Wasting is a bad thing and everyone should know that.
We waste so much food, water and even money.
We should look at the poor people and shouldn't waste things.
Anas(ra) related that Rasulullah(saw) said, "If the food that you are eating falls, pick it up and clean it. Then eat it and not leave it for the satan."
Why do people waste then?
Seems like Mayor Ken Livingstone agrees with you brother.
Yesterday he advised Londoners not flush the toilet after every visit in order to save water!
[i]"If all you've done is take a pee, you don't need to flush the toilet every time,"[/i] he said at a press conference yesterday.
Yuk :shock:
yeh i heard about that
I'm all for not wasting water
shower=not wasting water
bath=waste of water
but not flushing is just DISGUSTING
I feel the same way.
When we go for lunch I try to get my friend to finish eatting what he's bought rather than chucking it away. I tell them to only buy as much as he's gonna eat.
But they dont seem to listen... He'll do the same thing every time... buy food... eat half of it... than ask forgiveness from God for not eating all of it... and then chucks it away... everytime.....
Back in BLACK
People should order small amounts and if there is space for more, then order again, only solution, when u have little u can have more but when u have to much then things go 2 waste..
in my house my mum does daily shopping of stuff we need in the morning
but if she had her own way she'd shop monthly in bulk
mainly because shopping is a drag-its good to get it out the way
but ur right though-about eating like pigs..i know of some people who do that
if my house had more food more often-I'd eat like a pig too
Did you know:
A single household consumes more than 100,000 gallons of water each year.
Individuals use about 150 gallons of water every day.
Turning the water off while peeling vegetables saves two gallons every minute.
Dishwashers use less water than washing by handabout six gallons per load.
Turning the water off while brushing your teeth saves 10 gallons per person per day.
Taking a shower instead of a bath saves about 25 gallons.
45% of the water used everyday is flushed down the toilet.
Washing the car with a running hose will use more than 100 gallons of water. Using a bucket and sponge saves 90%.
"Purity is half of faith.......Prayer is the light...patience is illumination; and the Quran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day and is a vendor of his soul, either freeing it or bringing about its ruin." Muslim
the whole point of a shower is that ur out of the bathroom quicker then if u were having a bath
What about bubble baths?
I used to take them when i was a kid.
Yep.. that takes me back... me the bubbles and my battle ship.
Back in BLACK
The problem with having a bath is that one does not get clean unless they have a shower before or after their bath....which just wastes more water.