Tomorrow ( Monday) there will be an interesting documentary on 'What it means to be English/British?' The documentary is called Looking for England.
The Revival team has also contributed to this documentary.
Please watch it on More 4 (Digital TV) at 10 pm on Monday 23rd April.
So tune in and let us know what you make o fit...and how did The Revival team do..
I've never heard of this channel More 4 before.
For the people who don't know:
Sky – Channel 142 / Freeview - Channel 13 / Cable: ntl and Telewest - 142
Oh great, we don't have that channel. One day when Mum was annoyed she complained to Dad us kids listened to too much music and told him to get rid of Sky! So he cancelled the package we had and now we've only got the free channels. :evil:
sky channel 142 IS free!
live and let live!!!!!!!
more 4 is one of the free channels, all u need is the freeview box. (i don't have one
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Then we haven't got one either, coz we don't have that channel.
Hang on, I've got sky and it's not free for me. You must be on some sort of package.
Imaani, did your dad remove sky completely or just the package so you would only be getting the free channels on sky? If you've only got the free channels on sky then more 4 won't come....coz it's not working for me.
It's not fair, people who got freeview get to have more 4 but not the people with sky :x....and sky is supposed to be better and more expensive.
People, you can just buy a freeview box for less than £20 from argos. Just nag your parents and say you wanna watch this 'islamic' programme today....good excuse to buy a freeview box :wink:.
what channel is this on sky?
BTW imaani dad actually got us sky cos we'd watch ZTV and learn urdu and some traditional values
unfortuntely thst backfired and instead we watch MTV and learn very un-traditional values
So that's why you're always on about Cribs...
yes and fabulous life
and pimp my ride
and all them 'celebrity' documentry type stuff
'extremely skinny celebs' etc etc
Punk'd and Pimp my Ride are pretty damn good shows... Cribs and the other star stalker shows are ridiculous, I get the feeling there are a lot of spoiled middle class people out there that want "more" and think that means more money.
It's channel 142.
No Dad absolutely hates Zee Tv etc, etc. He would be angry if we watched that kind of stuff, as he thinks it makes it seem alright to us asians to behave like that, dress like them etc.
It's actually his fault we listen to a lot of music, we were kind of brought up on it. I've often nicked some of his CD's to listen to. Mum's been saying it for years, but he understood we listened to it to chill out and didn't have a problem with it as long as it wasn't OTT in content. I think he originally did it to please Mum, he promised he'd get something else, maybe go back to cable, but coz none of us have moaned that much about it he hasn't bothered. Their loss though, coz with our headphones we don't hear the door or the phone. I have to say, it's no longer that much a part of my life at all anymore. Thank God. Well it wouldn't be, Chart Hits, Vault, B4 and U are so rubbish.
Pimp My Ride is pretty cool, and of course South Park. But I miss the days when MTV was constantly in the background playing music videos.
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
[url=]Unpimp your ride[/url]
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
That man is in Prison Break, well he was.
so did anyone watch this?
Didn't have the channel.
[b][color=indigo]Prison Break was on.[/color][/b]
Monday on channel five @ 10pm... yes I know.
or are you talking about more 4?
either way I missed prison break and will be watching the repeat. The internet site I used to watch it on doesn't work anymore.
Sooo, did anyone watch the above programme.... no not prison break but Looking for England?