Forget about sex, it's football that keeps fans thinking
Will Pavia
As well as subjecting themselves to long coach journeys, British weather and pie fillings of uncertain origin, football fans think of the beautiful game approximately once every 12 minutes, a survey has suggested.
The study, involving 2,000 fans of Premiership clubs, found that the average football fan contemplates football 80 times a day. Being a supporter, in other words, is a full-time preoccupation.
The time commitment does not match the incessant minutes men are said to spend thinking about sex, nor the time women are thought to spend pondering shoes. It will nevertheless provide ammunition for the partners of rabid fans, who are used to their loved ones’ appearance of being somewhere else even when they are not watching football.
The survey identified a hard core of fans, about 7 per cent, who thought about football once every minute.
Previous scientific studies show football to be the most stimulating of spectator sports. Richard Wiseman, Professor of psychology at the University of Hertfordshire, told The Times: “In a paper about unpredict-ability in sport, football came out on top in terms of being constantly unpredictable. It’s constantly jolting the brain with unpredictable events. A football game is a memorable event because it’s constantly surprising.”
Fans who watched Aston Villa or Newcastle United this season might take issue with that theory but Professor Wiseman said: “If you compare it with something like tennis, which has a much slower pace to it, where every point does not win the match, then football is much more uncertain.” Some football fans were more preoccupied than others, according to the survey. Top of the league were Sheffield United fans. On average they thought about their team 110 times a day, a mental commitment that is likely to become ever more arduous as the weekend approaches and the team fights to avoid relegation. At the other end of the table, Manchester United fans, now serenely contemplating victory in the Premiership, thought about football 71 times a day.
There were certain teams that inspired constant thought. Liverpool fans, who have watched their team reach the Champions League Final for the second time in the past three years, were very preoccupied, as were fans of Charlton, relegated from the top flight.
Of all the supporters surveyed, Everton’s were most preoccupied by other matters, turning to contemplate their team a mere 43 times a day.
The survey was sponsored by Virgin Money, as part of its Football Fans’ Inflation Index, a study into the rising costs of attending matches.
John Franklin, of Virgin Money, said: “We all know that football can be expensive financially but this shows it also requires a lot of thinking as well.”
Idol thoughts
Fans’ daily football musings:
Sheffield United 110
Chelsea 90
Liverpool 81
West Ham 79
Manchester United 71
Newcastle 70
Arsenal 69
Portsmouth 63
Aston Villa 62
Tottenham 61
Blackburn 58
Not surprising that football has become the most practiced religion in the west, as they say " eat, sleep and live football", and the former Liverpool manager said " Some people say that football is a matte rof life and death, they are wrong, its more important than that".
I wonder how many of us as Muslims take Islam as seriously as they take their religion? One main difference being that our way of life is from the creator , whilst theirs is made up, ours offers success in this life, if we follow it, whilst theirs offers nothing productive in the next life.
showkat you love your cut and paste stories to show how jaahil and backwards non muslims and muslims are today.
i love football, i love man u. i wont miss a man u match....etc
but no compromise with the deen... islam is a way of life which includes having a passion for football....absolutely nothing wrong with it....
you need to chilll out mate....
I'm afraid you'll find there is a LOT wrong with loving man u.
had you said arsenal, it would have been different
Don't just do something! Stand there.
I think about soccer once every... two weeks?
Most of my mental energy is dedicated to assessing the germ level of the room, scheming (that's a big one), and "spacing out."
"Scheming" can be broken down into three categories:
Good ideas (i should pick up flowers for my wife on my way back today)
Bad ideas (i should knock down my neighbors house and build a vineyard!)
Catastrophic ideas (i should go to Peru to get shot at by drug lords and the Shining Path!!!)
Spacing out usually means staring... mostly at shiny or reflective surfaces - tin foil, water, paperclips - things of that nature.
Now Showkat does have a point - none of the above (except for the occasional good idea) advances my permanent retirement plan in any positive direction.
It's not a religion and its certainly not European sports.
Wait, just how halal is it to support certain teams?
Man U's emblem is of a red devil
Arsenal were the only Premiership team that allowed Israel Tourism to sponsor them
Liverpool are sponsored by Carlsberg
Chelsea are the embodyment of rampant consumerism and capitalism at its worst. Plus they always cheat.
Its called the [b]Barclycard[/b] Premiership. Hello, Riba?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
huh?! european sports?
It THE world sport, every country's favorite except for the USA who only play 'their' sports: American Football, Baketball and Ice Hockey. Because ONLY the USA play these sports, they always win and they're no. 1 in the world rankings.
Every other country's national sport is 'soccer' (except Malaysia where they're really good at table tennis).
