree can drag a bit, I prefer the practical side, pharmacy law, dispensing etc. I don't like pharmacognosy and the like lol, but I guess u gotta know it all. I'm studying at Bradford, I know its not the best uni, but the course seems ok, well organised n stuff. I don't really care to be honest coz Inshallah its not like I'm not gonna get a job just coz I didn't go 2 Nottingham or Manchester uni. Alhamdulillah I have some pre-reg interviews already so thats cool. The thing I like about Brad uni is that there are loads of mosques local and u can buy halal food etc etc, I'd rather be there than some place where u struggle to find a mosque or a halal takeaway. My mate was telling me about his times at Liverpool John Moores uni.
What about you Madame-ess? Are you at Manchester uni? I only have 1 year to go too!
Hey check this out as well
What a plonker!
Religion is the heart in a heartless world.
I totally agree.
I recall little of my degree, even though I only graduated last year. However, I DO remember studying the hidden curriculum which stresses all of the above.
Higher education teaches you self discipline, self motivation, how to 'study'/reserch, think critically, teamwork, leadership, communication skills, carry out presentations, time management, organisational skills, commitment and responsibility.
Even those people, who don't specifically go down the degree route - as they dont need to, but wish to become a professional must study/train at a higher level where they also experience all of the above.
Hey, i think it's such a coincidence that i am studying at Bradford too....and btw the uni does have a good reputation for pharmacy :twisted: :twisted:
i agree pharmacy law/professional practice is better than pharmacognosy....i used to hate pharmacognosy before but it's ok once you read thru the notes...but then again i never had interest in the degree for the first 2 years..but carried i don't regret studying it...Alhamdulillah it has all been for the best
Where there is a will, there is a way...
Yeah it does have a good rep for pharmacy, its not a bad uni coz its one of the best for graduate employment. Hey thats so weird, I thought u were gonna say u were at the same uni as me, you're in the same year as me, now I'm wondering who you are........ not in a weird way though.
Small world
Religion is the heart in a heartless world.
yeh, it definitely is a small the kind off person u never see in lectures and sound like the kind of person who attends both......

Where there is a will, there is a way...
I don't believe you. Lol. If you're at uni but don't go to lecs n pracs, what do u do? Even most of the clowns come to lectures, that's the circus at the back of the lecture room lol.
Religion is the heart in a heartless world.
hey some of them people are my friends...even tho i have never sat at the back myself...circus lol...i am usaully the last one in, and first one out!!
Practicals i don't like...esp when they make u sit in alphabetical order...mostly because i end up sitting next to people who i just cant seem to communicate with...oh well.
I have got to say the course is well organised and to see so many muslims on there, most of whom do very well is a positive thing.
Where there is a will, there is a way...
to be sumin u gotta study or train
u cant be nothing without studying or training
So what you are saying is that without a degree or a job that requires proper training... you are a nobody? Lol.
Religion is the heart in a heartless world.