Search for Madeleine McCann


Over 3 weeks gone...and yet no sight of Madeleine McCann....

the world is eager to find her...which is understandable....

out of interest...why the worldwide it the first british child gone missing abroad... ?

is there anything the Muslim community can or should do in trying to help find Madeleine McCann?

On a more serious note:
Arent the parents to blame for her going missing?
They left her alone with her 2 smaller siblings and they went away to a restaurant across the road.... does this deserve sympathy?

Also... for the parents on here...would you or have you ever left your alone or in the care of other small childern?

This case just reminds us how precious our kids are...and how important it is to take proper care of them...


Looked in my closet. She is not in there. Done my bit.

It's big news because it is a child. Everyone goes soft and cuddly over kids.

Second it's British, so everyone feels connected.

You know how you feel for someone when you know they are a Muslim?

Similar thing but a different connection.

It probably is not wordwide attention, but Britainwide.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

It's also to do with the fact that she is a 4 year old, young and vulnerable. I do wish she is found....the parents made a very stupid mistake for which they regret a lot and will pay for again and again even if Madeleine is found...heard they are gona be prosectued for child neglection?

Well that's just crazy.

Leave them in their misery. no need to compound it.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

when i first heard the parents had left the kids alone whilst they went out, i was well shocked. You just dont leave kids alone esp at that age anything could happen. I think the parents did make a stupid mistake but are regreting it now and you have to feel kinda sorry for them. Hope they find her soon.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Well thing is they made a mistake which may cost them their daughter, if they dont find her (god forbid) then they will live with it forever and ever.

I just hope other people learn from this and dnt let their children out of their sight for even a split second.

May Allah (swt) protect the little angel and unite her with her parents.