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Soccer is an English sport... like Tennis. Now it's not the World's fault that they play these things better than the English. But it's still an English sport and England (or Europe) doesn't lost credit for that just because the outside world is better at Association Football than England
Hockey is Canadian, the national sport of the United States is Baseball which is actually the most popular sport in Japan, Cuba and the Dominican Republic.
China's getting pretty good too...
[url=]...(link is external)
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
So in the Baseball International League of USA (population 500 million) Japan (pop. 100 million) Cuba (pop. 11 million) and the Dominican Rep. (pop. 9 million) where exactly do America sit in the 'World' rankings?
Also tennis is, and always has been, French
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Talent wise? Somewhere in the lower regions of 'not so great.' the Dominicans are way better, the creme de la creme are the Cubans. They usually anihilate the United States in the first round if we get to play them. most of the time we never play the Cubans because we dont make it that far - puerto rico sees to that.
we've got really talented players - they're just women. They whine about possibly getting injured and they can't seem to get motivated unless you feed them money - like a cross between a juke box and a baby.
I just wanted to see what would happen if I accused you all of being French.
i agree with ed in that there's nothing wrong with having a passion for sports or anything else which is permissible for us. However this topic has often been discussed not by muslims but non muslims. They too recognise there is a problem with sports especially football . It is indeed a religion. When spouses will miss their wedding day for a footy match, when fathers will miss their wife give labour what is it? For these ppl it's more than just a passion they've clearly lost their wits and priorities. What is more important the football team or your family?
Ppl even go so far as killing opposing fans simply coz their team lost and the other side won? If this isn't madness what is.
Many couples get married at their favorite team's stadium, and it is quite common for people to ask to be cremated when they pass away, and for their ashes to be sprinkled over their team's football pitch. If this isn't a religion then it is doing a remarkably good impression of one.
If the Champions League Final were to penalties, and then the time for Isha comes, would anyone here miss the penalty shootout to go to prayer, or would you delay prayers until the match has finished?
Bearing in mind that The Prophet
said the best of acts is prayer [b]at the prescribed time[/b]
Don't just do something! Stand there.
I'm used to this debate, with most matches taking place on Shabbat. Occasionally one hears of Jews who make vaguely acceptable arrangements to attend a Saturday match but on the whole it is a classic example of waywardness to value football over observance, and a slip-up to mention results on a Saturday afternoon. Even the Chief Rabbi has informally lent his support to an appeal to FIFA to delay matches against Israel until after Shabbat, but that is equally a measure of love for the game. Brilliant orator. Crazy guy supports Arsenal. That aside, I think it is a healthy enough distraction and one that creates talking points and a sense of community outside of religious ghetto-think. Hooliganism obviously crosses a line, and very few fans reckon otherwise. Since the vast majority of fans enjoy a peaceful game and the vast majority of games are peaceful I believe the association of English football with obsession and violence is fairly defunct.
On this subject I highly recommend the movie Sixty Six.
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
And how about Football Factory or Green Street.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Sixty Six isn't a hooligan movie. It's about a Jewish kid who realises his barmitzva clashes with the World Cup. It's funny.
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
Walaykum salaams
As for non-Muslims being backwards and jahil, the Quran tells us that their is no bigger sin than being a non-Muslim.
As for Muslims today, well if they dont live according to Islam then they are jahil according to Islam.
Please tell me if you disagree with the above points.
Enjoying football is fine, but if someone takes it to the level mentioned in the news article then they clearly are lost and confused.
[url][/url](link is external), the place to be
i think u r lost and confused
full of hate
a quick fatwa machine
what the.. lol
Ed bro, u need to chill..
talk about getting personal..
hope training for the marathon is going well.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
JazakAllah brother
May Allah swt record this action as a good deed and may you get into Jannah as a result of it, but please on the day of judgement dont come running to me to beg for my forgiveness if it is used against you and you are accused of making personal attacks and insults.
Muhammad saw said " If you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much"
[url][/url](link is external), the place to be
Assalamu aleykum brother
I hope you are well by the grace of Allah swt. There is no need to shout at your Muslim brother, even if you believe he his wrong.
As for my posts, lets deal with this one, where is the hate?
Where do I refer to most Muslims as jahil?
As for my posts offending you, then please show me where I have violated the forum rules? Too date I have received no warnigns on that score, so if you are going to shout and rant at anyone then I would think the Admin would be the best place to start, dont you agree brother?
As for the symapthy vote, I only complained to my lord in line with verses from the Quran, where Allah asks us to complain to him since Allah has power over everything.
[url][/url](link is external), the place to be
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
[img][/img](link is external)
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]